Manchester United Serius inginkan Harry kane

Tim manchester united nampak nya sudah sangat serius untuk memboyong pemain penyerang yang berasal dari tim tottenham hotspur yaitu harry dari tim MU yaitu ed woodward bakalan akan turun untuk lakukan negosisasi yang bakalan libatkan petinggi dari 2 tim tersebut.

Pemain harry kane pada beberapa tahun ini sangat konsisten jadi salah satu pemain penyerang yang paling bagus diinggris.dia selalu lakukan hal secara rutin untuk cetak gol untuk tim nya pada saat ini yaitu tim tottenham.

Terdengar kabar pada minggu yang lalu kalau pemain harry kane akan memulai pertimbangkan untuk tinggalkan tim nya.dia di kabarkan sudah merasa tak nyaman pada revolusi klub nya yang sedang dalam tengah di canang kan pada jose maurinho.samapi dia pun berkeinginan untuk hengkang.

Evening standrd kalaim kalau tim manchester united sedang amati pemain yang bernama harry kane itu.mereka di kabarkan akan secepatnya akan coba untuk merekrut sang pemain penyerang tersebut.

Tim Mu memang telah sejak lama di beritakan sedang butuhkan pemain penyerang yang baru pada tim mereka.

Tim manchesrter united sudah di tinggal oleh 2 pemain striker mereka yaitu romelu lukaku dan alexis sanchez.akan tetapi,mereka cuma pinjam pemain odion ighalo untuk ditambahkan saat kedua pemain striker itu hengkang.

itu lah kenapa saat belanja pemain penyerang adalah hal yang paling utama untuk tim manchester united pada musim panas yang akan mendatang serta mereka akan sangat ter tarik dengan prospek untuk datangkan pemain harry kane ke tim mereka.

Dari laporan yang di sampaikan oleg evening standard klaim kalau tim MU telah lakukan gerak cepat untuk bisa memakai jasa dari pemain harry kane.

Ed woodward di kabarkan telah melakukan pertemuan pada daniel levy selaku ceo tim tottenham.ed woodward di kabarkan akan coba yakinkan daniel levy untuk lepaskan pemain harry kane.

Daniel levy di kabarkan akan coba peras tim MU saat transfer berlangsung,dikarenkan mereka sedang butuhkan banyak duit untuk bangun ulang lahan mereka,dimana pada transfer ini di perkirakan dapat lampaui angka sampai 100 juta pounds.

Pemain harry kane pada saat ini sedang absen pada tim utama saat ini dikarenakan sedang alami cedera pada lutu yang parah.

Dia targetkan dapat kembali pad skuat tottenhan di akhir musim mendatang agar dapat melakukan permainan pada euro tahun 2020 yang kedepannya.

Beberapa Trik Untuk Ibu Hamil agar Bisa selalu Menjaga Berat Badan

Pada umum nya ibu yang sedang hamil akan memiliki kecenderungan alami kenaikan berat badan.akan tetapi,terdapat standart untuk naiknya berat badan yang bisa di sarankan dengan dasar indeks pada masa tubuh.mari kita lihat menurut mommy anna rosida dari babyologist dibawah ini.

bagi mom saat naik berat badan pada masa kehamilan merupakan hal yang akan pasti di alami pada semua ibu hamil.akan tetapi,tiap ibu hamil memiliki standart pada ke naiakan berat badan yang bisa di sarankan berdasar kan indeks masa tubuh (BMI) sebelum masa kehamalan lo mom.

Di bawah ini akan kita berikan trik agar bisa ibu hamil ketahui cara nya,silahkan di simak y mom:

1 Makan sarapan yang sehat

Pada saat aku berada pada masa kehamilan aku sudah gantikan menu sarapan dengan mengkonsumsi oat meal.di karenakan oat meal itu sehat,selain menyehatkan oat meal juga miliki manfaat yang bagus banget untuk kesehatan tubuh bagi ibu hami.

2 Memilih milih cemilan

Pada masa kehamilan aku sangat alami yang namanya laper,dan bagi sebagian ibu yang alami hal yang serupa.biarpun belum lama sesudah selesai makan yang berat kadang kadang sudah ingin atau pengen makan lagi kan mom.untuk kali ini aku akan kasih triknya bos,selalu sediakan cemilan yang sehat misal nya buah buahan maupun kacang kacangan.pisang menjadi andalan untuk aku saat masa kehamilan lo mom.

3 Makan dengan porsi yang kecil tetapi sering

Mengurangi porsi makan y mom jadi lebih dikit dengan intensitas makan lebih sering.hal itu dapat bantu mom untuk kurangi ke inginan melakukan ngemil secara lebihan lo mom.

4 Banyak konsumsi makanan yang berserat

Sembelit adalah salah satu maslaah yang sering aku alami pada masa kehamilan.hal itu sangat jelas memiliki dampak ke pencernaan.dalam masalah ini aku mengatasi dengan memperbanyak konsumsi sayur sayuran yang berserat serta minum yogurt.

5 Banyak minum Air putih

Pada saat mom ingin ngemil dimana selalu usaha kan untuk lakukan minum dua gelas air putih dahulu untuk hindarin porsi yang ber lebihan pada saat ngemil ya mom.

Beberapa Langkah yang Tepat Atasi Kulit Terbakar yang di Akibatkan Sinar Matahari

Gunakan tabir surya saat belum lakukan suatu ber pergian merupakan cara yang baik untuk lindungi kulit dari terik nya matahari.akan tetapi,kesalahan itu bisa aja terjadi,misalnya berjemur di pantai atau lewatkan penggunaan tabir surya,bisa tingkatkan resiko terbakar.

“tiap macam keadaan kulit terbakar dikarenakan sinar matahari yang disebabkan rusaknya dna pada sel sel kulit.hal tersebut bisa disebabkan oleh mutasi,sampai terjadinya kanker kulit,”ucap kavitha reddy,MD.

Menggunakan tabir surya yang secara benar dan teratur bisa jadi kunci agar tak ter bakar sinar matahari.akan tetapi,saat hal tersebut telah terlanjur terjadi,gimana cara untuk atasinya?

Dibawah ini akan kita bahas beberapa cara untuk tenangkan kulit sesudah terbakar oleh sinar matahari.

Secepat mungkin berlindung

kalau sedang diluar serta lihat kulit merasakan panas maupun rasa sakit dan merah,hal tersebut ditandakan untuk secepatnya masuk pada ruangan agar bisa hindarkan sinar matahri.

“Jika tetap ada diluar,dan pas dibawah sinar matahari akan buat luka bakar akan parah.”kata reddy.

Berendam dan Mandi

Pada saat dalam ruangan,mandi maupun rendam air dingin untuk memulai redakan sensasi yang terbakar.

“Air dingin dapat kurangi aliran darah yang ber lebihan pada kulit yang akan bantu kurangi peradangan maupun merah,”ucap reddy.

kalau luka terbakar terjadi hanya sebagian kecil pada tubuh,misalnya pada bahu maupun wajah,kompres yang dingin akan bantu redakan nya.selalu menghindarkan untuk taruk es batu secara langsung pada luka terbakar dikarenakan bisa iritasi kulit.

Oleskan pelembap

pada saat sudah mandi,kering kan dengan elus kulit sensitif dengan handuk.

Reddy sarankan,setelah itu,oles kan pelembap yang memiliki kandungan bahan bahan yang tenang misalnya kedelai ataupun lidah buaya.kulit yang ter bakar

“Pelembap merupakan kunci nya.kulit yang terbakar tersebut bisa buat kulit jadi terasa kering serta buat akan rentan terhadap hilangnya air,”kata reddy.

Jangan kupas kulit yang terbakar

Pada saat luka terbakar dalam masa penyembuhan,maka coba lah untuk tak lakukan apa pun yang akan buat luka makin buruk.jangan pernah kupas biarpun hal itu sangat tergoda.

“kalau kamu derita luka bakar serta kulit nya akan lepas,jangan di kopek.selalu hindarkan scrub yang kasar dan keras,”kata dokter kulit sonia batra,MD.

Dampak Lain Merokok Selain Kanker Paru-paru

Rokok merupakan benda yang sangat berbahaya, rokok bisa juga di sebut dengan alat pembunuh secara pelahan namun memastikan.

Bahaya dari merokok seperti kanker paru-paru tentunya sudah banyak orang yang tahu, walapun sudah banyak yang tahu akan hal tersebut tapi tetap saja sampai sekarang tetap ada yang merokok tanpa mempedulikan bahaya yang akan di terimanya.

Selain kanker paru-paru ada juga gangguan janin, impotensi yang setiap bungkusan rokok pasti ada tulisan tersebut, herannya sudah di tulis begitu bahayanya benda tesebut namun masih ada saja yang tetap memilih untuk menerima resiko tersebut.

Bahaya seperti yang di sebutkan di atas adalah resiko yang pastinya rata-rata orang sudah mengetahuinya dan hal ini sudah merupakan pembahasan di publik. Namun tahukah anda selain yang di sebutkan di atas masih banyak resiko lain lagi dari merokok.

  1. PMS yang berbeda
    PMS ,  tentunya kondisi hanya di alami oleh wanita saja. wanita setiap bulan pastinya akan mengalami PMS, dan yang kita ketahui kalau sedang PMS pastinya wanita akan merasa gelisah, sakit perut, emosi tidak stabil dan juga masih banyak lagi hal yang tidak enak, namun bagi wanita yang merokok mereka beresiko mengalami hal yang lebih parah seperti sakit yang lebih dari pada normal nya.
  2. Gangguan penglihatan
    Setiap orang pastinya memiliki resiko terkena penyakit katarak, namun resiko bagi perokok untuk terserang penyakit katarak lebih besar tiga kali lipat, hal ini karena radikal bebas yang terkandung dalam rokok tersebut dapat menyebabkan gagguan pada aliran darah, salah satunya adalah aliran darah yangmenuju retina.
  3. Susah menahan kencing
    Selain kedua resiko diatas, perokok juga beresiko terserang penyakit yang di sebut inkontinensia, penyakit ini adalah penyakit dimana orang sudah untuk menahan kencing sehingga. Menurut penelitian aklau mereka yang merokok lebih seringbuang air kecil di banding mereka yang tidak merokok.

    Resiko yang di sebutkan di atas ini adalah tambahan dari pengetahuan umum masyarakat, yang perlu di ketahui adalah masih banyak resiko yang dapat terjadi lagi bagi anda yang merokok, jadi sebelum terjadi hal yang tidak diinginkan sebaiknya janganlah merokok bagi yang baru mau mulai merokok dan berhentilah merokok bagi anda yang sudah merokok.

Macet Membuat Menjadi Stres

Stres karena mengalami macet di jalan merupakan hal yang sering di alami oleh mereka yang tinggal di kota, atau bekerja dimana jalanan kota yang begitu padat.

Saat anda sedang berburu waktu karena ada hal yang penting untuk di selesaikan atau ingin cepat sampai ke rumah untuk bertemu dengan keluarga atau ingin cepat istirahat karena sudah lelah seharian bekerja, dan pasa saat itu juga anda harus mengalami macet di jalan yang pastinya menghambat apa yang akan anda lakukan, hal ini tentunya jika di alami siapa saja pasti akan membuat mereka stres.

Jika anda hanya mengalami macet dalam sebentar saja mungkin tidak akan mengakibatkan stres berat, namun jika macetnya berjam-jam maka pasti akan mengakibatkan stres berat apalagi anda harus melewatinya setiap hari.

namun anda juga harus tahu kalau yang mengalami hal tersebut bukan lah anda sendiri saja, namun pengendara di depan, belakang dan juga kanan kiri anda pastinya juga mengalami hal tersebut.

Dan hal ini pastinya banyak yang bertanya-tanya kenapa orang bisa stres saat terkena macet, karena stress dapat meningkatkan amarah anda dan membaut anda menjadi cemas belum lagi terpikiran apa yang akan anda lakukan tersebut menjadi terhambat dan akhirnya anda harus melakukannya di lain waktu dan waktu istirahat anda juga menjadi terbuang sia-sia di jalanan.

Selain amarah dan juga rasa cemas membuat stres, kewaspadaan dan juga rasa lelah juga ikut mempengaruhinya, banyak pengendara di sekitar anda yang harus membuat anda meningkatkan rasa waspada dan lelah yang di alami setelah seharian beraktivitas.

Salah satu cara untuk meminimalisis stres yang and alami adalah dengan mengolah rasa stres anda, coba berpikir akan hal yang akan anda kerjakan besok, dan anda bisa coba langsung untuk membuat planning agar anda tidak hanya fokus pada macet tersebut dna anda tidak perlu menghabiskan waktu istirahat anda lagi saat anda sudah sampai di rumah, anda sudah bisa langsung bersih-bersih dan istirahat untuk menghadapi hari esok.

CIri-ciri Pencernaan Sehat

Pencernaan merupakan hal yang sangat penting bagi tubuh, karena jika pencernaan lancar maka kesehatan tubuh juga pastinya akan terganggu.

Pencernaan dapat menyebabkan berbagai macam masalah bagi tubuh, salah satunya adalah obesitas. Setelah obesitas maka akan muncul lagi banyak hal lain yang di sebabkan oleh obesitas.

Namun bagaimana cara untuk mengenali kalau pencernaan kita sehat, berikut beberapa ciri-ciri kalau anda memiliki pencernaan yang sehat.

  1. BAB teratur
    Mereka yang memiliki pencernaan sehat pastinya BAB juga akan lancar, frekuensi BAB setiap orang pastinya berbeda-beda namun umumnya pencernaan yang sehat itu akan melakukan BAB 4-5 kali dalam seminggu. Dan pastinya ada juga orang yang BAB setiap hari, hal ini juga merupakan hal yang sangat normal karena setiap tubuh orang memiliki metabolisme yang berbeda.
  2. Warna fases cokelat dan juga tidak keras
    BAB rutin saja tidak cukup untuk menentukan bahwa pencernaan anda benar-benar sehat namun kondisi fases juga harus di perhatikan, warna cokelat dan juga tidak keras ini menentukan kalau pencernaan anda benar-benar sehat. Karena fases bisa menentukan seberapa sehat tubuh anda.
  3. Berat badan stabil
    Berat badan yang stabil juga dapat menentukan kalau pencernaan anda lancar, karena jika berat badan anda tidak stabil itu pertanda makanan yang anda makan tersebut tidak dapat di cerna tubuh anda dengan baik sehingga meninggalkan sisa dan sisa makanan tersebut menjadi lemak dan menumpuk di badan dan membuat berat badan menjadi bertambah.
  4. Kulit sehat
    Kesehatan kulit dan juga lembutnya kulit juga dapat dipengaruhi oleh pencernaan, mereka yang memiliki pencernaan tidak sehat, kulitnya akan mudah mengalami iritasi,jadi jika anda mudah mengalami iritasi anda sudah harus benar-benar memperhatikan pencernaan anda.

    Ini adalah ciri-ciri dasar yang bisa menentukan kalau pencernaan anda sehat atau tidaknya, namun masih banyak ciri-ciri lainnya lagi yang bisa menentukan kalau pencernaan anda sehat. Jadi jika anda mengalami hal yang terbalik dari 4 ciri-ciri yang di sebutkan di atas, anda sudah harus memperhatikan asupan makanan yang harus di konsumsi agar pencernaan anda lancar dan sehat.

Pertolongan Pertama Saat Serangan Jantung Terjadi

Setiap orang pasti nya tidak mau memiliki penyakit, namun hal ini pasti nya kita tidak bisa memilih dan kita hanya bisa melakukan perawatan dan juga pencegahan saja.

Namun jika semua usaha sudah kita lakukan dan juga masih terserang penyakit, maka langkah kita pastinya hanya bisa mengobatinya. Masih beruntung jika terserang penyakit yang masih bisa di sembuhkan namun jika sudah terserang penyakit yang tidak bisa di sembuhkan kita hanya bisa melakukan pengobatan untuk menahan agar penyakit tersebut tidak kambuh.

Salah satu penyakit yang sudah atau tidak bisa di sembuhkan adalah penyakit jantung, penyakit ini merupakan penyakit yang sangat membahayakan jiwa karena kita tidak bisa memprediksi kapan penyakit jantung ini akan kambuh dan saat kambuh dan tidak melakukan penanganan yang tepat maka jiwa adalah resikonya.

Berikut beberapa tips yang harus di lakukan untuk menangani jika penyakit jantung kambuh.

  1. Segera untuk bawa ke rumah sakit
    Bila anda, teman, saudara, atau orang sekitar mengalami hal tersebut, cepatlah untuk membawanya ke rumah sakit terdekat, detik demi detik sangatlah berguna karena jika anda telat sebentar saja maka resikonya adalah jiwa orang tersebut.
  2. Minum Obat isosorbid
    Jika anda memiliki obat golongan isosorbit maka ambilah dan segera untuk taruh di bawah lidah, obat jenis ini tidak perlu di kunyah anda hanya perlu untuk menaruh nya di bawah lidah, tujuan nya adalah untuk membuat pembuluh darah koroner melebar, namun tetap saja harus di bawa kerumah sakit, obat tersebut hanya bersifat sementara saja.
  3. Gunakan obat aspirin
    Selain obat isosorbit, anda juga bisa menggunakan obat aspiran untuk melakukan pertolongan pertama jika penyakit jantung kambuh, obat ini berbeda dengan obat isosorbit yang hanya di taruh di bawah lidah, obat ini harus di kunyah dan maksimal dosis yang boleh di makan adalah hanya 2 tablet saja, tidak boleh lebih.

    Jika anda atau saudara anda ada yang mengalami sakit jantung, siapkanlah obat-obat seperti yang di sebutkan di atas, hal ini untuk menjaga-jaga dan untuk pertolongan pertama jika penyakit jantung kambuh.

Beberapa Hal yang Akan Terjadi pada saat Konsumsi Coklat kebanyakan

Dihari valentine sangat indentik dengan nama nya coklat yang bisa disimbolkan dengan salah satu rasa kasi sayang.dengan bermacam macam ukuran maupun bentuk,coklat bisa tarik banyak perhatian kamu untuk beli dan akan diberikan pada orang yang disayang.

Konsumsi coklat dalam jumlah yang banyak atau berlebihan,akan bisa sebabkan bahaya pada kesehatan kamu.di bawah ini akan kita bahas beberapa efek samping yang bisa kamu rasa kan sesudah konsumsi coklat dalam jumlah yang banyak.

Naiknya Berat badan

Dalam beberapa penelitian tunjukan kalau konsumsi coklat bisa dikaitkan dengan ada nya indeks masa pada tubuh.siapa yang akan coba turunkan berat badan maupun pertahankan berat badan,harus bisa batasi untuk mengonsumsi coklat dengan jumlah yang banyak.

Ancam kesehatan Tulang

Sudah ada beberapa bukti kalau coklat bisa sebabkan struktur pada tulang serta osteoporosisi yang akan buruk.dari hasil studi yang di terbit kan pada the american journal of clinical  nutrition temukan kalau seorang yang konsumsi ciklat pada tiap hari akan milikik ke padatan serta ke kuatan tulang akan lebih rendah dar pada seseorang yang tak konsumsi coklat.

Adanya gangguan pendarahan serta memar

Coklat bisa perlambat bekunya darah.apa lagi kalau konsumsi coklat dengan jumlah yang berlebihan,bisa tingkatkan resiko pen darahan serta memar pada kamu dengan gangguan pendarahan.

Masalah pada gastrointestinal

Gastrointestinal merupakan pendarahan yang ter jadi pada saluran pencernaan.denagan konsumsi coklat dalam jumlah yang banyak bisa sebabkan rasa tidak nyaman pada pencernaan dikarenakan kafein asam.makan nan yang asam bisa timbulkan masalah pada asam lambung,keringatan serta muntah.maka dari itu,jika banyak konsumsi kafein bisa perburuk masalah pencernaan kamu.

Sebabkan sakit kepala,insomnia,dan gemetaran

Teofilin dan kafein merupakan salah satu senyawa yang khusus pada coklat bisa buat kamu akan lebih selalu berhati hati dan akan selalu menjaga.maka dari itu,konsumsi coklat saat malah hari bisa sebabkan insomnia.teofilin pada coklat bisa menstimulasi pada sistem sarap pada pusat serta sistem kardiovaskular sampai bisa sebabkan efek samping misalnya akan gampang marah,mual,sakit kepala dan insomnia.

