Hey! Group Member Expelled !

Previously, Keito Okamoto had reportedly been dropped out of Sophia University some time ago. Not long ago, now he was again rumored with bad news, the article according to alerts from the Tabloid Bunshun, Keito Okamoto had been officially excluded from the Hey! Group. Say! JUMP. Keito will officially leave at the end of this month due to his behavior which is considered to be bad.

Johnny & Associates has not officially announced this news. But according to some existing tabloids, Keito was excluded from the group because of bad and inappropriate behavior that should not be done when behind the scenes.

Some time ago when he was expelled from Sophia University, he also showed bad behavior, not only that, Keito was also unable to attend studies at the university. Therefore the university decided to issue Keito.

Bad news about him continued to flow, even his picture that was sleeping with a woman had also circulated on the internet. According to reports circulating, Keito often drank and drunk and often visited cabaret clubs.

According to news reported by Bunshin, Keito will only be released from the group but will continue to join Johnny & Associates. According to the news reported by the same source, Keito seems to be starting a solo career, but many consider Keito’s popularity to be not high so it is very unlikely he can compete with other competitors if he wants to go solo.