Hati hati Stres bisa kacaukan Kesehatan Kita

Strees adalah reaksi dari tubuh pada saat hadapi ancaman bersamaan dengan rasa yang mengkhawatirkan serta rasa ketakutan secara ber lebihan.biasa nya stres bisa di tandai dengan timbulnya denyut jantung yang terasa kencang,nafas yang sengal sengal,keringatan serta akan terasa lelah.

Stres bisa pengaruhi badan kita misal nya ganggu sistem kebal tubuh kita.maka dari itu,stres bisa rusak kesehatan tubuh kita,baik dengan durasi waktu yang tidak lama mau pun dengan durasi waktu yang lama.terdapat beberapa hal yang kan terjadi bila stres sudah melanda dibawah ini akan kami beritahu.

Stres bisa kacaukan hormon kamu

Pada saat stres sudah hadir,tubuh kamu akan memiliki reaksi dengan keluarkan beberapa jumlah respon hormonal,kortisol.kalau kamu alami stres yang secara ber lebihan,hormon kortisol bisa timbulkan beberapa yang memberi efek pada kesehatan tubuh serta bisa pengaruhi sistem hormon yang lain nya juga misal nya hormon per tumbuhan kamu,hormon sistem reproduksi kamu,hormon tiroid maupun insulun.adanya suatu penelitian yang katakan kalau stres kronis yang bisa picu berbagai macam gangguan endokrin.

Stres bisa buat jantung debar debar dengan kencang

Tingkatan denyut jantung adalah respon fisiologis pada tubuh saat alami stres.pada saat kamu alami stres hormon juga akan di lepas kan oleh tubuh merupakan adrenalin.adrenalin itu yang bisa sebabkan lonjakan dengan sementara denyut jantung kalau kamu melakukan reaksi pada keadaan bahaya.dapat saja tak terdapat banyak kondisi yang kamu akan temukan,akan tetapi tubuh kami akan ber reaksi se olah olah hal itu merupakan suatu ancaman yang berbahaya.

Stres bisa buat kamu akan jadi murung

Stres akan bisa buat kamu akan ada pada keadaan hati yang buruk.orang yang alami stres memiliki kecenderungan akan gampang marah.kamu hanya bisa coba untuk pahami teknik manajemen dari stres biar kamu bisa untuk redahkan marah itu dengan gampang.

Stres bisa buat kamu alami sakit kepala

Tidak bisa di pungkirkan kalau stres bisa akan timbul kan sakit kepala.seorang yang alami stres pada durasi yang lama atau panjang bisa berakibatkan sakit kepala yang kronis.sebab dari penyakit sakit kepala berbgaia macam,akan tetapi sering timbul dari otot yang terasa tegang pada kepala dan leher bagian belakang.

Diet Keto Tidak Cocok Dengan Atlet,Mengapa?

Diet keto yang miliki prinsip rendah akan asupan karbohidrat,akan tetapi tingginya asupan lemak ini rupa nya bisa bahayakan pada kesehatan tulang,apa lagi bagi seorang atlet.

Suatu studi ungkapkan fakta sesudah melakukan suatu penelitian yang di ikuti pada aktifitas atlet dengan jangka waktu beberapa minggu jalani latihan yang berat,sampai temukan kalau para atlet yang sudah ikuti diet keta genik ini alami gejala yang awal pada keropos nya tulang.

“Diet keto yang sedang populer ini di perbincang kan itu memang 90% kalori yang dari lemak.kalau ikui diet keyogenik secara rutin,tubuh akan bentuk ulang semua proses metabolisme nya,”ucap seorang peneliti.

Pada awal nya metabolisme tubuh akan ubah karbohidrat jadi sumber energi.tetapi bagi yang ikuti diet ketogenik bdan mereka kan dengan cepat bakar sisa karbohidrat yang ter simpan serta andalkan lemak sebagai sumber energi.

Sedang kan lemak harus di pecahkan dulu dan organ hati untuk lepaskan zat keton untuk bisa ubah lemak jadi energi.

Kebanyak kan yang ikut diet keto memiliki harapan untuk turunkan berat badan,kontrol gula darah serta jaga kesehatan mereka.dan untuk para atlet yang ikut diet keto harapkan tingkatan tahanan fisik,di karenakan fakta nya bakaran lemak akan lebih lama serta akan lebih tahan dalam waktu lama dari pada karbohidrat.

Beberapa studi sudah temukan dampak dari diet keto yang bisa menpengaruhi berubah nya metabolisme tulang.anak yang derita kejang yang di ikuti diet keto untuk kontrol keadaan mereka yang cenderung miliki ke padatan tulang yang rendah.sedang kan untuk para atlet,ikuti diet keto sehari 2 hari tanpa ada nya karbohidrat yang bisa ubah kadar darah dalam tulang.

Diet keto bisa pengaruhi Tulang

Tulang adalah jaringan aktif yang secara pelahan akan berkurang serta akan bentuk kembali sendiri nya dengan bagaimana yang anda ingin miliki bentuk nya.ini lah kenapa para penelitian periksa kadar zat yang tentu dalam darah seorang atlet.

“kami percayai kalau diet keto bisa pengaruhi metabolisme tulanag dikarenakan memiliki efek perubahan yang sangat cepat pada ke tersediaan karbohidrat pada hormon yang tertentu dengan faktor faktor yang lain juga,”ucapnya.sampai perlukan untuk melakukan suatu study yang baru untuk kesehatan anda.

Akan tetapi suatu penelitian itu memang untuk ingatkan kita kalau interaksi nutrisi serta olahraga tersebut yang tidak mudah dan anda belum bisa sepenuh nya pahami tentang kesehatan anda.

Manchester United tak Membutuhkan lagi Paul Pogba Setelah Datangnya Bruno Fernandes

Jelang penutupan pada bursa transfer bulan januari 2020 ini MU pantas dibilang hebat.tim manchester united tersebut sudah meresmikan untuk datangnya pemain bruno fernandes dari sporting lisbon pada tanggal 31-1-2019.

Kehadiran nya pemain bruno fernandes akhir nya bisa pecah kan teka teki kapan tim manchester united datang kan pemain yang baru.sebelum kedatang pemain bruno fernandes,pemain erling braut haaland serta pemain dejan klusevki itu sempat di kaitkan bersama tim yang memiliki markas pada old trafford itu.

Akan tetapi,kabar yang hanya se batas kabar.pemain erling haaland justru pilih ikut gabung dengan borussia dortmund serta dejan klusevski pilih rapat ke juventus.

Pada sisi yang lain,datangnya pemain bruno fernandes sudah pecahkan buntuhnya ole gunnar solskjaer tentang hal pemain nomor punggung 10.dan selama ini pada posisi tersebut hanya di isi oleh pemain andrea pereira,pemain jesse lingard serta pemain juan mata.akan tetapi yang disayangkan penampilan pemain bertiga tersebut tidak bisa meyakin kan.

Pemain paul pogba yang selama ini disebut sebagai pemimpin pada saat dilapangan juga belum sembuh dari cedera yang di jumlah penggemar sudah pernah lontarkan kritik yang keras pada paul pogba.

Mereka nilai kalau pemain paul pogba tidak miliki rasa loyalitas pada tim nya.akan tetapi,semuanya di sebut bakalan baik sesudah datangnya pemain bruno fernandes.

Pemain gelandang yang berasal dari portugal tersebut bisa buat tim manchester united tidak butuhkan lagi pemain paul pogba.hal itu bukan nya tidak ada data.debut pemain bruno fernandes dengan tim MU kontra wolverhamton wanderes pada tanggal 2-2-2020 sudah terbukti.

Yang diberitakan the sun,pemain bruno fernandes sudah berhasil raih 6 kali kemenangan duel,dan sudah lakukan 3 clearance serta lepaskan 5 tembakan on target pada pertandingan tersebut.pemain fernandes juga sudah memiliki catatan saat lakukan 111 sentuh an bersama 88 oper an pada MU.

Dia miliki persentasi operan yang sukses sebesar 69 %.hal tersebut dimana fernandes merupakan pemain yang berpersentase umpan yang baik pada tim.

Persentasi tersebut baru di hitung pada laga debut pemain bruno dengan MU.dan dimana persentasi pemian pogba di hitung dari 7 pertandingan serta lingard dari 20 pertandingan yang sudah di ikuti nya bersama tim MU.

Akan tetapi,kalau pemain bruno fernandes ber hasil buktikan kualitas pada laga debut,tidak ber lebihan kalau penggemar sebutkan diri nya adalah calon pemimpin pada saat berada dilapangan yang akan membuat MU tidak membutuhkan lagi pemain pogba.


Manchester City masuk ke final Piala Carabao meski kalah 1-0 di leg kedua semifinal mereka dari Manchester United pada Rabu malam.

Sepertinya itu akan menjadi pertandingan leg kedua bagi City, setelah memenangkan leg pertama 3-1 di Old Trafford 3 minggu lalu, tetapi serangan babak pertama Nemanja Matic menjadikannya urusan yang jauh lebih menyimpang dari yang diperkirakan kebanyakan di Etihad mengamankan kemenangan agregat 3-2.

City menolak beberapa peluang besar di babak kedua, tetapi upaya mereka untuk maju ke final kompetisi yang mereka coba menangkan untuk ketiga kalinya berturut-turut menjadi lebih mudah dengan kartu merah Matic yang terlambat meninggalkan United dengan 10 pemain.

United menyebabkan City segala macam masalah di Etihad di Liga Premier pada bulan Desember, tetapi tidak ada tanda-tanda pengulangan di tahap awal. City memulai dengan baik dan David de Gea dipaksa melakukan penyelamatan awal dalam 10 menit pertama, menyangkal sundulan jarak dekat Sergio Aguero dan kemudian upaya Riyad Mahrez yang dibelokkan.

Sepenuhnya melawan menjalankan permainan, bagaimanapun United mendapatkan diri mereka kembali ke pertandingan. Itu datang dari tembakan pertama mereka dari permainan sebagai tendangan bebas Fred hanya dibersihkan sejauh Matic, dan dia melakukan tembakan rendah sengit dari 15 meter yang membuat Claudio Bravo tidak punya peluang apa pun.

Cengkeraman City dilonggarkan dan mereka tampak terguncang sebentar. Pada menit ke 42 mereka mengira mereka seimbang pada malam itu ketika Raheem Sterling menyundul masuk dari umpan silang Kevin De Bruyne dari kiri, tetapi pemain asal Inggris itu ditandai dengan tepat karena offside.

Sterling melewatkan peluang emas lain untuk City pada 59 menit. Kali ini dia berada di samping ketika De Bruyne melepaskannya di belakang, tetapi dia memilih untuk memotong daripada mengemudi dan menembak, akhirnya menembak ke atas mistar saat bek United bergegas kembali untuk membuatnya canggung baginya.

Peluang gemilang lainnya bagi City setelah 74 menit juga. Harry Maguire kehilangan bola di kotak penalti dan mempersembahkan pemain pengganti David Silva peluang sempurna untuk melepaskan bola melewati De Gea, tetapi dia memilih meneruskan umpan kepada Ilkay Gundogan yang dengan cepat ditutup.


Manchester United memberi pelatih Ole Gunnar Solskjaer dorongan yang sangat dibutuhkan dengan serangan 6-0 dari Tranmere pada hari Minggu untuk mencapai putaran kelima Piala FA.

Meskipun awal yang cepat Tranmere, United mencetak 3 gol dalam 6 menit melawan menjalankan permainan melalui pencetak gol Harry Maguire pada menit ke 10, Diogo Dalot di menit ke 13 dan Jesse Lingard dari menit ke 16 untuk secara efektif mengakhiri pertandingan sebagai kontes.

Tranmere yang seperti pekerja bertahan sampai 5 menit terakhir babak pertama, tetapi Phil Jones pada menit ke 41 dan Anthony Martial di menit ke 45 membuatnya menjadi 5 sebelum jeda, sementara penggemar United melantunkan lagu yang mengkritik pemiliknya.

Mason Greenwood dari menit ke 56 mengakhiri pertandingan dengan penalti sesaat sebelum jam pertandingan untuk memberikan cap pada penampilan yang sangat klinis dan efektif menandai kemenangan tandang terbesar mereka di abad ini di lapangan Prenton Park yang buruk.

Tranmere benar mulai jauh lebih terang, dengan Morgan Ferrier yang lincah menyebabkan masalah dengan gerakannya yang sibuk dan mendapat kartu kuning dari Jones yang tidak pasti setelah hanya 4 menit.

Tetapi meskipun awal yang gelisah, United memimpin melalui gol pertama Maguire sejak bergabung dengan klub di musim panas. Kapten United melepaskan upaya sengit, mencelupkan 20 yang meluncur dari kepala Peter Clarke dalam perjalanan ke sudut atas.

Dalot kemudian jinked ke dalam kotak dan memukul bola dengan manis melewati kiper Tranmere Scott Davies sebelum Lingard meringkuk dengan usaha yang baik dari tepi kotak untuk menempatkan sisi Solskjaer dalam kontrol penuh.

Jones naik di atas Connor Jennings untuk mengangguk dari sudut untuk gol pertamanya dalam 5 tahun, sebelum Martial membuatnya 5 dari posisi yang hampir identik dengan tujuan Lingard.

Setelah jeda Greenwood memperpanjang keunggulan lebih jauh dari titik penalti, dengan dingin mengirim Davies dengan cara yang salah setelah Tahith Chong ditebang secara ceroboh oleh kiper Tranmere.

Gol Greenwood menandai pertama kalinya United mencetak 6 gol dalam 1 pertandingan sejak Sir Alex Ferguson bertanggung jawab atas kemenangan 8-2 Arsenal pada 2011, dan hanya kedua kalinya dalam sejarah mereka, mereka memiliki 6 pencetak gol berbeda.


Sundulan Heung-Min Son membantu Tottenham di bawah par mengambil kemenangan liga pertama mereka tahun 2020 dengan kekalahan 2-1 dari Norwich tetapi Jose Mourinho akan tahu ada banyak pekerjaan yang harus dilakukan jika timnya ingin lebih jauh menutup 6 celah titik di 4 besar.

Dele Alli memasukkan gol pertama Liga Primer Tottenham tahun ini dari umpan silang rendah Serge Aurier pada menit ke 38 setelah kedua belah pihak menolak peluang bagus di bursa awal tetapi tuan rumah gagal melakukan tendangan penalti.

Teemu Pukki pada menit ke 70 membuat posisi dominan di babak kedua liga Norwich pada paruh kedua, menekan penaltynya melewati Hugo Lloris yang telah membuat kejutan kembali dari cedera untuk memulai tetapi sundulan Son di menit ke 79 dari tembakan membelokkan Alli mengakhiri harapan pengunjung akan perubahan haluan.

Hasilnya memindahkan Spurs ke dalam 2 kemenangan dari Chelsea yang berada di posisi keempat, sementara Norwich memiliki selisih 6 poin dari mereka sendiri untuk diatasi jika mereka ingin lolos dari degradasi.

Tottenham telah gagal menemukan gawangnya dalam 3 pertandingan Liga Premier terakhir mereka tetapi segera berada di kaki depan, dengan Erik Lamela menindaklanjuti upaya tendangan bebas awal dengan menggambar penyelamatan tajam dari Tim Krul dengan tendangan voli pada 10 menit.

Namun, Norwich menunjukkan niat menyerang mereka sendiri pada tanda seperempat jam, ketika Todd Cantwell menutup mantra kepemilikan yang mengesankan dengan umpan rapi ke Pukki dari tepi area penalti tetapi pemain asal Finlandia itu ternyata boros, menyambar tembakannya melebar.

Son kemudian berkobar bermil-mil di atas mistar ketika Spurs mulai menjadi frustrasi karena gagal melakukan terobosan pada 23 menit sebelum Cantwell merespons dengan kecepatan yang lebih dekat miliknya di ujung lain, yang hanya terbang melewati kayu Lloris.

Son kemudian meniup pembukaan terbaik permainan, menyerang ke sisi jaring setelah umpan balik cerdas Lucas Moura dan Pukki melepaskan tembakan lebar ketika tim terus bertukar peluang sampai Alli akhirnya memecah kebuntuan.

Aurier tampak berbahaya sepanjang malam di sayap kanan dan pemain berasal Inggris itu ditempatkan dengan sempurna untuk memotong umpan silang rendahnya di bawah Krul untuk membuat Spurs unggul.


Penyerang Watford, Troy Deeney gagal mengeksekusi penalti sebelum blok garis gawang Ignacio Pussetto menyangkal Tottenham sebagai pemenang akhir dalam hasil imbang tanpa gol di Vicarage Road.

Paulo Gazzaniga menahan tendangan penalti Deeney pada menit ke 70, diberikan untuk handball Jan Vertonghen, ketika Watford dibiarkan menyesali kehilangan sejumlah peluang emas di babak kedua, sementara pencarian Spurs untuk meraih kemenangan di Liga Premier sekarang membentang hingga 4 pertandingan.

Heung-Min Son ditolak oleh Ben Foster sebelum babak pertama tetapi itu dalam beberapa menit setelah mulai lagi, Ismaila Sarr dan Abdoulaye Doucoure menyia-nyiakan peluang gemilang untuk membuka skor, sebelum Deeney menepuk garis dari 12 meter dengan 20 menit lagi.

Spurs bisa saja meraih kemenangan yang tidak patut di waktu tambahan ketika umpan silang Serge Aurier disorong ke arah gawang oleh penyelaman Erik Lamela, tetapi Pussetto menyapu bersih garis untuk memperpanjang rekor tak terkalahkan Watford menjadi 6 pertandingan liga.

Bentuk kedua klub ini selama periode perayaan memberikan putaran yang sangat berbeda pada apa yang mungkin dilihat sebagai 3 poin mudah bagi para pengunjung hanya beberapa minggu yang lalu, tetapi Watford adalah klub yang berbeda di bawah Nigel Pearson.

Dari awal mereka berangkat untuk menggagalkan Tottenham tanpa bola dan melukai mereka dengan itu, dan Gerard Deulofeu seharusnya menguji Gazzaniga dari 1 istirahat seperti itu, tetapi dia melepaskan tembakan melebar dari 20 meter.

Di ujung yang lain, Son 2 kali menemukan ruang di sebelah kiri tetapi dia tampaknya telah meninggalkan sepatu tembaknya di Hotspur, sementara Lucas Moura menyia-nyiakan peluang setengahnya dengan menembak lurus ke arah Foster yang bergerak maju ketika dimainkan melalui kotak.

Tottenham tampak agak ompong tanpa jimat Harry Kane dan penggemar perjalanan tidak menepuk sisi mereka saat istirahat, tetapi jika ada harapan kinerja yang lebih baik setelah jeda, itu tidak pernah terwujud.

Dalam waktu 6 menit setelah mulai Watford kehilangan 2 peluang emas, dengan Doucoure pertama-tama menembak ke sisi jaring dari sudut sempit 4 meter, sebelum bola looping ke dalam kotak menemukan Sarr yang lecet upaya lebar dari jarak yang sama.


Marcus Rashford mencetak 2 gol ketika Manchester United kembali ke jalur kemenangan 4-0 atas Norwich di Old Trafford.

Pada penampilannya yang ke 200 untuk United, Rashford memasukkan umpan silang Juan Mata ke depan untuk membawa tuan rumah memimpin pada menit ke 27, sebelum dia menggandakan golnya dan tuan rumah tepat setelah turun minum dengan penalti di menit ke 52.

United menempatkan permainan ke tempat istirahat 2 menit kemudian melalui sundulan Anthony Martial dari umpan silang Mata lainnya dari menit ke 54, sementara Mason Greenwood menempatkan dengan selesai rendah yang bagus dari luar kotak, hanya 5 menit setelah masuk pada menit ke 76.

Langkah selanjutnya adalah bagi United untuk mendapatkan konsistensi, tetapi ini adalah langkah ke arah yang benar mereka naik ke urutan kelima, 5 poin dari tempat keempat, sementara Norwich tetap di bawah, 7 poin aman.

United mendominasi sejak awal, tetapi menemukan dinding kuning di jalan mereka, yang berarti sepotong kecemerlangan diperlukan. Itu datang dalam bentuk Mata untuk Rashford, melengkung indah ke tiang jauh dari kanan, memungkinkan penyerang berasal Inggris itu untuk berbalik pulang dari jarak dekat dengan kaki kirinya.

Tuan rumah terus menekan selama sedetik, dan mendominasi 15 menit berikutnya, dengan Norwich gagal mendaftarkan tembakan atau memang umpan silang ke kotak sampai menit terakhir babak.

United harus berterima kasih kepada David de Gea karena menjaga mereka unggul pada kesempatan itu, dengan gemilang menyelamatkan rendah ke kiri untuk menyangkal Todd Cantwell dari 15 yard saat istirahat Norwich yang langka.

Tapi United menyalakannya lagi langsung setelah istirahat dengan 2 gol dalam 3 menit. Pertama setelah Brandon Williams diangkut ke dalam kotak oleh Tim Krul, Rashford memasukkan penalti ke gawang karena kiper gagal mendapatkan cukup pada itu meskipun menebak dengan benar.

Kemudian dari umpan silang Mata lainnya dari kanan, Martial bangkit dengan baik untuk memberi sundulan ke sudut kiri bawah dari 10 yard.

Beberapa saat kemudian, Williams melewatkan pengasuh di tiang jauh dari pusat Andreas Pereira, tetapi itu segera 4-0 ketika Greenwood dengan percaya diri menyelipkan bola dari jarak 20 yard melalui kerumunan, hanya beberapa menit setelah ditundukkan, untuk gol kesembilan di semua kompetisi.

Selalu Rasa Kedinginan,Apakah tandanya Anemia?

Gelaja anemia terjadi pada saat tubuh ke hilangan sel darha merah dalam jumlah yang tentu hingga tak cukup angkut oksigen pada seluruh tubuh.anemia juga sering di hubungkan dengan kat 5L atau lelah,letih.lesu,lunglai,lemah.

Akan tetapi,terdapat beberapa tanda dimana anemia juga bisa buat seseorang selalu rasakan dingin seperti yang di beritakan mayo clinic,terdapat gejala yang lain penyakit anemia juga termasuk pada kulit yang pucat ataupun kuning yang bisa di lihat,merasakan detak jantung yang tak teratur,sesak nafas serta sakit kepala.

“kurang nya vitamin b 12 serta kurang zat besi bisa sebabkan anemia serta bisa buat anda rasakan dingin,”ucap pakar kesehatan Dr manny alvarez yang di ambil dari fox news pada tanggal 11-1-2020.

Dr manny alvares jelaskan kalau anemia dapat sebabkan dari beberapa keadaan serta penyakit kurangnya zat besi ataupun hemoglobin,kurangnya vitamin b 12,inflamasi akibat dari kanker,radang sendi,penyakit crohn serta penyakit ginjal dan lain nya.mak dari hal tersebut,adanya lebih dari empat ratus macam penyakit anemia dengan cara tanganan yang ber beda beda pula.

Menyebabkan Kematian

Salah satu dari beberapa macam anemia yang sangat bahaya serta bisa sebabkan kematian adalah penyakit anemia jenis aplastik.keadaan ini terjadi dimana pada saat tubuh tak cukup produksi sel darah merah dalam tubuh.

“Penyakit leukimia serta penyakit sumsum tulang belakang yang bisa sebab kan anemia.terdapat juga beragam macam anemia dikarenakan genetik seperti anemia hemolitik dan anemia sel sabit atau sickle cell,”ucap manny alvares.

Akan tetapi,ada beberapa hal yang beruntung dimana banyak penyakit anemia bisa di sembuhkan dengan suplemen zat besi,vit B12 serta bisa dengan cara transfusi darah.yang akhir,memumgkinkan anda perlu ganti menu jadi lebih bergizi,ter utama pada jenis anemia yang memiliki hubungan dengan defisiensi.

Sumber b 12 yang baik terdapat pada  ayam,ikan,telur serta dimana saat seorang  yang ke kurang zat besi memungkin kan atau di saran kan untuk  lebih baik konsumsi ikan,kacang kedelai,kacang polong,buncis serta sayur sayuran yang memiliki daun berwarna hijau gelap tersebut.

Cara-Cara untuk Menenangkan Derajat Kegembiraan Anda dengan Video game khas Gambling

Jika permainan video game perjudian yang normal seperti blackjack, bakarat, atau berbagai video game meja lainnya hilang memiliki tingkat adrenalin Anda, mungkin hasrat Anda adalah untuk permainan video dadu yang sibuk seperti Sicbo on-line atau Sic Bo sebagaimana sering disebut juga. Selain itu disebut dai siu, Tai sai, besar dan kecil atau hi-lo, dan sebagainya. mengandalkan area. Sebenarnya, Anda akan menemukan permainan video yang benar-benar luar biasa dengan campuran dari pembayaran yang lebih besar dengan dadu ditemukan di dadu dan hanya peraturan roulette yang luar biasa. Peraturan yang kurang rumit dari Sicbo memadukan kegembiraan dari semua pembayar.

Fundamental dari Game

Hanya dengan satu set dari komponen gim video, Anda dapat memainkan gim video yang menarik. Anda memiliki papan permainan video dan dadu. Kemungkinan besar, Anda terbiasa bersenang-senang dengan satu set dadu di berbagai gim video lainnya. Di Sic Bo, Anda memiliki 3 dadu, di mana Anda harus meramalkan angka yang muncul atau yang ditetapkan dari angka yang mencolok dan yang lengkap dari 3 angka pada dadu.

Kesendirian: Anda harus menentukan nomor di mana setidaknya satu dadu harus mendarat.

Dual: Anda melakukan perbankan pada nomor tertentu yang akan bergulir pada 2 dari dadu.

Tiga arah: Dalam taruhan ini, Anda dapat memenangkan hadiah uang tunai jika Anda menganggap dengan benar bahwa nomor tertentu memrogram pada semua 3 dadu.

Lengkap: Dari semuanya, ini adalah taruhan paling dasar yang dapat Anda ambil risiko dengan memikirkan penjumlahan dari angka dalam seri 4 hingga 16 dari ketiga dadu.

Biasanya, pembayaran mulai 30: 1 adalah standar pada tempat perjudian untuk taruhan tiga arah. Anda juga dapat meningkatkan total pembayaran hingga 180: 1 ketika Anda melakukan tiga cara, namun kemungkinannya benar-benar mencolok, ada kemungkinan jika Anda cukup beruntung jika wanita beruntung tersenyum pada Anda.

Saran Bermanfaat untuk Anda

Seperti dalam permainan video roulette, memposisikan taruhan pada taruhan aneh / juga atau berwarna memiliki probabilitas mulai 50: 50 dengan perbedaan yang disempurnakan dari 0 dan 00. Demikian juga, Anda dapat meningkatkan kemungkinan dari memenangkan taruhan dengan taruhan kecil dan besar. . Ketika Anda memukul angka dari 4 hingga 11, jumlah taruhan sedikit sedangkan taruhan besar berasal dari angka ketika Anda memukul lebih dari 11.

Anda juga dapat mengintegrasikan bank di beberapa lokasi dari papan taruhan. Teknik bijak Anda dari memposisikan 4 berbagai taruhan akan meningkatkan kemungkinan dari memenangkan hadiah uang tunai.

Bandar Togel sgp

Bandar Togel sgp adalah kata yang sangat akrab bagi orang Indonesia atau gamer dari Hong Kong, Singapura, dan berbagai Negara Timur lainnya. Gim video lotto memiliki beberapa versi, yang membangkitkan minat di antara para pemula dan petaruh spesialis.

4D 3D 2D

Hadiah uang tunai yang signifikan memiliki semua pemain game gila sambil mengeri kerangka angka yang terdiri dari tim A, B, C dan D.

Menghubungkan gratis sebagai gantinya adalah permainan video dasar di mana Anda harus membungkuk hanya satu variasi dari campuran 4D.

Shade Jitu membuat Anda tidak hanya menebak angka tetapi juga penempatan dari angka tetap dalam campuran dari 4D.

Dalam video game Mono Stereo, hadiah uang tunai berbeda dengan nilai pasar. Karena itu, Anda bisa menjadi lebih kaya dengan kepindahan Anda yang bijaksana dari video game ini.

Anda dapat menenangkan derajat kegembiraan Anda pada perusahaan perjudian yang sah yang populer di kalangan gamer dari negara-negara Timur Jauh

Pengembangan Perangkat Port

Dalam situasi yang Kamu peroleh sendiri dalam suatu misi buat kebenaran yang merisaukan buah pikiran dari situs slotmachine, artikel singkat ini buat Kamu!

Video game Netslots devices merupakan game video perjudian yang punyai 3 atau lebih gulungan yang berputar. Manfaat dari mesin slot buat mengatur 3 (atau menambahkan) dari simbol-simbol penting terutama pada gulungan-gulungan ini pada apa yang dilukiskan jadi garis-bayar. Apabila Kamu sukses dalam melakukan ini, Kamu kesempatan gede bakalan dibayar dalam hubungan dengan Teratur Pembayaran dari netslots pribadi yang Kamu senangi. Video game slotgame merupakan salah esa video game yang paling fleksibel, menarik dengan visual dan inovatif dari video perjudian. games. Hadiahnya bisa sungguh-sungguh gede.

Manfaat dari perangkat netslots gak cuman buat menang. Ini merupakan games video yang butuh sedikit arahan.  Kamu bertaruh setelah itu putar gulungan. Setelah itu terjadi, semua yang dapat Kamu tambahkan merupakan pergi di jari Kamu dan mau gulungan berhenti pada hadiah yang sama.

games video mesin slot punyai aula dari popularitas dari salah esa model yang paling menonjol dari game, apa yang dimaksud di internet atau pada tempat perjudian online asli. Seperti dikaji mulainya, video game slotmachine situs sungguh-sungguh dapat dimengerti serta punyai daya tarik wisata yang luas dikarenakan siapa bisa juga mengubah investasi finansial kecil jadi pemasukan yang sungguh-sungguh gede. Menyaring hoki Kamu dengan netslots peluang menyenangkan dan menggelitik, dan sebagian orang menilainya hoki mereka tiap-tiap hari.

Kamu sungguh-sungguh terkait pada pengalaman beberapa tipe games video mesin-s dan banyak yang bisa di-klik, jadi datang dan fokuslah pada sejumlah teknik buat peroleh waktu Kamu semakin lebih berikan keuntungan kala nikmati mesin slot. Banyak video game yang Kamu alami merupakan sejumlah koin onlineslots yang menyetujui apakah saja, dari koin soliter hingga 5 koin. Kala Kamu tambahkan koin, esa dayung dari pembayaran bakalan terungkap, lebih kurang ragam paling gede 5. Dalam games video perangkat multi-line onlineslots, kebanyakan pembayaran diselesaikan pada 3 garis lurus dan 2 garis miring yang berikan Kamu keseluruhnya dari 5 kapabilitas.

Perangkat bayar sesuai sama jalan pembayaran yang Kamu kehendaki. Sejumlah gede waktu, bertaruh sejumlah koin paling gede pergi ke keabadian semakin lebih baik bikin Kamu dikarenakan kemungkinannya semakin lebih berikan keuntungan dan tiap-tiap hadiah yang lumrah kebanyakan butuh koin yang maksimum buat di tempatkan.

Dikarenakan kami memahami dasar-dasar dari netslots, trik terbaik buat tambahkan kemenangan kami buat konsentrasi dengan konstan pada perangkat yang terdiri dalam hadiah. Lewat item ini dari teknik, kami mau mencari perangkat netslots yang berikan hadiah modern. Ini memberikan pot yang menumpuk lebih kurang kala itu menyerang. Banyak hadiah modern dimenangkan mulainya buat hingga dimensi privat.

Penting buat punyai arah terperinci dan punyai kemampuan buat memberi kabar sendiri apa yang mau Kamu gapai kala ikut serta dalam games video dari perangkat internetslots. Petaruh privat melakukan ini cuman dalam pembelian buat bersenang-senang dan menghilangkan sedikit waktu. Itu trik yang spektakuler buat main. Ada juga sebagian orang yang menghabiskan waktu dan gagasan mengusahakan buat menangi hadiah. Itu merupakan trik yang semakin lebih baik buat dimainkan. Ingat-ingatlah buat pesan jumlah yang masuk akal dari uang buat betting Kamu dan jangan lepaskan ini.

Kita mesti tahu perangkat netslots yang kita senangi di waktu kapan pun dan apa hadiah yang lumrah. Dalam situasi hadiah gak pada tingkat yang baik, setelah itu mentransfer ke perangkat dibawah berikut ini peluang yaitu pilihan sesuai buat bankroll kami. Kami tiada henti diperlukan gak remehkan buat bertaruh jumlah maksimum dari koin buat peroleh privat buat menyerang hadiah yang disediakan oleh perangkat. Gak cuma hadiah, kita mesti tahu hadiah apakah saja yang disediakan buat games kita. Di beberapa letak, tambah banyak jumlah yang Kamu mainkan, tambah tinggi penghargaan yang Kamu punyai. Uang hadiah itu kemungkinan besar games video Kamu berjalan lebih lama dan berikan Kamu tambah banyak peluang buat hingga tujuan.

Dengan sedikit hoki Kamu bakalan memaksimalkan undangan buat nikmati perangkat hadiah dan peluang Kamu bakalan cukup untung dalam pembelian buat menangi hadiah.

Tanyakan pada Kamu sendiri sedikit dari pertanyaan ringan buat pilih apa Kamu sungguh-sungguh memahami masalah dari obyek yang dievaluasi oleh artikel pendek ini, masalah yang udah kami letakkan di saat artikel pendek yang udah ada mulainya Kamu.

Cara Menang Uang di Kasino

Berikut adalah beberapa tips untuk membantu Anda memenangkan uang di kasino.

Bagian terbaik dari perjudian adalah menang. Tentu, menyenangkan untuk memainkan beberapa permainan dan mungkin bahkan bergaul dengan teman-teman Anda, tetapi sehari di kasino tidak terasa lengkap kecuali Anda dapat mengklaim kemenangan. Namun, tidak ada cara yang dicoba dan benar untuk memenangkan uang ketika Anda pergi ke kasino. Jika ada metode untuk menjamin kemenangan, maka kasino akan ditutup dengan cepat. Ada beberapa hal yang dapat Anda lakukan untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih baik, atau setidaknya tidak kehilangan baju Anda.

Berjudi di kasino adalah ujian pengendalian diri Anda. Jika Anda memiliki kontrol diri yang tepat dan memainkan permainan secara strategis, Anda seharusnya baik-baik saja. Jika Anda memiliki sejumlah uang untuk dibelanjakan, dan Anda kehilangan uang itu, maka Anda mungkin harus berhenti di sana dan tidak kembali dengan lebih banyak uang untuk bertaruh. Yang sebaliknya adalah benar.

Jika Anda menang besar, hati Anda mungkin akan mencoba menyuruh Anda tidur dengan kemenangan itu sehingga Anda bisa menang lebih besar. Otak Anda harus dapat mengingatkan Anda ketika cukup sudah. Jika Anda menang besar dan terus bermain, semakin lama Anda bermain, semakin besar kemungkinan Anda untuk mengembalikan semuanya.

Salah satu cara terbaik untuk menang di kasino adalah tidak menetapkan pandangan Anda terlalu tinggi dalam hal pembayaran besar. Ini berarti bahwa alih-alih pergi dan bermain tangan poker dengan taruhan tinggi, tetap menggunakan tabel tingkat yang lebih rendah. Atau, pilih mesin slot jackpot yang lebih rendah dan lihat apakah Anda bisa mendapatkan pembayaran di sana. Mesin dengan jackpot rendah cenderung membayar lebih sering.

Anda juga harus tetap dengan permainan yang memiliki tepi rumah rendah. Tepi rumah adalah persentase di atas bahkan rumah itu akan menang. Untuk beberapa bentuk blackjack tepi itu serendah 1%. Memainkan banyak tangan blackjack akan lebih mungkin menghasilkan hasil daripada hanya menunggu jackpot dengan mesin slot atau berharap nomor Anda muncul dalam roulette.

Ada alasan mengapa kasino memberikan minuman gratis. Itu karena mereka tahu bahwa orang mabuk cenderung bertaruh dengan buruk. Jangan minum terlalu banyak sehingga itu akan mempengaruhi penilaian Anda. Juga, perhatikan permainan Anda. Jangan menghabiskan waktu di ponsel Anda memeriksa aplikasi yang dikembangkan oleh Pokerjenius. Jika Anda tetap fokus dan memainkan kartu Anda dengan benar, Anda pasti akan sukses.

Apa Tehnik Advertensi yang Dipakai Sbobetmu?

sbobetmu ialah contoh fenomenal dari perusahaan perjudian di internet dengan imbalan mengagumkan serta penawaran spesial. Kami sudah mendapatkan semua info yang Kamu perlukan di sini!

Sekarang, lebih gampang dibanding dengan awalnya untuk membuat kembali pengalaman perjudian. Yang sangat penting, Kamu bisa lakukan ini tak perlu terlebih dulu menjejakkan kaki di susunan fisik. Di internet, situs perjudian serta situs sportsbook telah ada. Akan tetapi, jadi satu inspirasi, mereka betul-betul masuk punya mereka sendiri sepanjang beberapa waktu paling akhir. sbobetmu ialah contoh fenomenal dari apa yang kita bahas. Ini secara cepat bertambah jadi unsur dari salah esa yang paling mencolok di perusahaan perjudian internet di planet ini. Ada beberapa unsur tentang kenapa ini berlaku.

Sekarang, silahkan kita bicara mengenai beberapa tehnik advertensi mereka. Itu kemungkinan enggak begitu menarik buat Kamu. Akan tetapi, bila Kamu semangat untuk memperoleh yang paling baik dari pengalaman pendirian perjudian internet yang wajar, mengerti apa yang perlu dicari di situs yang berguna bisa tunjukkan hal yang penting. Ini terbagi dalam bagaimana perusahaan perjudian bisa pasarkan dianya untuk Kamu, jadi langkah untuk memperoleh perusahaan Kamu.

Mengakibatkan kerusakan Down Taktik Advertensi sbobetmu
kudabola tentunya adalah contoh yang bagus dari bagaimana persisnya di perusahaan perjudian internet bakal memberi penambahan untuk memberi client apa yang mereka mencari. Kamu bisa memandang contoh dari ini mengenai bagaimana tepatnya pendirian perjudian internet dibangun untuk mengawali. Banyak terima kasih pada pengembangan, situs sekarang bisa membuahkan lingkungan serta pengalaman pendirian perjudian yang pasti imersif. UFA-BET punya lingkungan ini dalam sekop. Dari waktu Kamu tunjukkan, Kamu peluang gede bakal merasakan seperti Kamu sudah berjalan ke tempat perjudian yang konkret. UFA-BET sudah dikagumi sebab membuahkan lingkungan ini dengan efektivitas yang tambah tinggi di banyak negara.

Tetapi segi advertensi tentu enggak usai disana. UFA-BET menghadiahkan mengagumkan buat beberapa gamer mereka. Ada hadiah yang dapat didapat cuma untuk mendaftarkan. Ada pula hadiah yang dapat didapat satu orang sebab menyerang jumlahnya khusus, atau hanya karena setia pada perusahaan perjudian untuk periode waktu yang lama.

Tentunya, hadiah seperti itu enggak bernilai, bila Kamu enggak dapat memperoleh pembayaran dengan style yang paling simpel. Ini ialah esa cara yang sukses kudabola dalam sediakan gamer dengan pas apa yang mereka mencari. Perusahaan perjudian sudah dikasih tepok tangan untuk produksi ini dengan benar-benar gampang, saat datang waktunya untuk keluarkan uang. Diluar itu, tempat perjudian pantas dilihat sebab sediakan beberapa pilihan pembayaran yang bisa Kamu tangani.

Di internet, perusahaan perjudian pada akhirnya makin ketertarikan dalam iklan mereka. Ini ialah info hebat untuk gamer seperti Kamu.

Sedotan Besi Ternyata Lebih Berbahaya Daripada Sedotan Plastik

Selama waktu itu saya melakukan perjalanan di antara kedai kopi di Jakarta Selatan. Sama seperti pengunjung situs lainnya, saya juga membeli segelas kopi susu es karena kondisi cuaca yang hangat. Sampai pembelian kopi saya diberikan ke meja, saya melihat ada sesuatu yang berbeda, yaitu jerami yang digunakan. Jika Anda biasanya menggunakan plastik, di kedai kopi ini menawarkan sedotan untuk menjadi alat bantu konsumsi.

Kemungkinan adalah kedai kopi ini ingin mematuhi gerakan #NoPlasticStrawMovement atau gerakan tanpa sedotan plastik, yang menurutnya ingin menjadikan ini ramah lingkungan. Plastik itu sendiri adalah salah satu produk paling panjang untuk terurai.

Namun demikian, saya agak bingung jika saya benar-benar ingin melakukan proyek gerakan anti-plastik mengapa tidak pada saat yang sama kaca yang diperdagangkan tidak memiliki produk plastik. Satu peluang adalah bahwa pengeluarannya jauh lebih mahal.

Sungguh, saya sendiri tidak benar-benar senang mengkonsumsi perangkat yang memanfaatkan untuk membantu sedotan. Sebagai gantinya saya akan mengkonsumsi langsung menyentuh gelas dengan mulut saya. Selain itu, setiap gelas setelah digunakan akan dibersihkan atau mug plastik akan ‘dibuang’.

Dia melanjutkan, apakah ini nyata bahwa sedotan memiliki besi, stainless atau hal lain yang tidak menggunakan plastik jauh lebih baik? Anggapannya adalah bahwa dengan produk tidak hanya plastik, akan ada prosedur yang jauh lebih lama.

Jerami besi itu sendiri terbuat dari campuran dari besi, karbon, dan kromium yang dalam produksi ini termasuk mengurangi pohon dan menggali tanah. Diperkirakan dari Genpi, pemurnian kimia harus dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa besi dan kromium dapat dibersihkan dari berbagai mineral lainnya.

Ada prosedur fungsi kimia juga harus ada yang terbaik? Setelah itu dimana sampahnya? Bahkan residu dari pengerjaan jerami besi ini membuat danau dari sampah dalam bahaya. Jauh lebih banyak untuk lingkungan yang berbatasan yang secara online dekat dengan fasilitas manufaktur akan benar-benar dalam bahaya jika ini langsung diserang oleh air limbah.

Jadi buktinya, Sungai Citarum di Jawa Barat adalah salah satu sungai yang paling terkontaminasi di Indonesia. Ketika Mancoders pergi ke sungai lurus, ini jelas akan memiliki bentuk tidak seperti sungai karena percikan menghitam. Faktor itu sendiri adalah karena pemborosan fasilitas manufaktur dan, untuk beberapa poin, ini menciptakan sedotan besi.

Di sisi lain, evaluasi dari Humboldt Specify College, menyatakan bahwa untuk mendapatkan satu jerami plastik membutuhkan 23, 7000 joule dari listrik. Sementara itu, untuk mendapatkan sedotan, seseorang membutuhkan 2, 420, 000 joule dari kekuasaan! Ini adalah perbedaan yang sangat besar untuk hanya satu sedotan.

Bukan hanya itu, saat berurusan dengan sedotan besi dapat mencemari kontaminasi udara. Jadi kontras dari fungsi dari satu sedotan plastik untuk membuat 1. 47 gram dari co2 sementara satu sedotan besi menghasilkan hampir 200 kali lipat CO2 atau sekitar 217 gr!

Dari semua pembicaraan, katanya, sedotan besi jauh lebih baik dibandingkan sedotan plastik. Sebenarnya jauh lebih berbahaya dibandingkan dengan semua kerugian saat ini. Menggunakan plastik terus menerus berbahaya bagi atmosfer. Karena itu, ada banyak lembaga keuangan pemborosan plastik yang dapat mendaur ulang pemborosan lagi, yang merupakan salah satu metode untuk mengurangi pemborosan plastik.

Namun jika Anda benar-benar ingin melestarikan suasana gerak, salah satu yang paling tepat adalah Gerakan untuk Mengkonsumsi Tanpa Sedotan!

Keuntungan Bermain DominoQQ online Di situs terpercaya

Domino QQ online adalah salah esa games judi online yang banyak disukai oleh warga. Nama yang lain ialah games domino, munculnya domino online memang memberi banyak keringanan buat beberapa pemainnya terhitung mengirit ongkos untuk bermain dikasino konvensional. Saat ini banyak muncul beberapa situs penyuplai judi online.

Tidak hanya gampang dimainkan games ini dapat juga membuahkan uang banyak sekali. Tetapi dengan ketentuan kamu harus memenangi games, banyak pula pemain pemula yang berusaha untuk cari keuntungan dengan bermain dominoqq. Tetapi yang belum mereka tahu ialah jumlahnya penipu di dunia judi online.

Jumlahnya penipu di dunia judi memang enggak dapat dijauhi, oleh karena itu banyak beberapa penyuplai situs judi online yang coba memberi kenyamanan serta keamanan buat beberapa pemainnya. Buat yang telah bermain disitus judi online paling dipercaya bakal rasakan keuntungan dengan agunan enggak ada penipuan. Salah esa situs paling dipercaya ialah Jeniuspoker

Taktik Bermain Judi Pokerqq Online
Bila kamu bermain judi online terutamanya games dominoqq jadi yang butuh disiapkan ialah taktik hadapi musuh. Taktik jadi hal penting saat kamu ingin bermain judi online, buat persiapan taktik yang masak supaya musuh dapat terkalahkan. Jangan cuma mempersiapkan esa taktik tetapi harus banyak taktik untuk cadangan.

Yang butuh dikerjakan ialah pelajari games musuh kamu. Tiap pemain pasti punya style bermainnya sendiri-sendiri, jadi kamu diharuskan cermat dan konsentrasi supaya bisa menganalisa taktik musuh serta cari kekurangannya. Jangan sampai berhenti untuk konsentrasi saat ada dalam satu games, janganlah sampai terpancing dengan games musuh kamu.

Salah esa unsur pahlawan kemenangan ialah terdapatnya peruntungan, peruntungan ini dapat kamu temukan bila keadaan emosi kamu sedang dalam keadaan baik. Karena itu jaga emosi supaya masih baik ialah kunci setelah itu, sebab bila keadaan emosi sedang enggak baik jadi dapat diyakinkan kamu bakal terima kekalahan.

Paling akhir ialah kamu selalu harus berupaya dekat sama beberapa pemain yang lain, ini ialah salah esa langkah untuk tahu style bermain dari musuh kamu. Akrablah dengan siapa saja serta cari info mengenai mereka dan mintalah untuk diajari langkah mainnya. Bila ini kamu temukan jadi selanjutnya bakal tahu strateginya.

Hal yang Enggak Butuh Dikerjakan Saat Bermain Gameqq
Beberapa pemain yang memaksa games walau sebenarnya waktunya enggak pas. Ini seperti saat kamu sedang lelah atau melancong. Jadi jangan sampai kamu melatih hal itu, bila badan telah merasakan lelah berhentilah bermain serta rebahkan badan kamu untuk istirahat bila di rasa sadah hilang capeknya jadi dapat dilanjut untuk bermain.

Jangan bermain dengan terburu-buru, nikmatilah games domino kamu. Bermainlah dengan enjoy sekalian masih konsentrasi pada gerak-gerik musuh, janganlah sampai terlepas konsentrasi kamu pada musuh. Bila kamu enggak konsentrasi jadi bisa-bisa justru bakal ditaklukkan oleh musuh main. Nikmatilah serta jangan tergesa-gesar, kadang-kadang kamu dapat menggertak musuh supaya emosinya terusik.

Yang paling akhir ialah bila satu waktu kamu memenangi laga dominoqq jadi taruhlah uang kemenangan itu dalam tempat tertentu. Ini untuk tutup peluang pemakaian uang kemenangan jadi modal betting, bila ini dikerjakan bisa-bisa kamu bakal pailit. Serta bakal bawa tangan kosong saat laga telah selesai.

Demikian dan itu beberapa keuntungan bila kamu bermain di situs online paling dipercaya. Tidak hanya aman kamu dapat memperoleh keuntungan berbentuk bonus yang gede serta banyak. Banyak juga rekan hingga dapat jadi bahan untuk belajar. Jadi cepatlah pilih situs yang menurut kamu paling dipercaya serta tentu aman, selanjutnya daftarlah lalu mainlah games gameqq online.

Para Shoppa Holic Jangan Sampai Terkena Gangguan Tidur Narkolepsi , apa itu Narkolepsi? Ditinjau Langsung Saja

Rachel Lane, seorang wanita berusia 27 tahun dari Unified Specify berjuang dengan kondisi istirahat narkolepsi yang membuat ini layak untuk disimpan di internet ketika tidur.

Seiring dengan berbelanja di internet, Rachel Lane juga sering tidur di pemakaman, pertunjukan, serta saat berada di pusat dari diskusi karena narkolepsi.

“Satu bungkusan menyangkut toko roti saya. Saya melihat komponen dari gaun namun saya tidak punya strategi untuk mengunjungi perayaan dan tidak ingat kapan harus membeli ini. Setelah saya memeriksa email, ini akhirnya saya terbaik untuk melakukan ini, “kata Rachel Lane, diperkirakan oleh Everyday Mail.

Rachel Lane juga percaya bahwa pikirannya masih energik saat beristirahat. Untuk alasan itu, ia dapat melakukan tugas-tugas seperti masih dibangunkan dan kartu tagihannya terus disiapkan.

Wanita berusia 27 tahun itu mulai diidentifikasikan dengan narkolepsi pada 2016. Penyakit ini berasal dari infeksi setelah dikorek oleh kucing pada tahun 2015 lalu.

Penyakit itu juga membuat Rachel Lane tidak bisa memiliki jarak 2 mil. Dia akan menghentikan kendaraannya untuk beristirahat selama beberapa waktu.

“Saya tidak pernah mengerti ini adalah tanda dari narkolepsi. Saya hanya percaya saya sakit,” katanya.

Terakhir, Rachel mulai menemui seorang ahli pada tahun 2016 karena dia melukai dirinya sendiri saat berjalan sambil beristirahat. Faktanya, Rachel juga berjuang dengan halusinasi karena kondisi istirahat.

Rachel dapat menempelkan apa pun di mulut atau tubuhnya hingga dia berdarah. Karena alasan itu, dokter merekomendasikan Rachel untuk bersanggama.

Diperkenalkan dari NHS, narkolepsi adalah masalah yang tidak biasa dalam pikiran yang menyebabkan seseorang beristirahat tiba-tiba pada waktu yang salah.

Penyakit ini tidak memicu masalah kesehatan fisik besar atau jangka panjang. Namun demikian, ini dapat memiliki efek yang cukup besar pada kehidupan dan dapat kambuh secara mental.

Masalah ini dipicu oleh absennya zat kimia yang disebut hypocretin di dalam pikiran. Senyawa ini menawarkan untuk membantu pola istirahat kontrol pikiran dan bangun secara khas.

Kekurangan hypocretin dalam pikiran seringkali dipicu oleh ketidaksesuaian dalam sistem kekebalan tubuh.

Selain itu, alasan narkolepsi juga bisa karena modifikasi hormon sepanjang masa remaja atau menopause, ketegangan mental dan infeksi.

Tanda-tanda narkolepsi sering mulai sepanjang tahun remaja, tetapi mereka biasanya diidentifikasi antara usia 20 dan 40 tahun.

Ketika datang ke tanda-tanda dari narkolepsi, seperti rasa kantuk yang ekstrem sepanjang hari, serangan istirahat, cataplexy atau kehilangan massa otot, atur kelumpuhan untuk keinginan ekstrem dan bangun di malam hari.

5 trick dan tips untuk kalian yang ingin memenangkan mesin slot di casino

Winning Port Device Video games, adalah salah satu dari video game perjudian terkemuka yang paling menonjol, yang didasarkan pada keberuntungan dan tidak ada yang lain. Meskipun ini tetap dalam kebenaran agak dekat dengan kenyataan, masih ada sejumlah metode dari menang yang dapat Anda gunakan untuk meningkatkan kemungkinan Anda dari memenangkan hadiah yang menarik versus slot.

5 Teknik Efektif Menangkan Game Perangkat Port
1. Atur Pola-Pola Port Tarling dan Miliki Kelola atas Bankroll

Mulailah dengan mengembangkan pola spesifik dalam taruhan Anda. Pikirkan tentang mulai dari taruhan yang ditawarkan paling terjangkau. Jika Anda tidak memiliki sedikit rotasi atau pendanaan, Anda harus meningkatkan ini satu per satu; jika Anda menang, kurangi ini satu per satu. Meskipun teknik ini tidak memastikan kemenangan, ini adalah cara yang bagus untuk mengelola uang Anda dan tidak menumpahkannya sekaligus. Harap diingat bahwa dalam jangka panjang itu adalah uang kertas yang penting untuk slot.


2. Hadiah Pelabuhan Besar Tidak Terus-menerus Lebih Baik

Di banyak tempat perjudian, hadiah 6 atau 7 angka yang lebih besar tampak praktis tidak terjangkau. Di sisi lain, Anda akan menemukan port hadiah kecil membayar lebih sering. Di pelabuhan hadiah sangat modern, sepotong besar dari setiap taruhan kemungkinan besar menghasilkan hadiah khusus, namun pembayaran kapasitas juga sangat besar. Dan untuk itu jika Anda ingin menang lebih banyak mencegah slot bersenang-senang bersenang-senang dengan hadiah besar juga dan itulah pilihan terbaik dalam slot.


3. Memahami Sistem Pembayaran dari Mesin Port

Slot yang menang berdasarkan gulungan memiliki rentang dari metode, yang menyiratkan bahwa bagian pembayaran dapat berbeda dan terdaftar di bawah bagian pembayaran dasar. Sama seperti, jika Anda bermain di perangkat dengan harga pembayaran dari 95% selama waktu itu mungkin membayar 93% atau 97%.


4. Jangan menekan Anda sendiri saat bersenang-senang

Sering mempertimbangkan kemungkinan dan apa kemungkinan Anda dari memenangkan perangkat pelabuhan jangan bertindak gegabah ketika membuat taruhan, berhati-hatilah saat membuat taruhan. karena dimensi dari taruhan Anda dapat membuat Anda benar-benar merasa serakah atau serakah yang dapat membuat poin lebih buruk.


5. Jangan bermain di mesin fave port Anda

Cegah identifikasi slot favorit! Jika Anda terbiasa bersenang-senang dalam satu dan perangkat yang sama persis Anda sering khawatir dengan perjudian karena ini berhubungan dengan Anda dengan baik, yang dapat memicu beberapa masalah. Jika keadaan mulai menjadi buruk, Anda mungkin enggan untuk mempertimbangkan itu dan sering memodifikasi perangkat port yang merupakan salah satu teknik utama untuk petaruh. Pedoman dasar adalah untuk melanjutkan ketika Anda memulihkan biaya dan memodifikasi mesin jika tidak.

Dan mungkin, sebagian besar dari Anda masih bergantung pada keberuntungan dan kemungkinan, namun buat teknik khusus yang benar-benar bisa mendapatkan beberapa perbedaan dalam hasilnya.

Sisi Positif kalian kalau Memiliki kesehatan Kebugaran jasmani dalam bermain sepak bola

Sepak bola ialah salah esa olahraga team yang paling terkenal serta banyak dimainkan di dunia. Fakta itu benar-benar terkenal ialah karenanya benar-benar menyenangkan untuk bermain serta itu ialah bentuk yang efisien dari training kesehatan kardiovaskular. Hal yang gede mengenai training kesehatan sepak bola ialah jika hal tersebut bakal memberi badan sisi atas serta bawah Kamu kerja betul-betul baik keluar. Ini ialah bentuk latihan yang membidik badan semua terhitung Kamu paha, betis, perut, pantat serta skema kardiovaskular.

Bila Kamu tertarik untuk belajar makin banyak mengenai sepak bola serta training yang terjebak karena itu cek ruang lokal Kamu untuk satu club sepak bola sebab mereka bisa menyertakan Kamu score bola dalam session training mereka. Bila Kamu jadi betul-betul baik dalam bermain Kamu bakal mempunyai peluang yang baik untuk bermain untuk team lokal.

Bila kamu serius mengenai sepak bola karenanya ialah inspirasi yang baik untuk memperoleh kitted dengan gigi yang pas serta perlengkapan. Apa yang Kamu perlukan untuk beli ialah kompetisi sepak bola memiliki ukuran, bantalan tulang kering, bersih, jersey sepak bola serta celana pendek, sepatu bola dengan sekrup di kancing apabila Kamu ingin menaruh arah, baik sepasang sarung tangan kiper.

Seperti dalam bentuk latihan atau olahraga yakinkan Kamu lakukan pemanasan session 10 sampai 15 menit sebelum Kamu bermain. Session pemanasan bakal meregangkan otot serta menolong kurangi efek Kamu memperoleh luka seperti hamstring tegang. Sebelum Kamu mulai untuk bermain mengundang rekan Kamu untuk masuk dalam. Seharusnya, Kamu harus mempunyai 11 pemain di tiap team terhitung 2 kiper. Bila ini enggak kemungkinan team 5 a-side bakal baik-baik saja.

Sesudah session up hangat baik saat ini waktunya untuk bermain. Pada intinya, tiap anggota team ambil tempat khusus di lapangan untuk bermain. Ini bisa dibagi jadi three wilayah khusus seperti berikut, pembela, gelandang serta striker depan. Barisan paling akhir ialah beberapa orang yang cetak gol.

Saat Kamu sudah pilih team Kamu serta tempat Kamu bisa mengawali games. Bila Kamu ialah bek peranan Kamu untuk hentikan team musuh dari cetak gol ke team bersih Kamu. Tempat ini memerlukan banyak berjalan, serta melonjak yang bakal memberi paha serta pantat latihan betul-betul baik.

Sebab adalah olahraga team Kamu bakal butuh untuk kuasai ketrampilan melalui bola dengan tepat, membuat ruangan dan mengatasi pemain di team musuh. Dengan belajar untuk lulus bola Kamu bakal bisa manfaatkan ruang di lapangan lebih efisien serta karenanya, tingkatkan kesempatan Kamu untuk cetak gol.

Sepak bola memerlukan banyak stamina sebab Kamu bakal berjalan, lari serta melonjak di udara serta ini membuat salah esa pekerjaan training kesehatan kardiovaskular yang paling efisien yang bisa Kamu kerjakan.

Istilah yang kalian tidak ketahui di dalam Domino Qiuqiu

Jika Anda kemungkinan besar telah memainkan banyak video game domino dalam metode instan, dan tidak juga terdiri dari domino kiu kiu. Jika demikian, Anda mungkin menemukan bahwa pedoman & ketentuan dalam permainan video domino di web tidak hanya seperti pedoman yang Anda temukan. Tidak ada beberapa permainan video domino yang mencakup berbagai nama dan dalam beberapa kasus benar-benar sebanding, dan dalam beberapa kasus juga serupa. Demikian juga, tidak ada beberapa video game yang memasukkan panggilan yang sama persis di komponen berbeda dari dunia, namun pedoman berbeda dari ruang ke tempat.

Panggilan dalam video game domino qiu-qiu

Tawaran: yang menyiratkan bahwa setiap pemain akan menghasilkan taruhan. Dan taruhan ini adalah beragam faktor yang dimiliki masing-masing pemain.
Penawar: Domino qiu-qiu gaming gamer yang menempatkan taruhan terbaik.
Video game penawar: Video game di mana gamer akan mengantisipasi berbagai faktor yang akan membuat gamer menghasilkan kemenangan pada setiap kartu yang berisiko.
Blokir: Kartu yang tidak dapat dipenuhi oleh penantang.
As: Panggilan terakhir untuk kartu yang hanya memiliki satu faktor.
Lengan: kartu domino yang diletakkan di garis langsung serta desain terbaik atau menghuni permainan bola dan nomor terakhir dalam permainan video.
Janda OrWidows: Panggilan yang menyiratkan untuk kartu yang dapat ditarik oleh setiap pemain dari dek awal.
Seiring dengan berakhirnya persyaratan video game domino internet, ada juga persyaratan video game domino yang jauh lebih khusus dan dapat menjadi hadiah untuk taruhan Anda. Yang pertama adalah 6 dewa, di mana semua 4 kartu yang dipegang oleh satu gamer memiliki nilai keseluruhan dari 6. Setiap kartu ke-2 adalah kartu empat tangan, di mana semua 4 kartu yang dimiliki oleh satu orang menyarankan kartu tersebut. Balak adalah kartu domino yang 2 sisinya memiliki nilai yang sama persis.

Itulah beberapa istilah dalam domino qiu-qiu video game yang dapat Anda ingat dan pahami. Agar dapat mengingat dengan lebih cepat, Anda dapat langsung menjalankan gim video dominasi qiu-qiu dan mengalami sendiri persyaratan domino qiu-qiu sambil bersenang-senang.

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Cristiano Ronaldo Yakin Juve Juara Liga Champions Musim Ini – Mega bintang Cristiano Ronaldo mengungkapkan jika ia amat yakin kalau klubnya Juventus akan dapat memenangkan gelar pada musim ini. Dan jika tidak berhasil ia berharap musim selanjutnya Lavia Signora akan mampu menjuarai sih Kuping Besar.

I Biancconeri memang sudah lama tidak menjuarai Liga Champions eropa, mereka sudah hampir 2 dekade tidak merasakan menjadi juara dalam kompetisi benua biru tersebut. Terakhir mereka mampu menjuarainya ketika pada tahun 1997.

Meski merajai Serie A dalam 8 musim terakhir namun hal itu dinilai belum cukup untuk menjadi yang terbaik. Apalagi Juve memiliki sejarah yang besar sebagai salah satu klub top eropa dimasa lampau. Management Juventus sendiri sudah memiliki proyek yang besar dalam mewujudkan impian mereka.

Pemain andalan Juventus, Cristiano Ronaldo sangat percaya diri jika klub mampu memenangkan Liga Champions musim ini. Dan ia sudah belajar dari kegagalan musim lalu sehingga pada musim ini mantan pemain Manchester United itu bertekad kuat untuk mewujudkan impian klub yang berbasis di Turin ini.

Nama Cristiano Ronaldo sendiri sudah basi dalama pergelaran Liga Champions, total ia sudah mendapatkan 5 trofi bergengsi tersebut dalam dua klub yang berbeda. 1 gelar bersama Manchester United dan 4 gelar bersama Real Madrid. Itu sebabnya Juventus mendatangkan Ronaldo dari Real Madrid musim lalu dengan biaya mencapai 100 juta euro.

Ronaldo mengaku sudah mempersiapkan segalanya untuk dapat membantu klubnya untuk merajai eropa musim ini. Sehingga ia begitu percaya diri mampu untuk mewujudkannya.

”Yang saya rasakan dan yakinkan Juventus akan berhasil memenangkan Liga Champions musim ini. Jika tidak musim depan bukanlah hal yang buruk.”

”Saya mendapatkan semuanya di Real Madrid dan juga Manchester. Namun saya harus melakukannya di Juventus. Itu motivasi terkuat saya adalah menjuarai Liga Champions.”ucap Ronaldo.


Arsenal Hampir Pasti Dapatkan Everton Soares– The Gunners Arsenal tampaknya akan segera mendapatkan tambahan amunisi baru pada musim ini. Mereka dikabarkan akan segera mendapatkan seorang pemain asal Brasil Everton Soares.

Unai Emery memang mengeluhkan seorang winger kepada management klub mengingat pada musim lalu mereka hanya bisa mengandalkan seorang Pierick-Emerick Aubameyang yang notabe nya seorang penyerang tunggal. Musim lalu sendiri penyerang asal Gabon itu kerap digeser oleh Emery sebagai penyerang sayap pada musim lalu sehingga ia tidak bisa mengoptimalkan perannya sebagai ujung tombak klub.

Nah, Arsenal sendiri kabarnya sudah mendapatkan solusi pemain yang tepat untuk mengisi satu slot pada posisi sayap. Salah satunya adalah Everton Soares. Pemain berusia 23 tahun itu memang mencuri banyak perhatian bagi klub top eropa. Terutama ketika dirinya bermain bagus untuk timnas Brasil di ajang Copa America 2019.

Sebenarnya Everton Soares sudah menjadi incaran Arsenal pada musim lalu, namun mereka baru merekrutnya dari Gremio pada musim ini dikarenakan management klub melihat sang pemain tampil bagus bersama Brasil di ajang Copa America 2019 dan membawa tim Samba berhasil memenangkan ajang tersebut.

Tidak mau pemain incarannya direbut oleh klub lain, mereka langsung melemparkan tawaran kepada Gremio selaku klub pemain. Tawaran 36 juta poundsterling menjadi bukti nyata keseriusan klub asal London itu. Gremio sendiri kabarnya sudah setuju untuk harga yang dilayangkan Arsenal dan siap untuk melepaskan Everton.

Jika nantinya Everton berhasil didatangkan oleh Arsenal, ia akan menjadi pemain keempat yang didatangkan oleh klub. Sebelumnya Arsenal sendiri sudah mendatangkan empat pemain baru mulai dari William Saliba, Dani Ceballos dan Gabriel Martinelli.

Juventus, Ronaldo dan Sarri Saling Berjumpa Dalam Waktu Dekat – Juventus dikabarkan sudah mencarikan waktu untuk mengadakan pertemuan dengan Cristiano Ronaldo bersama Maurizio Sarri. Dalam agenda pertemuan tersebut akan membahas gestur yang kurang baik yang ditunjukan oleh sang mega bintang asal Portugal itu usai dirinya ditarik oleh pelatih Maurizio Sarri. Hal itu juga kabarnya membuat Ronaldo merasa marah dengan Sarri karena perlakuannya tersebut.

Untuk itu Ronaldo juga meminta pihak Juventus untuk dirinya bisa berbicara dengan Sarri empat mata usai kejadian tersebut. Pekan lalu sebuah kejadian yang cukup kurang bagus terjadi ketika Juventus vs Ac Milan. Dalam pertandingan tersebut Cristiano Ronaldo malah ditarik keluar oleh Sarri untuk digantikan dengan Paulo Dybala. Pada saat itu kedua klub masih bermain imbang dengan skor kaca mata. Sebelum Dybala menjadi pembeda dimenit-menit akhir usai tembakannya dari luar kotak penalti mampu membawa tiga poin penting dalam kompetisi Serie A.

Ternyata penarikan Ronaldo untuk digantikan dengan Dybala berujung tidak senangnya pria 34 tahun itu. Ronaldo terlihat langsung meninggalkan stadion dan berjalan keluar. Ia juga tidak berada di ruang ganti dan langsung meninggalkan timnya untuk pulang ke rumah. Kejadian tersebut kabarnya membuat petinggi Juventus mulai murka dengan mantan pemain Real Madrid itu. Ada yang menanggap itu normal dan ada juga yang menganggap sikap Ronaldo kurang terpuji karena tidak menghormati klub dan juga fans.

Tidak mau berlarut-larut terjebak dalam permasalahan tersebut Ronaldo dan juga Juventus dikabarkan akan mengadakan pertemuan setelah jeda International. Ia juga akan menjumpai Maurizio Sarri dan juga Juventus.

Singkirkan Chelsea, Solskjaer Puji Dua Pemain

Pelatih Manchester United yakni Ole Gunnar Solskjaer sanjung para performa dari pemain Manchester United yakni Brandom Williams. Pemain yang baru berusia 19 tahun tersebut berhasil menampilkan performa permainan yang luar biasa pada saat Manchester United berhasil mengalahkan Chelsea di stadion Stamford Bridge, pada hari kamis 13-10-2019 dini hari WIB.

Brandom Williams kembali berhasil mendapatkan kepercayaan dari pelatih Manchester United yakni Ole Gunnar Solskjaer pada posisi kiri pertahanan Manchester United setelah berhasil tampil dengan performa yang luar biasa ketika melawan Patizan Belgrade di kompetisi Liga Europa pada pertengahan minggu lalu. Brandom Williams bermain selama 90 menit punuh untuk mebantu Manchester United menang tipis dengan skor 2-1 dan sekaligus berhasil lolos ke babak perempat final Carobao Cup.

Pelatih Manchester United yakni Ole Gunnar Solskjaer pun mengatakan kalau Brandom Williams bermain dengan performa permainan yang sangat luar biasa saat bermain di kandang Chelsea. “Di setiap kali anda berhasil mendapatkan hail itu akan memberikan sebuah kepercayaan diri yang luar biasa,” Ujar nya seperti yang di kutip dari halaman Manchester United Evening News.

“Akan tetapi, tetika kamu berhasil memberi pamain muda seperti Brandon Williams maka pengalaman yang Brandon Williams dapatkan malam ini dan pemain muda tersebut itu akan menjadi pemain yang luar biasa lagi, hal tersebut puna akan membantu mereka.

“Kami pun mengerti bahwa kami bukanlah produk jadi, maka masih dalam tahap proses dan terus menerus berusaha untuk terus meningkatkan performa pemainan di dalam tim. Mereka terus menerus belajar supaya bisa mendapatkan pengalaman baru, kami juga ingin terus memenagkan setiap pertandingan yang kami jalankan, ketika kamu bermain untuk Manchester United, maka anda di harapkan untuk terys memenangkan setiap pertandingan yang di jalani oleh Manchester United,” Ujar Ole Gunnar Solskjaer.

” Jadi untuk kami, Anda bisa menandai Brandom Williams untuk melihat performa permainan berikutnya.”

Tidak hanya Brandon Williams, pelatih Manchester United yakni Ole Gunnar Solskjaer juga memuji penampilan Dari Danil James. Daniel James secara langsung ikut berkontribusi terhadap enam dari 13 gol Manchester United di kompetisi Liga Premier League.

Lampard Menaruh Banyak Harapan Untuk Pulisic di Chelsea

Pelatih Chelsea yakni Frank Lampard tidak sepenuh nya mengabaikan talenta yang di miliki oleh pemain asal Amerika Serikat yakni Christian Pulisic. Sebalik nya, pelatih Chelsea yakni Frank Lampard malah menaruh banyak harapan agar Christian Pulisic bisa ikut memberi dampak di Chelsea.

Christian Pulisic akan menjadi pemain anyar Chelsea pada kompetisi musim 2019-2020. Walaupun sudah di datangkan oleh Chelsea dari klub sepak bola asal Germain yakni Borussio Dortmund pada awal bulan Januari 2019 di mana di buka nya bursa tranfer musim dingin. Akan tetapi Christian Pulisic pada waktu itu meminta kepada pihak Chelsea untuk meminjamkan nya ke Borussia Dortmund sampai kompetisi musim 2018-2019 selesai.

Harapan dari Christian Pulisic untuk langsung menjadi pemain pilihan utama di skuat Chelsea di bawah asuhan pelatih yakni Frank Lampard tidak lah menjadi kenyataan, Frank Lampard meminta kepada Christian Pulisic untuk bisa lebih membuktikan kualitas permain nya terlebih dahulu.

Situasi tersebut sempat membuat Christian Pulisic frustasi. Christian Pulisic tidak masuk ke pilihan dan tidak sering harus memulai pertandingan dari pinggir lapangan.

Akan tetapi, pelatih Chelsea yakni Frank Lampard sudah mengakui kalau Frank Lampard memiliki harapan yang begitu besar kepada pemain asal Amerika Serikat yakni Christian Pulisic. Hal itu Frank Lampard kataka setelah Chelsea berhasil menang atas klub sepan bola asal Belanda yakni Ajax Amsterdam pada pertandingan fase grup di kompetisi liga Champions.

Christian Pulisic pun masuk sebagai salah satu pemain pengganti pada pertandingan di mana Chelsea berhadapan dengan Ajax. Christian Pulisic menjadi kreator di lini tengah Chelse auntuk gol tunggal Chelsea yang masuk ke gawang Ajax.

“Christian Pulisic tampil begitu apik karena Christian Pulisic berhasil membuat perbedaan di atas lapangan. Saya mengakui, saya sudah keras kepada nya. Akan tetapi, saya sangat mengetahui betul potensi yang di miliki oleh Christian Pulisic,” ujar pelatih Chelsea yakni Frank Lampard.

Christian Pulisic begitu masih muda, Christian Pulisic baru saja berumur 21 saya memiliki banyak pemain berpengalaman di area tersebut. Maka, Christian Pulisic harus bersabar.

Ozil Akan Selalu Siap Jika Sedang Dibutuhkan Arsenal

Pemain asal Germain yakni Mezut Ozil sempat mengakui ingin sekali membantu rekan rekan setim nya di atas lapangan hijau. Gelandang Arsenal itu pun selalu menegaskan diri nya sendiri akan selalu siap kapan pun jika dibutuhkan untuk bermain.

Mezut Ozil hanya baru bermain sebanyak dua kali saja dari dalam 11 pertandingan yang dijalani oleh Arsenal pada kompetisi musim panas 2019-2020 ini. Pemain yang sudah bersudia 31 tahun tersebut cuma bisa merasakan 142 menit bertanding di atas lapangan hijau.

Masa depan Mesut Ozil pun di Arsenal semakin tidak jelas. Walaupun demikian, Mezut Ozil selalu menegaskan, bahwa diri ya akan selalu siap kapan saja jika Diri nya mendapatkan kesempatan bermain lagi di skuat utama Arsenal di bawah kepelatihan Unai Emery.

“Tentu saja pada saat ini keadaan seperti ini begitu sangat mengecewaka. Akan tetapi, sebagai salah satu pemain sepak bola yang profesional, saya tetap harus apa pun keputusan sang pelatih. Karena keputusan yang di ambil oleh pelatih merupakan keputusan yang baik untuk tim,” Ujar Mesut Ozil kepala media sepak bola The Athletic.

“TIdak ikut terlibat, menonton pertandingan dari rumah, membuat saya hari ke hari semakin tidak berdaya. Saya ingin juga menjadi bagian dari tim dan merasakan atsmofir pertandingan seperti dulu, saya ingin terus mensupport teman teman yang sedang bermain satu tim dengan saya untuk berhasil dan meraih kemenangan. Saya sama sekali tidak berlatih sepanjang hari hanya untuk itu. Saya selalu siap untuk bermain kembali.”

“Hal seperti ini seharus nya bukan masalah tentang saya maupun pelatih Arsenal yakni Unai Emery. ini hanya tentang klub sepak bola Arsenal. Saya harus bisa memberikan segala nya, selalu menjadi bugar dan tetap fokus, dan saya terus menerus berlatih keras untuk siap kembali di panggail bermain bersama Arsenal.”

Mezut Ozil juga meegaskan bahwa diri nya sama sesekal tidak membenci pelatih Arsenal yakni Unai Emery

“Saya sudh bekerja di bawah pelatih terbesar di dunia sepak bola seperti Arsene Wenger, Joachim Low, Jose Mourinho dan saya selalu menghormati para pelatih tersebut. Itu pun berlaku untuk Unai Emery. Kami mungkin tidak selalu bertemu secara langsung di dalam segala hal, tapi hal tersebut normal, itu hidup dan sama seperti hanya dengan keluarga maupun teman teman. Anda harus bisa menerima dan terus maju,” Ujar Mezut Ozil.

inilah Artist Holywood yang mencerminkan Cinta sejati

Langsung saja yuk!!

Sebuah hubungan yang terjadi antar kaum awam dan kaum hawa merupakan hal lazim yang sudah menjadi bagian dari kebahagiaan setiap manusia untuk mendapatkan impian tersebut , namun kadang kala cinta sejati dipersulit oleh pasangan pasangan itu sendiri yang tidak mau mencoba mengerti arti cinta sejati itu seperti apa

apalagi pasangan tersebut datang dari Bangsa yang sudah memiliki nama baik , kemudian memiliki kesibukan dan gaya hidup yang setiap harinya berbeda , melihat keadaan gosip dan rumor yang melanda pada artist artis terkadang membuat kandas cinta pasangan artist tersebut dan hal itu sudah sering terjadi secara nyata sampai saat ini, namun bukan tidak ada cinta sejati yang terus mekar dan nyata untuk menampilkan apa yang mereka miliki .

dan berikut salah satu artis yang sudah mempunyai karier , uang melimpah serta mendapatkan kebahagiaan yang diinginkan sampai usia menua , Artis artis tersebut juga merupakan bagian dari masyarakat lainya dimana menumbuhkan rasa cinta dari suatu lokasi dan mereka berhasil membuktikan dalam hal rumah tangga , bisa dikatakan juga membuat untuk contoh contoh pasangan yang masi belum beruntung  sebagai berikut :


Jada pinkett smith dan Will Smith

Will Smith merupakan artis yang sampai saat ini aktif dalam dunia perfilman International , Awal mula bertemu dengan Jada pinkeet Sekitar pada tahun 1994 yang ikut dalam Audisi mencari Orang untuk peran dalam fil yang berjudul Fresh Prince of Bel-air , Namun sayangnya Jada Pinkett sendiri tidak mendapatkan apa yang dia inginkan setelah mencoba mengikuti Audisi tersebut
Sayang tidak mendapatkan karier lewat audisi tersebut ,  dan Sangat disayangi sampai kini oleh Will Smith karena jada Smith telah berhasil menjadi istrinya dalam kehidupan nyata ditahun 1997


Foto diatas merupakah alhasil foto dimana telah menjadi pasangan dan bukti cinta sejati mereka sejak pernikahan mereka yang sudah berjalan sekitar  22 tahun lamanya tidak tergoyahkan meski gosip banyak melanda kehidupan mereka tangga dari pasangan ini , Kehidupan mereka telah menjadi contoh pasangan cinta sejati yang sampai kini telah diberkahi 2 orang anak yakni dengan nama Willow smith dan juga jaden smith , nama belakang smith diambil dari Will Smith untuk buah hati mereka

Masayu anatasia panik dengan adanya kerutan diwajah

Punya Wajah mulus adalah impian Bagi semua orang, Dengan Wajah mulus Kepercayaan Diri dalam Hal apapun slalu stabil , Dan Cenderung Kaum wanita lebih menjaga dari apa yang sudah ia miliki ,

JanganKan luka jika ada pada bagian wajahnya sudah mebuat ia tidak percaya diri ,,Debu pun sudah membuat ia risih dalam Beraktifitas Membahas Mengenai Kecantikan dalam dunia artis , Wajah juga Memiliki tuntutan diri dan Juga penggemar yang sudah di hitung matang matang , Show Akan Terhenti apabila Wajah tidak dirias Seanggun mungkin untuk ditampilkan kepada publikbaru baru ini seseorang Artis Yakni Masayu Anatasia Sebagai salah satu artis pesinetreon ABG mengaku sangat merasa tidak nyaman bahkan takut apabila ada Kerutan diwajahnya

SedikitpunAnatasya mengaku tidak merasa percaya diri meski tidak terlihat jelas oleh pandangan publik bila dibalik layar , namun rasa percaya diri pada diri sendiri berkurang pesat ketika berada didepan kamera dan sangat menggangu , apalagi muncul Jerawat , Masayu.A mengaku sangat tidak nyaman dan tidak ingin berada didepan kamera

” Yang paling aku takuti itu Kerutan kerutan gitu , untuk alasanya Sih..’ sebenarnya Engak ada”” cuma kalau lagi makeup atu lagi didepan kamera dan juga di Kaca untuk kepribadian aku sendiri merasa terganggu Banggett”

Ujaran masayu saat ditanya di kebayoran baru Jakarta saat diliputMelihat dari ujaranya itu takut akan kerutan pada inti dari kecantikan yaitu wajah , Masayu anatasia sendiri tidak memiliki atau menyiapkan Budget mengenai perawatan KecantikanSaat pertanyaan wartawan media yang menanyakan apakah tidak ada jadwal khusus untuk perawatan kulit kecantikanya?masayu anatasia

” Paling hanya Heboh sendiri waktu jerawat tu muncul di muka aku, gak ada buat Budget khusus , palingan ribet sendiri kalau kerutan muncul wajah aku, Ribet Poko’k ‘nya ” Ujar Masayu AnatasyaMasayu Anatasia juga mengaku bahwa sangat Tau dengan keadaanya tidak menyiapkan budget dengan menyesuaikan pola makannya yang tidak mengkonsumsi yang berminyak dan ia sadar makanan makanan seperti yang memicu beberapa kondisi yang memungkinkan akan memunculkan kepanikanya tersebut

Aksi demo mahasiswa Makin membara

Pada hari kamis semalam tepatnya menunjukan tanggal 26 september 2019 di lokasi istana kepresidenan-jakarta dengan Hadirnya sejumlah tokoh – tokoh bangsa akhirnya joko widodo selaku presiden Republik indonesia turut memberikan Keterangan Melalui Jumpa pers tersebut Melakukan Pertemuan ini Sengaja Membahas Dan memberi Masukan Perihal Mengenai kenyataan Dilapangan Terjadi Aksi Demonstransi yang dilakukan Para Mahasiswa/ siwi indonesia dengan Tema Menolak adanya Pengesahan Ruu Kuhp yang sudah banyak diketahui dan menjadi wacana utama setiap media sosial sangat ramai menjadi bahan pembicaraan

Aksi Demonstrasi ini diketahui dari Isu yang Beredar Bahwa Penerbitan Rancangan kitab Undang – undang hukum pidana ini ( Rukuhp ) tidak Diinginkan Oleh Masyarakat yang Bersepakat Dengan Mahasiswa dan juga Mahasiswi universitas indonesia Karena Isi isi Didalamnya Mencakup Hal kecil yang dinilai Tidak memiliki Motivasi untuk indonesia itu sendiri  atau bisa dikatakan Seperti tergambar Membantu Rencana Untuk para Elite Politik.

Namun Melihat keadaan yang semakin hari semakin Marak dalam Aksi penolakan yang terlihat seperti dibawah



Hal ini tentu sangat Meresahkan Banyak pihak Kaum awam  karena Lintas akses Jalanan umun dipenuhi Ribuan Orang yang setiap orangnya memiliki peganggan Gambaran dari Keluhan Masyarakat

Dari tokoh – tokoh yang hadir dalam istana negara menumjumpai presiden jokowi tidak lain adalah ahli hukum kemudian akademisi , dari kalangan pengusaha juga turut hadir , dan ada juga cendekiawan sastrawa sampai kepada pelaku seni yang ada di indonesia

” kami sangat menyampaikan banyak rasa terimakasih bagi Mahasiswa / siswi yang juga masyarakat telah memberi Segala bentuk dan jenis masukan yang luas Pemahamany yang ditujukan dengan kaitan Revisi RUU KUHP yang sedang didiskusikan oleh wakil Rakyat yakni DPR , benar adanya yang mencakup pasal kePresidenan ini menjadi masukan Sangat sangat baik ” imbuhnya dalam Keterangan kepada Camera Media sosial yang meliput.

Dalam Perjumpaan tersebut merupakan bagian Rapat terbuka agar tidak ada isu sarah yang menambah Masalah yang Telah ada , dan PresidenRI Joko widodo juga Menyampai kepada Semua Tokoh bangsa yang telah hadir Agar menerima dengan Baik apalagi meragukan dari komitmen Dengan Dasar dalam Membangun Demokrasi indonesia menuju kesejahteraan rakyat

Ini Sedikit Penyampaiannya ” Saya ingin Menyampaikan dengan Tegas bahwa Kembali lagi Komitmen saya pada kehidupan demokasi yang sudah ada diindonesia bahwa kebebasan pers dan juga kebebasan penyampaian pendapat adalah satu pilar demokrasi yang harus kita pertahankan dan kita jaga.

Lampard Bicara Penyebab Kenapa Pulisic Dicadangkan Chelsea

Pelatih Chelsea yakni Frank Lampard membeberkan alasan kenapa tidak memainkan pemain asal Amerika yakni Christian Pulisic di dalam dua pertandingan terakhir Che;sea. Cristian Pulisic di cadangkan hanya di karena sebuah alasan taktik.

Christian Pulisic hanya bisa melihat para rekan rekan nya dari bangku cadangan ketika Chelsea bertanding melawan Valencia dan Watford. Kondisi seperti ini langsung membuat pelatih Chelsea di pertanyakan oleh para penggemar Chelsea.

Christian Pulisic di datangkan oleh Chelsea sebagai pemain untuk menggantikan Eden Hazard, akan tetapi Christian Pulisic tidak di libatkan dalam pertandingan krusial oleh pelatih Chelsea yakni Frank Lampard.

“Christian Pulisic masih ada di dalam rencana Chelsea. Jika Cristian Pulisic tidak kunjung di mainkan, bukan berarti Christian Pulisic tidak bisa tampil untuk membela Chelsea ,” Ujar pemain legenda Chelsea sekaligus pelatih Chelsea yakni Frank Lampard.

“Saya lebih memilih untuk menurunkan Pedro di kompetisi Liga Champions pada saat Chelsea melawan Valencia di babak kualifikasi kompetisi Liga Champions. Hal ini di karenakan Pedro sudah lebih banyak pengalaman yang lebih banyak dari pada Christian Pulisic dan sudah tidak ada maksud lain.”

“Christian Pulisic merupakan pemain muda yang memiliki bakat yang hebat. Akan tetapi, saya tidak ingin terlalu terburu buru karena Christian Pulisic masih harus terus beradaptasi ,” Ujar pelatih Chelsea yakni Frank Lampard.

Chelsea mengalami kekalahan perdana nya di kualifikasi kompetisi Liga Champions 2019-2020. Chelsea di kalahkan oleh Valencia dengan skor tipis yakni 1-0. Para penggemar Chelsea di harapkan dapat memberikan kesempatan bermain yang lebih banyak kepada Christian Pulisic agar bisa lebih cepat untuk beradaptasi di Chelsea.

Chelsea menjalani awal musim dengan hasil negatif. Chelsea berhasil di kalahkan oleh Manchester United di kompetisi Liga Premier League dan juga dari Liverpool di kompetisi Piala Super Eropa.

Setelah kekalahan tersebut pelatih Chelsea meminta para anak asuh nya untuk lebih meningkatkan performa permainan. Pada akhir nya, usaha dari Frank Lampard itu sendiri mulai menunjukan hasil.

Tommy Abraham menjadi salah satu pemain yang paling menyita perhatian seluruh penonton yang ada di dalam stadion maupun di luar stadion. Tommy Abraham berhasil menjalani debut nya sebagai mesin gol utama di Chelsea dalam kompetisi Liga Premier League 2019-2020.

Sergia Romos Minta Izin Untuk Hengkang dari Real Madrid

Kapten Real Madrid yakni Sergio Ramos, dengan bercanda mengatakan bahwa pada kompetisi musim panas ini Sergio Ramois akan lebih memiliki waktu yang banyak di Amazon ketimbang klub nya yakni Real Madrid. Amazon merupakan sebuah flim yang lebih menceritakan kisah kehidupan pemain lini pertahanan Real Madrid tersebut.

Film yang di buat Amazon Prime vidio ini, secara lengkap menceritakan awal perjalanan sisi kehidupan dari pemain lini pertahanan sekaligus capten Real Madrid yakni Sergio Ramos tersebut. Berita nya, flim dokumenter tersebut itu akan di buat sebanyak delapan episode.

Pertanyaan demi pertanyaan yang di lontarkan oleh Sergio Ramos ini, seperti menjawab spekulasi soal masa depan nya di Real Madrid. Pada sebelum nya Sergio Ramos selalu di kait kaitkan akan segera angkat kaki dari klub sepak bola yang membesarkan nama nya tersebut yakni Real Madrid.

“Seperti yang sudah saya bilang, saya memiliki lebih banyak waktu dengan Amazon dari pada dengan klub sepak bola asal Spanyol, Real Madrid,” Ujar Sergio Ramos sambil tertawa terbahak bahak, seperti yang di beritakan oleh El Espanyol. “Kita akan bersama sama lihat apa yang akan terjadi nanti.

“Di dalam kasus saya seperti ini, saya memiliki kontrak selama dua tahun lama ny alagi bersama Real Madrid dan saya akan mencoba semaksimal mungkin untuk bisa memenangkan semua kompetisi sepak bola yang di ikuti Real Madrid seperti biasa, Kata kaptep dari Real Madrid yakni Sergo Ramos.

“Sergio Ramos memiliki masa depan yang cerah kita semua bisa melihat nya. Sepak bola sekarang ini berjalan dengan begitu sangat cepat sehingga jauh dari lubuh hati yang paling dalam kalian tidak punya waktu untuk bisa menikmati hal yang baik atau pun menikmati nya. Dari semua itu tidak membuat anda bisa tenggelam dalam kekalahan.”

“Jadi, kalian harus bisa menimati setiap hal momen momen dan kalian akan bisa melihat apa yang akan terjadi besok hari nya,” Ujar kapten Real Madrid yakni Sergio Ramos.

Pemain timnas Spanyol ini sudah berhasil membuat 41 penampilan nya untuk Real Madrid pada kompetisi musim lalu. Akan tetapi, Sergio Ramos di nilai tidak termasuk dalam pemain yang berkinerja buruk ketika Real Madrid mengalami musim yang begitu sangat sulit.

Adaptasi Lancar, Pemain Baru Chelsea Sanjung Pelatih Chelsea

Winger baru Chelsea yakni Christian Pulisic merasakan proses beradaptasi di klub sepak baru nya yakni di Chelsea berjalan begitu sangat lancar. Pemain sayap asal Amerika Serikat (AS) itu mengatakan semua nya berjalan begitu lancar karena bantuan dari sang pelatih Chelsea yakni Frank Lampard.

Chirtian Pulisic di boyong dari klub sepak bola asal Germain yakni Borusia Dortmund dengan biaya tranfer sebesar 58 juta pound sterling atau sekitar (Rp 999 miliar). Chirtian Pulisic memang di datangkan sebagai pemain pengganti dari Eden Hazard yang hengkang ke klub sepak bola Spanyol, yakni Real Madrid pada bursa tranfer musim panas 2019.

Pada kompetisi musim panas ini Christian Pulisic sudah bermain sebanyak lima pertandingan bersama Chelsea. Akan tetapi Christian Pulisic masih belum mencetak gol untuk Chelsea.

“Pelatih Chelsea yakni Frank Lampard merupakan seseorang yang begitu sangat ramah. pelatih Chelsea yakni Frank Lampard sudah banyak membantu banyak hal selama saya pindah di klub sepak bola asal Inggris yakni Chelsea,” Ujar mantan pemain Borusia Dortmund yang di beritakan langsung oleh Evening Standard sepak bola.

“Pada saat ini Chelsea memilik banyak pemain muda dan Frank Lampard begitu sangat paham betul dalam keadaan yang seperti ini. Frank Lampard mulai mendidik kami dan juga membuat pemain muda seperti kami menjadi lancar beradaptasi di Chelsea,” Ujar Christian Pulisic menambahkan.

Di sisi lain Christian Pulisic membebarkan bahwa diri nya tidak mau terlalu banyak berbicara kepada media. Apalagi membuat berita memghebokan seperti pemain lain seperti Zlatan Ibrahimovic dan Paul Pogba.

“Secara pribadi saya tidak begitu nyaman pada saat sedang di wawancarai. Jujur saja sampai pada detik ini juga saya masih membiasakan diri nya untuk tetap bisa berbicara di depan kamera” Ujar Christian Pulisic.

“Jadi jangan terlalu banyak berharap saya bisa memberikan sebuah jawaban untuk mantan pemain Manchester United yakni Zlatan Ibrahimovic,” Ujar Chritian Pulisic sambil tersenyum di depan kamera para media sepak bola yang sedang meliputi nya tersebut.

joao kembali di pinjamkan ke lokomotiv moskow

geladandang serang yakni joao mario , kini resmi telah dilepas oleh inter milan dan diketahui bahwa joao mario sendiri akan beralih pindah ke klub liga premier rusia , dan dalam pemindahan ini meski masi dalam status pinjaman saja

lokomotiv moscow meminjam joao mario dari intermilan ini diketahui bahwa selama satu pekan lamanya , dan untuk pemindahan permanen joao mario ke intermilan pada pekan musim depan tahun 2020 – 2021.

joao mario ternyata memang sangat laku , perihal minjam peminjaman hal sudah mejadi bagian kedua darinya , sebelumnya gelandang asal portugal yang tergabung dengan intermilan ini sempat juga dipinjamkan kepada west ham pada musim lalu

mengenai kenapa hanya joao mario yang selalu menjadi pemain pinjaman ,  karena dari sekian banyak gelandang dari hasil bursa transfer intermilan merekrut pemain pemain terbaik membuat ia harus menerima nasib karena tidak masuk dalam strategi formasi intermilan yang saat ini , meskipun demikian joao mario sebagai asuhan antonio conte juga turut merasa gembira atas kabar peminjaman / bergabung dengan lokomotiv moskow dan baginya suatu kehormatan bisa tampil dan bergabung pada liga champions mendatang

“bergabung dengan lokomotiv moscow adalah suatu hal yang sangat menggembirakan bagi saya , dan saya meyakini dan tahu bahwa klub tersebut sangatlah hebat, mendapatkan pemain yang hebat dan terbaik bukanlah merupakan satu hal yang baru klub itu , “tutur joao mario

“disaat pertemuan yang kami jadwalkan kami akan langsung membahas strategi yang baik dan cemerlang untuk menhghadapi dalam liga champions nanti ” tambahnya lagi joao mario

yan widjaya mengaku sudah tidak sanggup menerima bulyan warganet

gosip terbaru berdasarkan berita dari media sosial , bahwa yan widjaya telah menutup akun resmi twiternya yang dilakukan ketika mendapatkan banyak respon dari banyak pihak yang dilontarkan kepadanya

alasan ini dilakukan ketika yan widjaya sebelumnya tengah menyebut seorang artis yakni diketahui aura kasih dimana ia memberikan kata kata yang tidak senonoh , setelah itu terjadi  widjaya mengaku tidak nyaman dan langsung menonaktifkan media sosialnya

diketahui juga bahwa yan widjaya yang sbelumnya melakukan hal tersebut , ia sudah memiliki followers yang sangat banyak sekitar 16 ribu , mungkin dari pengikut dengna jumlah seperti itu yan widjaya hanya mengenal sedikit orang saja , untuk sisanya kemungkinan para warganet dadakan yang menyerang postinganya tersebut

” pengikut yang banyak seperti itu maksudnya saya punya followers yang banyak , daris semua itu yang saya kenal hanya berjumlah lebih kurang 10% banyaknya dan sisa sekitar 90% lainya saya tidak mengenalnya, selain itu yang saya lihat mereka ngomong banyak mode dan macam macam artinya , perlakukan itu sangat membuat saya tergangu terutama dalam hal perkerjaan saya” kata yan saat ditanya oleh showbiz

yan widjaya mengakui sangat merasakan ketidaknyamananya dalam keseharianya dikarenakan merasakan sangking banyakanya bulyan komentar terhadapnya , yan widjaya memilih untuk vakum dan tidak membuat kapan kembali aktif dalam dunia media sosial yang ia miliki saat itu


yan widjaya juga menuturkan akan berlibur sejenak yang diketahui perencanaan wisata ke paris , berhubung apa yang diterimanya membuat hidupnya terasa sangat suram , oleh karena itu ia memutuskan untuk berwisata dalam sementara waktu ini

barca tak terbendung kekalahan

dalam menghabiskan akhir dari pekan musin 2018 – 2019 barcelona sedikit mendapat kekecewaan , meski telah mencapai puncak menjadi kampiun La liga , disebu sebut sebagai tim catalan ternyata gagal menjadi juara di liga champions dengan melewatkan drama pertandingan yang cukup menyakitkan

sebelumnya dilangsungkan dengan meraih kemenangan di nou camp , namun harus menerima nasi dengan mendapatkan kekalahan disaat melawan the reds di pertandingan fase semifinal dengan kekalahan sebanya 4 gol untuk lawan / the reds  , situasi ini juga pernah dialami dan hampir dikatakan sama sebelumnya pada musim ditahun 2017 – 2018 dalam perempatan final ketika mereka di tendang oleh as roma

digasak valencia , dalam final raja spanyol itu tentu menambah derita klub barcelona , meski tak memenuhi keinginan , pelatih menaruh titik aman pada pemain ernesto valverde , dan akan siap maju ke musim baru nanti , sang pelatih juga terbuka  memberi kebebasan bursa transfer dalam melakukan pengrekrutan pemain yang bertujuan untuk membentuk skuat barunya

mempertahankan dalam dominasi la liga dan juga dalam liga champions adalah salah satu target utama barcelona,dan untuk ambisi yang besar ini bukanlah hal yang tidak wajar karna barcelona adalah salah satu klub dengan menjuarai kompetisi domestik sebanyak 26 kali.

pemain yang sebelumnya dari atletico madrid ini sebelumnya yakni antoine griezmann , yang tengah memperkaya dalam lini depan , yang sekarang tidak lagi ketergantungan pada luis suarez  , lionel messi dan juga lainya seperti philippe coutinho,  namun itulah kenyataan yang harus diterima oleh barcelona yang harus menerima kekalahan ditanamkan oleh the reds

Top 3 Bursa Transfer Musim Panas 2019

Bursa transfer di musim panas 2019 akan segera di tutup di berbagai Liga, tentunya setiap kali di adakan Bursa Transfer dapat di pastikan itulah saatnya para Club-Club besar melakukan pembelian dan penjualan para pemain bola yang di milikinya.

Bursa Transfer juga sering di kenal dengan ajang cara mencari uang bagi club yang membutuhkan dana dalam menjalani awal pertandingan musim depan. Bursa transfer juga selalu menjadi perhatiaan bagi seluruh fans bola untuk mengetahui bagaimana berkembangnya suatu club, apakah mereka sanggup atau tidak dalam memenangkan pertandingan musim berikutnya.

Salah satu bursa transfer yang sudah di tutup adalah Bursa transfer Premier League yang telah di tutup tanggal 8 agustus 2019 semalam, di bandingkan Liga lainnya Premier League adalah liga yang selalu pertama sekali menutup bursa transfernya setiap tahun.

Lantas bagaimanakah Bursa transfer kali ini? dan berapa harga tertinggi dari pembelian seorang pemain dari sebuah club? pada kali ini kita akan membahas tentang beberapa transfer pemain termahal pada bursa transfer musim panas 2019 ini.

  1. EDEN HAZARD : Bukan berita baru lagi jika Eden Hazard akan pindah dari Chelsea ke Real Madrid, walaupun keberatan dalam melepaskan Hazard tetapi pada akhirnya Chelsea harus merelakannya untuk pergi ke Real Madrid. Transfer Eden Hazard memakan biaya sebesar 130 juta Poundsterling, selain itu di ketahui bahwa Eden Hazard juga menerima kompensasi dari Real Madrid sebesar 20 juta Poundsterling jadi total biaya yang di keluarkan Real Madrid adalah 150 juta Poundsterling untuk mendapatkan Eden Hazard.
  2. Joao Felix : Pemain asal portugal yang di sebut sebagai penganti dari Cristiano Ronaldo akhirnya berhasil di bawa ke Atletico Madrid. Joao Felix juga berhasil memecahkan harga bursa transfer sebagai pemain muda dengan biaya termahal saat ini. Atletico Madrid berani mengeluarkan harga yang fantastic untuk Benefica agar dapat membawa bocah ajaib ini. Harga yang di keluarkan Atletico Madrid adalah sebesar 120 juta Poundsterling untuk membeli bocah ajaib tersebut.
  3. Antoine Griezmann : Transfer yang di inginkan oleh Griezmann akhirnya berhasil di lakukan, Antoine Griezmann yang sudah enggan untuk membela Atletico Madrid akhirnya memilih untuk memundurkan diri dari Madrid dan pindah ke Barcelona. Di perkirakan bahwa Barcelona merogoh kocek 110 juta Poundsterling untuk bisa membawa Griezmann dari Atletico Madrid.

Para club-club besar sepertinya menghabiskan lebih banyak untuk mendapatkan jasa para pemain agar dapat mendukung permainan mereka di awal musim. Walaupun masih akan banyak transfer mengejutkan dari Liga lain, tetapi sampai dengan saat ini hanya transfer beberapa pemain tersebut yang memecahkan rekor bursa transfer kali ini.

MU Lepas Tawaran 70 Juta Poundsterling, Lile Langsung Menolak

Dilansir oleh Metro, Manchester United dikabarkan langsung melemparkan tawaran sebesar 70 juta Poundsterling untuk menggaet Winger Lille, Nicolas Pepe.Penolakan terhadap Lille menambah rasa frustasi Manchester United mengingat mereka juga belum berhasil mendapatkan Harry Maguire.

Sudah bukan rahasia lagi jika pasukan Ole Gunnar Solskjaer tengah merombak skuat habis-habisan melihat pada musim lalu mereka hanya bertengger di posisi-6 klasmen Primer Leangue dan harus melewatkan ajang Liga Champions Eropa.

Nama Nicolas Pepe yang menjadi properti hangat dalam bursa transfer musim 2019-2020 memang membuat banyak klub top eropa langsung melirik pemain asal Pantai Gading ini. Mengapa Nicolas Pepe menjadi buruan banyak klub top eropa? Mari simak penjelasan berikut.

Musim lalu Pepe menjadi pemain tertajam kedua di Ligue-1 dengan torehan 22 gol dan 15 assist yang diciptakan olehnya.Ia hanya kalah dari penyerang milik Paris Saint Germain, Kylian Mbappe yang berhasil mencetak 33 gol. Meskipun begitu nama Pepe bagaikan magnet untuk klub besar eropa, dikarenakan tidak terlalu banyak pemain sayap yang mampu mencetak  di atas 20 gol per musim, jika pun ada maka harga pemain tersebut kemungkinan menyentuh angka 100 juta euro seperti Eden Hazard yang bergabung dengan Real Madrid pada musim ini dengan nominal angka yang disebutkan tadi.

Sebenarnya Nicolas Pepe sendiri sudah mengatakan jika dirinya ingin mencari tantangan baru demi perkembangan karirnya. Ia juga menunjukan sebuah syarat jika klub tersebut harus memasukkannya dalam skema inti karena ia hanya akan bergabung dengan klub yang memberikan dirinya jam terbang yang banyak.

Nama Manchester United masuk dalam kandidat calon klub baru pemain berusia 24 tahun itu, sebenarnya tidak hanya MU, yang tertarik dengan sang pemain, Liverpool, Arsena, Inter Milan hingga Napoli tertarik untuk mendapatkannya. Namun kabar terkini menyebutkan Liverpool dan Arsenal mundur dari persaingan dikarenakan mereka menolak untuk membayar harga sang pemain yang dipatok oleh Lille. Sementara Inter Milan maupun Napoli tidak memiliki dana yang terlalu banyak untuk membeli pemain baru.

Nah, United sendiri melenggang sendirian untuk perburuan Pepe,dan Presiden Lille sendiri sudah mengungkapkan jika transfer Pepe hampir selesai tapi ia enggan untuk mengungkapkan klub mana yang akan menjadi pelabuhan sang pemain.

‘’Mengenai Nico, dia hampir pasti pergi dan proses transfernya sudah hampir selesai. Sebenarnya musim lalu dirinya sudah sedikit lagi meninggalkan klub, ada klub besar eropa yang sudah memberikan penawaran kepadanya. Kita akan menunggu apa yang akan terjadi dalam beberapa hari kedepan.’’tutur Gerard Lopez Presiden Lille.


Momoko Sakura Dies Of Breast Cancer

Momoko Sakura is the creator of Chibi Maruko Chan. She died of breast cancer on 15 August 2018 when she was 53 years old. As we know, Chibi Maruko Chan is the most popular comedy anime back in time.

Momoko Sakura funeral has been held. In the ceremony, only family and close friends can attend. Chibi Maruko Chan manga started the debut in 1984. In that time, Chibi Maruko Chan manga published in Ribbon manga magazine.

In 1990, the manga is very popular. Chibi Maruko Chan popularity drag them into anime version. The anime aired more than 60 country around the world and became the most succesfull anime in that time.  The first theme song of Chibi Maruko Chan is Odoru Ponpokorin. This song also became so popular, over 1.73 millions copy has been sold.

“Sad to here this news. She go so early. But her “Chibi Maruko Chan” will always give us bright smile. Reader will always smile because of Chibi Maruko, from kids to adults,” said Soichi Aida, the manager ediot for Ribbon magazine.

“We want to say thanks, a big thanks for Momoko.”

“We will still continuing the series of Chibi Maruko Chan. So fans will remembering about Momoko Sakura as a creator.”

Sayonara Momoko, may peace be with you.

Rumour: Khloe Kadashian And Tristan Thompson Breakup ?

The love affair between Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson has often provoked controversy. Since the affair was revealed in the media, Tristan has always been flooded with comments from spicy haters who regard him as an irresponsible man.

Not without reason, because the affair committed by Tristan Thompson when it happened when Khloe Kardashian was pregnant. Even after their daughter was born into the world, the condition of their relationship could not return to normal.

And now the public is shocked by the latest news from Keeping Up With the Kardashians. As reported by Us Magazine, Khloe has just reportedly dropped out of her boyfriend who works as a basketball athlete.

This rumor arose because Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson were not together during the Valentine’s Day celebration recently. Unlike other couples who enjoy their romantic moments, Khloe celebrates Valentine without Tristan.

On the contrary, Khloe actually enjoys the beauty of Valentine who is full of love with her tiny daughter, True Thompson. Meanwhile, the United States basketball players were completely invisible in their midst.

One source revealed that Khloe was actually preparing himself as a single parent. Furthermore, the source also said that Khloe had not been to Cleveland lately.

As we know, Khloe has never uploaded a photo together with Tristan. On the Instagram page, you can find photos of Khloe with other families or just the two together with baby True.

Kylie Jenner Wear Latex Suit in Interview Magazine Cover

Kylie Jenner has just undergone a photoshoot for the latest cover of the German version of Interview Magazine Spring / Summer 2019 edition. Travis Scott’s lover is not reluctant to give her sexy and best appearance in front of the photographer’s camera.

Immortalized by a famous photographer named Luca and Alessandro Morelli or commonly known as Morelli Brothers, Kylie Jenner looks sexy in a bodysuit made of latex. The one who stole more attention, the wardrobe at that time was also bright red.

The sensual impression that was challenging really emanated from her appearance at that time. Especially with sharp eyes and bold makeup makeup with red lipstick that matches the costume she wears.

Kylie tonjolkan body killer-nya di depan kamera © Interview Germany

Posing perfectly in front of the camera, Kylie proudly shows a successful body killer that makes it fail to focus. Despite having given birth to one child, this 21-year-old girl still managed to maintain her body shape to stay slim and plump like a Spanish guitar.

Not only being a model, he also had time to undergo interviews with this magazine. She was asked about her future plans for Stormi Webster, would she let her daughter also plunge into the entertainment world.

Answering this question, Kylie said, “I will wait until he is big enough to make his own decision.” Furthermore, Kylie also claimed to want to have more children but had not planned to get pregnant in the near future.

Independence, Fragility Until Spoiled Rachel Chu

Constance Wu That we know act as Rachel Chu on Crazy Rich Asians movie is getting a big attention from the movie lovers lately. On her act becoming Rachel Chu, she succeed on entertain the audience by showing her independence, fragility and also spoiled chracater.

Stated by Constance Wu, on her act representation the Asian tribe on Crazy Rich Asians movie should be a biggest gift and miracle that happen on her life until now. Before there is a people on her agency asking her to read Crazy Rich Asians novel cause they think she is suitable  becoming Rachel in there.

But, she never read that novel until the audition of Crazy Rich Asians being held. Constance Wu admit that she never been dream can be a Hollywood star cause on her mind the nature on Hollywood movie itself usually dominant by the White one.

Constance Wu born and rise on Virginia from Taiwanese blood Family. on her high school, she act on a local theater club. Admit by Constance that she have a very poor family before when they still live in Taiwan. Her Grandfather and grand mother used to be a farmer before.

Her father is a professor on biology and genetic site on Virginia Commonwealth University. Meanwhile her mother is a computer programmer. And now she becoming a blockbuster actress and becoming one of the influential figure from the Time magazine version 2017. Constance Wu ever stop on learning act and that theater because she prefer on choosing psycho linguistic that having a better carrier prospect for she. She ever being trapped on having a debt almost USD from the credit card loan, car, personal loan and student loan, but she succeed on paying that debt by her own and becoming her turning point on life.

Before known as Rachel Chu, on her fans eyes she is Jessica Huang on Fresh Off The Boat movie. In There see act as a discipline and stingy mother for her three child. From that movie also Constance getting an attention from public and from that one also she get a lot of personal nominee from that act as Jessica Huang.

Seung Woo Ong Performs Photo Shoot After Broke Up With Wanna One

The name Ong Seung Woo indeed caught the attention of K-Pop music lovers when he participated in the Produce 101 Season 2 competition and joined Wanna One. After the group broke up, now the Idol seems ready for his new career.

Yup, as is known, after one more year the contract of Wanna One has ended and inevitably the boy group must disband. The members returned to their respective agencies including Ong Seung Woo.

After broke up, Ong Seung Woo took a photo shoot with a fashion magazine and had an interview. Are you curious about it?

For the March 2019 edition, Ong Seung Woo was invited to do a photo shoot by ELLE Korea fashion magazine. This was his first solo photo shoot after Wanna One broke up.

In one of the photoshooted photos, the Idol from Fantagio Entertainment’s agency appeared charming in a denim suit.

In the next portrait decorated with a black-and-white filter, Ong Seung Woo looks so tired with a contemporary hairdo. Look, it’s more manly wearing a black leather jacket.

Besides taking photos, the handsome Idol also had an interview. Ong Seung Woo claimed to be very anticipating that he could start his career again.

“I am more anticipating than nervous, and I am happy to be able to start a newer and bigger job. I want to remain optimistic and find my potential and strengths,” said Ong Seung Woo.

Emma Stone Becoming the Next Wonder Woman

As long as we know, when we are talking about Emma Stone, The first things that comes out into our mind is her character as the young witch Hermione Granger that she played in “Harry Potter”. But this time, this beautiful actress showing her other self that she can be other than the media and her fans thinks. Yes recently Emma Stone show herself as the other famous woman character which is Prince Diana , Wonder Woman.

Not a long ago, Emma post her newest picture on her private instagram. In her picture, The beautiful actress that also become the main actress in Beauty and the Beast (2017) looks wearing a Halloween Wonder Woman costume. in that picture showing how she and her partner that using Yoda costume.

It takes a short time only for that picture being commented by her fans, lot of her fans showing their admire and their like toward Emma and saying how good Emma wearing that costume. Also a lot of her fans are hoping that Emma Stone can soon be real having a project as one of the superhero adaption actress in movie.

There are a lot of suggestion come in from their fans that look like very encouraging her to act in superhero movie. From become Poison Ivy and Batgirl from DCEU franchise until become Spider Woman in marvel

“Emma looks so gorgeous in this costume.” say one of her fans. ” she looks very much same with Gal Gadot, both of them is strong woman in a real life,” say the others. “if Gal not yet becoming a Wonder Woman, i guess that Emma should be suitable becoming the one,” tell the others.

So just wait and see, Will Emma Stone becoming our next superhero or not ?


My Butterfly Angel : Bella Hadid !

Bella hadid, sister from the super model Gigi Hadid just celebrate her birthday. Yes exactly on last October 9th Bella celebrate her 22 years born to this world. The age where somebody is consider to be mature on western country.

In her age, Bella get so many surprising surprise for her. Not only from his boy friend, The Weekend, but also come from her beloved sister, Gigi Hadid. We can say that when Gigi post a picture of his sister birthday celebration on her private Instagram recently.

As we know, this two sister is very close to each other. So without a doubt we can see their bond, their connection to each other is so strong and there are not shy on showing their love towards each other, This also happen on the special day of Bella Hadid.

From two picture that upload by Gigi we can say that Bella is so happy getting a surprise from her beloved one. One the first picture we can see Bella sit toward her birthday cake and her face look very happy receiving that cake. The cake look so beautiful that consist of five layer cake that look so delicious to eat. Also there were a note “Happy Birthday Bella” on that cake.

” This night we are celebrating birthday of my great sister, 22 years old Bella Hadid ! ( I do not expect that you are already that old). I wish you can be more sparkle and always spread the love with the world, With being proudly, i will announce that i am very happy can spend  year and years with you, For me you are more than sister you are also my best friend. I really love you, My butterfly angel. May your day and this year will be pleasure to you, You Deserve it !” Write Gigi Hadid.

Well Let we also wish the best one for Bella hadid, Happy Buffdayy Bella.



James Gunn Do Not Worry After Fired By Disney

Director James Gunn claim that he is not feel any worried about his carrier after being sacked by Disney a moment ago. James Gunn as we know as the director of Guardian of the Galaxy 1  and 2 has been reportedly get so many offers from a bigger producer name in Hollywood to do a big project with them.

Although the news of James being sacked by Disney is controversial, But his cool hand in direct the film he do makes others producer not think twice to get him to do their project.

“I will work with him shortly,” tell one of the executive senior  manager to the Hollywood Reporter. but until now we can no get any clarification from Gunn side.

The Hollywood Reporter also claim they are already contact a doze of producer and executive producer and all of them claim that they are attract to work with James Gunn. But the source say that James Gunn until now can not make a deal with any other offers during the negotiation of him being fired by Disney.

” I have been told not to make any offers to him until his problem with Disney clear a hundred percent,” tells other producer to us.

Some of big producer that love to work with Gunn is Warner Bros that claim that they need a new fresh face to help them compete with other superhero movie producer such as Marvel and Disney.

Disney already sack Gunn at July 20. from the news we get, all the Guardian of the galaxy cast already sent a letter to Disney so Disney can consider again about Gunn been fired.

Now all of the hollywood movie lover will wait and see where will James Gunn go next.

Demi Lovato is back showing affection with Henry

For the sake of Lovato and the man who is rumored to be his lover, she is now showing off intimacy. This designer named Henry Levy did not hesitate to express his love for Demi in the public area. This time both of them seemed to join each other in the Beverly Hills area.

This pair seems to have just enjoyed the game on Saturday night (12/15). Both of them went straight to the car and appeared to be doing phone calls together.

The designer of branded clothes Enfants Riches Deprime is also the first figure to be ‘captured’ by the camera Demi after rehab. For official graduation from her rehabilitation at the end of last October. After rehab she appeared to be eating sushi with Henry in the Malibu region.

Reporting from E! Levy is considered to be a companion companion, aka friend Demi to avoid alcohol. “For the sake of wanting to be with someone who is as mindful and Henry as giving positive energy to him. They spend a lot of time together,” said a source at E News at the beginning of the return Demi from rehab.

Another question arose over the relationship between Demi and Henry. How can both suddenly be close and intimate. Considering this designer figure never even accompanied Demi during a critical period after an overdose.

“Demi is one of the celebrities who wore Henry’s work five years ago. This is one reason for their closeness. Friends of Demi hope they can help each other stay away from alcohol,” said a source quoted by E.

Until now Demi is still reluctant to give any statements to the media. The recipient of this 2019 Grammy nomination still wants to focus on recovery from his addiction. But if according to KLovers both will last long or just for a while?

Bradley Came With His Beautifull Mother in Oscar 2019

The 2019 Oscar will continue to run lively even without the presence of hosts at Dolby Theater, Los Angeles. Lady Gaga’s presence at the 2019 Oscar also managed to steal the public’s attention. Undeniably, the appearance of the singer of the Poker Face song was indeed very quirky, Lady Gaga also wore a yellow diamond necklace that was so beautiful.

If Lady Gaga managed to steal the attention through her distinctive style, different from Bradley Cooper. The 44-year-old handsome actor came while accompanied by two beautiful women, who is the woman?

Bradley Cooper turned out to go into Dolby Theater while holding Irina Shyak and a woman who looked not so foreign, yes she was Bradley’s mother, Gloria Campano. These three people wear matching clothes so it looks very match.

Bradley wears a black tuxedo so that it looks very handsome, while Irina looks so charming with longdress that is equipped with backless and gold fringe on the waist.

Even Mother Bradley also appeared charming with a tutu dress that was combined with an outer with velvet material. The mother also wore several accessories such as brooches, jewelry and black glasses so that it made her look like an elegant noble.

Apparently this is not the only time Bradley invites his beloved mother to attend a prestigious event, Bradley indeed often invites his mother to attend various official events or prestigious awards such as this.

Even though Bradley already has such a beautiful companion, he doesn’t forget his first love, his own mother. A filial child!

Jordyn Woods Hasn’t Apologized to Khloe Kardashian

It really can’t be imagined how Khloe Kardashian feels now. Not only found the fact that her boyfriend had an affair, she was also betrayed by his own closest person.

Deciding to separate from Tristan Thompson, Khloe Kardashian also flooded the support of her family and her closest people. Not only that, many netizens have helped strengthen Khloe in the most difficult times of her life.

Meanwhile, Jordyn Woods and Tristan were targeted by cyber bullying. Her social media accounts are flooded with various blasphemies and scathing comments that want to overthrow them.

Unfortunately, the blasphemy by the netizens did not have any impact on Jordyn Woods. Evidently, until now the woman who was a friend of Kylie Jenner had not apologized to Khloe Kardashian, as reported by Us Magazine.

This news was revealed by one source through an interview with Us Weekly, “This is quite surprising because she (Jordyn) prefers to chat with Jada rather than apologize sincerely. Actually she hasn’t even apologized!”

Previously Jordyn Woods did share a teaser via Instagram Live. It was revealed that she would open-up the news about the affair through an interview with Jada Pinkett on the show entitled Red Table Talk.

Not a surprising thing indeed, the article Jordyn has been very close to Will Smith’s son named Jaden Smith. What would Jordyn’s confession be like?

Kendall Jenner Look Mesmerizing With Pink Suit In Cannes Film Festival

Not Kendall Jenner’s name if it doesn’t succeed in becoming the center of attention. Wherever they appear, Kylie Jenner’s brother has always been in the public and media spotlight. That all happened because of its status as one of the most popular supermodels today.

Success with her career in the modeling world, it’s no wonder that Kendall Jenner is preoccupied with various busy schedules. Not long ago he was even invited to attend the amfAR’s 26th Cinema Against AIDS Gala event held in the midst of the 2019 Cannes Film Festival celebrations.

Present at a special event, Kendall Jenner also ensured her  performance remained proper and perfect. As a result, Ben Simmons lover came up with a tutu gown designed by Giambatistta Valli collaborating with H & M.

This dress with a ballgown model is really striking, especially with the choice of pink that gives a girly impression on Kendall’s appearance. Her appearance is more perfect with glowing makeup makeup and natural pink lipstick.

Not to forget, he also uses strappy heels with matching color choices. Posing on the red carpet, Kendall shows her best charm in front of the camera. It seems that he was really satisfied with ger appearance that night.

Khloe Kardashian Responds to Fans’ Posts About Tristan Thompson

The issue of infidelity involving the name Tristan Thompson and Jordyn Woods is currently a hot topic of conversation on social media. Nobody expected if Tristan was willing to betray Khloe Kardashian with the closest person Kylie Jenner.

Although Tristan Thompson immediately denied it, Khloe Kardashian seemed to agree with the truth of the rumor. Evidently, she had responded to one of the media posts that spread the news of the affair on Instagram.

Not yet satisfied, apparently this time Khloe again answered the fans’ curiosity. Although they did not speak directly, many believed that Khloe had succeeded in moving on and wanted to forget Tristan.

That is what you can find in the tweet list that Khloe Kardashian likes on Wednesday (2/20) yesterday. In a post that is given a red box, you can see the comments of fans who are trying to give him support for this affair problem.

“Don’t let anyone say that this is your fault! He is indeed a crazy man and if it is true (about infidelity), then he (Jordyn) is an evil woman. The two bad guys are not worthy of your love. TRUE certainly knows and you have done what best to show your love for him, “said the tweet.

Khloe decided to give his liking until the account post with the @ MISS_YOLIE49 username appeared in the list of 222 tweets he liked before. No wonder this has caught the attention of netizens.

Song Hye Kyo New Hairstyle, Look So Beautifull !

Since playing in the Encounter film, Song Hye Kyo does use short hairstyles. Even in a few photo shoots conducted by Song Hye Kyo, she still maintains her short hairstyle.

But on this occasion, Song Hye Kyo actually appeared with a long hairstyle. Many say that his current appearance looks very elegant and charming.

His latest hairstyle was revealed through uploads by Song Hye Kyo on his personal Instagram account. At that time he was part of an advertisement from a Chinese brand. In the photo shoot, it looks like Song Hye Kyo’s hair, which is beautifully laid out, really fits her appearance at that time.

The latest appearance of Song Hye Kyo immediately reaped a lot of praise from fans and the world public. Well, naturally, everyone would agree that Song Hye Kyo’s appearance is indeed charming.

Actually there are many who question the problem of the long hair that Song Hye Kyo has. Because to get long hair like that takes a long time, but in Korea, adding hair extensions is normal and often done among artists. Besides being beautiful, the hair extension also looks natural.

Whatever the reason behind her hairstyle now, one thing that everyone must agree on, is Song Hye Kyo’s beauty that is timeless, right?

Kate Beckinsale’s Ex-boyfriend Gives a Warning to Pete Davidson

Age seems not to be a big problem for Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale. Although initially it was very closed about their relationship status, the couple finally began to dare to go public.

If previously the media camera managed to capture their intimate moments when holding hands, now Pete Davidson and Kate Beckinsale without reluctance to indulge in a hot kiss in public. That view was clearly seen when they watched the hockey match in New York on Sunday (3/3) ago.

When their kissing photos shocked social media, the public is now shocked by the latest news. Not long ago Kate Beckinsale’s ex-boyfriend opened his voice through an interview with TMZ.

The man named Matt Rife delivered his message to Pete Davidson. Hoping that Pete could be happy with Kate Beckinsale, Matt also warned the SET IT UP star.

“Advice for Pete? As fellow men, run away. Enjoy while you can. I hope they are both happy. I hope they can build good and serious relationships. I hope they are happy. I have no strong advice, just be careful,” Matt said.

Furthermore, Matt also shared stories about his experience when he became Kate’s lover. He claimed to have had a relationship for approximately 1 year, but experienced quite a lot of problems.

“We dated for a year, our relationship was very complicated. Really. There are many ups and downs. But he (Kate) has moved on,” he concluded.

Meghan Markle And Kate Middleton After Giving Birth

Monday (6/5) became a very historic day in the life of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry. The pair of Duke and Duchess of Sussex finally welcomed the birth of their first baby male sex.

Shortly after, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle agreed to announce their baby’s name, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor. But apparently, the little one is not the only one who managed to steal public and media attention.

Meghan’s appearance that day was also busy being discussed on social media. With her high class fashion taste, the Duchess of Sussex managed to look stylish and stunning after giving birth.

That day Meghan Markle appeared wearing a white trench dress by a famous British designer, designer Grace Wales. Sleeveless dress with a model like this is already a signature look.

To perfect her appearance, Meghan blends the dress with nude heels. No wonder the luxurious and expensive elegant impression emanated from the look at that time.

Unlike Meghan, Kate Middleton’s appearance is arguably simpler and simpler. Posing in front of Lindo Wing, St Mary’s Hospital Prince William’s wife always consistently wears a simple knee-length dress.

When giving birth to Prince George in 2013 ago, Kate wore a blue dress patterned polka dots. 2 years later Kate appeared fresh with a bright yellow dress with floral nuances. While for the third birth, the Duchess of Cambridge dropped his choice on a red dress with white collar made of lace.

Kate-William and Meghan-Harry Will Do Project Together

Prince William, Kate Middleton, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have just released a project together. This time they will campaign on how important it is to maintain mental health. Through a program called Shout, they will provide mental health support services through short text messages via Crisis Text Line.

Not long ago William released a video inviting people in the UK to volunteer for Shout. According to available data, 100 million messages have been sent and 5,000 volunteers have been trained since the program was released.

“They (Kate, Will, Harry and Meghan) are the first celebrities in the world who are serious about mental health problems. It is close to them and they have done great things to popularize this issue and reduce negative stigma,” said Nancy Lubin CEO of Crisis Text Line reported by People.

Furthermore, it turned out that the idea to start this project had been around since 2016. Precisely when Crisis CEO Text Line met Prince William at a dinner event.

“They have visited our office several times in the UK, they also met with volunteers. They were very involved. We could not find another spokesperson. Mental health problems have become an epidemic in the current generation,” continued the CEO.

Jordyn Woods Live Look Miserable After Scandal With Thompson

Since the news of Tristan Thompson’s affair with Jordyn Woods exploded, Kylie Jenner’s friend’s life immediately changed dramatically. In addition to receiving bullies and verbal abuse from netizens, Jordyn also had to accept being kicked from Kylie’s house. He must return to his mother’s house, Elizabeth Woods.

The departure of Jordyn from Kylie’s house is also a symbol of her no longer being a part of Kardashian-Jenner’s luxurious life. It can be said that Jordyn now lives in a nightmare.

“She was very desperate and understood that he really lost everything. Jordyn’s life will never be the same again,” said a source quoted from E Online.

Hasil gambar untuk Jordyn Woods

Actually this shocking thing did not only happen to Jordyn. Kylie Jenner also felt very surprised by her best friend’s behavior.

“Since yesterday (Tuesday, 19/2), Jordyn has been set aside by Kylie and the entire Kardashian-Jenner. Kylie’s life is like a somersault, as if she had never known Jordyn before,” continued the source.

More than just Kylie’s best friend, Jordyn has been considered part of the Kardashian-Jenner family. Even Khloe Kardashian himself considers this one model as his own sister. According to some sources Khloe even confided the problem of his relationship with Tristan to Jordyn.

“Jordyn is a friend who is trusted by Khloe about his problem with Tristan. Then Jordyn stabbed him, the whole family will not forgive,” continued the source.

Kendall Jenner Naked Pose In Vogue Italy

Kendall Jenner’s work in the modeling world is undoubtedly true. At the age of 23 years, Kendall has been a supermodel and has become the highest paid model in the world for 2 consecutive years, 2017 and 2018 yesterday.

Not only with the charm and beauty of its popularity, Kendall Jenner’s modeling talent is also a major factor in his current success. Evidently, she is always professional in every job given to him.

Swinging on the runway to undergo a photoshoot has become a daily food for her. Most recently, Kendall has been a model for the cover of Italian Vogue for this February issue.

Gambar terkait

Unexpectedly, Kendall Jenner was determined to pose naked for Vogue Italia. The star of Keeping Up With the Kardashians is not at all reluctant to indulge in the beauty of his body without wearing a single thread.

Posing back from the camera, Kylie Jenner’s brother appeared with only yellow gloves, transparent stockings and high heels. No wonder the personal part really looks very clear.

This photo was taken by Kendall with one of his favorite photographers, Mert Alas and Marcus Piggott. The photographer known as the duo managed to capture the charm of supermodel in Kendall through his magical shots. Cool!

Chris Patt Proposing Katherine Schwarzenegger After 7 Month In Relationship

Not long ago divorce from Anna Faris, Chris Pratt has found his new heart moorings. She is Katherine Schwarzenegger, Arnold Schwarzenegger’s eldest daughter who has now filled her days more or less for the past 7 months.

Over the past 7 months, Chris Pratt and Katherine Schwarzenegger have always looked happy and have had a happy relationship. Paparazzi cameras even repeatedly capture their romantic date moments when they appear in public.

Happy with this new relationship, apparently Chris plans to move to a more serious level. And sure enough, Patt decided to immediately proposing for her lover.

Hasil gambar untuk chris pratt and katherine

Not just rumors, this was immediately announced by Chris Pratt himself through his latest post on Instagram. The 39-year-old dashing actor has just uploaded a photo of the moment after he proposed to Katherine Schwarzenegger.

Sharing intimate hugs, you can see clearly what happiness they feel through the photo above. Katherine even showed a large diamond ring that now adorned her ring finger.

Along with uploading the photo, Chris wrote a caption that reads, “Katherine sweet me, I’m very happy because you want to accept it (my proposal)! I’m happy to be able to marry you. Proud to be able to live in faith with you. Let’s start!”

Kendall Jenner Crying Being Bullied Because of Acne

Beautiful face and slim body have become the main demands in the modeling world. Aware of that, it’s no wonder that Kendall Jenner and her colleagues always pay attention to appearance. But unfortunately, they are also ordinary people who are not always perfect.

For example, it was experienced by Kendall Jenner in 2018 yesterday. Attending the Golden Globe Award red carpet event, the star of Keeping Up with the Kardashians appears with a face that is not smooth and full of pimples, a scene that is very different from usual.

Because of that, Kendall was the target of netizens’ blasphemy. Many criticized her and considered her never to take care of herself, even though Kendall became one of the youngest models that was a supermodel.

Hasil gambar untuk kendall jenner

Apparently this had made Kendall Jenner depressed. Through a recent interview with Allure Magazine, this 23-year-old woman conveyed her testimony.

“Actually, I was quite confident at that time, then people started to comment evil. I felt, ‘I know I have zits. I know I break out again. You don’t need to keep blaming it. I can see it very clearly, so let me accept it, “Kendall said.

It didn’t stop there, Kendall also confessed, “I cried endlessly for days because of their comments about me, and I became stronger when I passed it.”

“I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m not a superhuman. I have feelings and comments written on the internet are very painful. You have to live your life regardless of it. I think thinking and paying attention to such things makes you unhealthy. It can make you mess, too.” she added.

Justin Bieber Blocks Haters Account Who Like Bully Hailey Baldwin

Since still dating, the love affair between Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin has provoked pros and cons. Many support their love stories, but not a few also bombard their social media accounts with various blasphemies.

Even to get married, online bullying continues to haunt Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin households. Years of silence, no wonder if finally Justin’s patience was completely gone.

Through the Instagram Stories, Justin shows a screenshot of the page on one of the haters accounts that has been blocked. Furious with an account called @ balwinstruth, he even invited his fans to roll out reporting the account.

“Please, if you follow my account, I beg you to report them as a bully account, because they do it! Make lies and talk about things that are very horrible and painful,” Justin wrote on more than 108 million followers on Instagram.

No wonder the Justin Stories post managed to steal the attention. When investigated further, the bully account in the name of @baldwinstruth has now disappeared somewhere.

Even so, there are still people who fail to focus on the ‘Friend Suggestions’ column on Justin’s Instagram. It is clear if before Gigi Hadid and Camila Cabello, there is a Selena Gomez account that turns out to have been unfollowed by it.

Justin Bieber Wrote A Romantic Poetry For Hailey

The marriage of Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin until now is still making the fans heartbroken. Nobody expected if Justin decided to get married quickly at a relatively young age.

Even after officially becoming a married couple, Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin actually became more open about the relationship. This couple is no longer reluctant to show their intimacy when appearing in public or through posting on social media.

Speaking of posts on social media, Justin recently made a scene with Instagram. The Friends song singer has just written a romantic poem for her beloved wife. Curious?

“Sunlight falls into the bottomless pit, just as I fell into your lips. Waves crashing on the shore, my love for you continues to grow and grow. The sound of crickets is like meditation, I think of you, God’s most beautiful creation,” Justin wrote.

He continued, “When I fell into this happiness, I pondered that you were my only soulmate. It felt darker to see, cold wind swept over me. The smell of fresh camomile flowers from the garden, my life was like a movie and we both became stars. . ”

“Things around us get better as time goes by. I fall in love with you more every day! You have walked hand in hand, while I emit my emotions, thoughts, and soul wisely. You have given me strength, support, enthusiasm, and happiness. I want to respect you in public, and remind you that the best will come soon! Congratulations on filming today, my love! ” he concluded.

No wonder Justin’s sweet words succeeded in getting netizens to congregate. Some don’t even think that besides being good at creating lyrics and songs, Justin also has the talent to compose poetic prose like this. So sweet, huh? 😉

Leonardo DiCaprio Supports Fighting Against Illegal Fishing

Who doesn’t know the figure of Leonardo DiCaprio? Yes, the actor who is famous through the Titanic movie does have a handsome face and is very good at playing roles. No wonder he won the Oscar in 2016.

But interestingly, the actor cast praise for Indonesia’s Maritime Minister, Susi Pujiastuti. The praise posted by Leonardo DiCaprio is inseparable from the success of Susi Pujiastuti in eradicating illegal vessels, thanks to his courage, Susi Pujiastuti was included in the list of 10 names of the World’s Best Thinkers in Foreign Policy in 2019.

In the video uploaded by Leonardo DiCaprio, he explained that illegal fishing is very detrimental to the fishermen.

“Some time ago around 10 thousand illegal vessels entered Indonesia. They stole the wealth of the Indonesian sea and benefited from the illegal activities, who was harmed? Local fishermen !, “explained Leo.

Not only that, Leo also gave praise to Susi Pujiastuti on that occasion.

“We can all see how courageous Minister Susi Pujiastuti is to eradicate any illegal fishing boats that enter. This is clear evidence of how they are trying to lead to a new era of transparency in fisheries management and making a system of monitoring ships through satellites that can be accessed directly through Global Fishing Watch, “Leo continued.

Leo also took concrete steps in eradicating illegal fishing by providing financial assistance, he also felt proud to be able to help eradicate illegal fishing through this funding.

“We are very proud to be able to help fund it. Indonesia is the largest fishing country in the world. We will help monitor illegal fishing and share ship monitoring data. This is a very brave and innovative commitment that is needed by the whole world. “

Britney Spears Having Mental Disorders Because Her Father Health Condition

World-class singer Britney Spears is reported to have received treatment for her mental health. She is reportedly having a mental problem due to the health condition of his father Jamie Spears.

Quoted from The Sun, Britney reportedly returned to a mental health disorder this week. She was confirmed to conduct an examination at a mental health center.

This is believed to be closely related to the father’s health condition which has deteriorated again. Jamie reportedly returned to hospital because of complications from intestinal cancer surgery he did in November 2018 ago.

Based on the information of the closest person, Britney will undergo the treatment process as long as the father is hospitalized. He is expected to stay in the center of the mental health facility for 30 days.

“Everyone is very anxious and worried,” said the unnamed source.

In January, Britney also announced her hiatus from the music world. She did this also because of his father’s health condition.

Jamie Spears is a father who is very meritorious for the diva. Because the scandals with Kevin Ferdelin make a commotion, the father cleared all the chaos. For Britney, Jamie is not only a father, but also a manager, a friend and the only man she loves wholeheartedly.

Britney reportedly suffered severe stress due to her father’s very critical health condition. She felt angry because she could not do anything to make his father healthy again.

Zayn Malik Wrote a Sweet Comment to Gigi Hadid

In recent times the public has been shocked by the news of the closeness of Zayn Malik and Gigi Hadid. After breaking up, this celebrity couple has reportedly decided to return because they still love each other.

Paparazzi cameras even captured the appearance of Gigi Hadid in front of Zayn Malik’s apartment in January. And now they are back in the spotlight because of Zayn’s latest post on Twitter.

The former One Direction personnel has just written a sweet compliment to the ex. It began with one of the alleged tweets which was an allusion to Gigi Hadid, but this was immediately denied by Zayn Malik.

“My Tweet is not about @GiGiHadid, so leave him alone. He is the most amazing woman I have ever known,” Zayn wrote on more than 28.3 million followers on Twitter.

This is not the first time Zayn has written his sweet tributes for teeth after breaking up. Previously, the singer of the Dusk Till Dawn song had also made a love confession for the beautiful brunette (blonde) model.

Precisely in early March, he had time to write a short tweet that read, “@GiGiHadid love you.” Many suspect that this love confession is proof that they really have reversed it. Although not a few also thought that the two never broke up as reported.

Super Model Miranda Kerr Carrying Her Third Child, Gratz !

Super model and businessman Miranda Kerr is now carrying a third child. Miranda announces this pregnancy with an Instagram upload. She attended the grace night for her cosmetic brand, Kora Organics.

Miranda did not give much caption for the announcement of her pregnancy. Only the emoji of the pregnant woman and the little angel she wrote. In this upload he received many congratulations, including from the models of Lili Aldridge and Olivia Munn.

Hasil gambar untuk miranda kerr

This pregnancy occurs less than one year from the birth of Miranda’s second child. Miranda is married to Evan Spiegel, CEO of Snapchat in 2017. Then she gave birth to Hart Spiegel in May 2018. And now she is back pregnant with her third child.

Even though she was pregnant quite big, Miranda remained active. He continues to promote his cosmetic brand, Kora Organics. Face

The baby Miranda conceived was indeed the third child of Evan Spiegel. But this is his third child. Because Miranda has had the first child named Flynn Bloom from her marriage to Orlando Bloom.

Nipsey Hussle Killed After Being Hit By Bullets

Nipsey Hussle, the Grammy nominated rapper was killed after being hit by bullets in front of his own shop in South Los Angeles, on the week of March 31 (Monday, Indonesian time). Based on information circulating, the 33-year-old rapper was shot several times and immediately taken to hospital.

But unfortunately his life could not be saved and was declared dead. Nipsey Hussle is not the only victim of this attack. Two other people were injured outside the Nipsey store, Marathon Clothing.

This shooting took place around 3:20 p.m. LA time. Three victims fell, 1 died and 2 were still being treated at the nearest hospital. However, the Los Angeles police claimed they did not have suspicion of the perpetrators of the shootings.

“We still have no suspicion till now and will provide detailed information as soon as possible,” said the police, quoted from their official Twitter.

The late Nipsey Hussler with the birth name Ermias Asghedom, is a local Los Angeles resident. While still alive, he often talked about his youth as a member of a street gang. In fact, he is considered a regulator of the street gang community.

A few hours before the shooting took place, Nipsey wrote a tweet about the problem of having an ‘enemy’. “Having a strong enemy is a blessing,” Nipsey wrote.

Kylie Jenner Show Her Freckles Face

Being a mother at a young age has been a dream of Kylie Jenner for a long time. After hiding her pregnancy from the public and the media, Travis Scott’s lover finally began to open up and more often showed off photos of her daughter’s growth and development, named Stormi Webster.

Even though she has become a mother, her appearance is still the main thing for Kylie Jenner. This Life of Kylie star is always diligent about every aspect of beauty, from hair, makeup, skin health, even to nail care.

Speaking of treatments, recently Kylie Jenner has uploaded a selfie photo on her Instagram account. In the portrait, you can see what the original face looks like when it appears without wearing makeup.

Still wearing a towel on her head, Kylie posed near the window of her house. Kim Kardashian’s sister shows her best angle and the charm of her natural beauty. Not only that, you can also see the appearance of the freckles that fill his face.

Along with the upload of the photo, Kylie wrote a short caption that read, “Morning.” No wonder this post immediately grabs the attention of the fans and also the followers.

Although not wearing makeup, Kylie still maintains the lash extension that has become her trademark. Thick and long lashes seem to have become mandatory for women who have a career as a fashion and cosmetics businessman.

Well, before the media camera had captured the appearance of Kylie and Travis Scott when the West Hollywood area appeared on Thursday (3/21). Investigated, they apparently had dinner together at a famous waffle restaurant, Sweet Chick. Not only alone, the couple also invited his little daughter Stormi Webster.

Channing Tatum Gave Birthday Greeting To Jessie J

Jessie J and Channing Tatum really went public about their relationship. But this couple showed off their intimacy in a very sweet way. Coinciding with Jessie’s 31st birthday, Channing arranged romantic words.

Through Instagram uploads, Channing revealed the meaning of Jessie’s presence to him. The readers were made to melt with these sweet writing words.

“I pray that you will have the happiest day of love and light. You have come to this world and made all the more excited. You bless your eyes, ears, heart and life. Thank you for being yourself. You are very special. Happy birthday, Baby, “Channing wrote.

Of course this upload seized a lot of attention from netizens. Jessie and Channing themselves began to open on Instagram since November 2018. Channing supported Jessie’s appearance in London at that time.

Jessie also uploaded a picture on this special day. This quote containing quotes describes his hopes and prayers at the age of 31.

“My wish for the age of 31 is … to be better,” Jessie wrote, citing more than a dozen hopes.

Jessie J was born with the name Jessica Ellen Cornish on March 27, 1988 in England. He has started art since he was 11 years old by taking part in musicals. Which KLovers themselves like Jessie’s song the most?

Justin Bieber Open Up About His Career And His Will To Become A Father

After marrying Hailey Baldwin, Justin Bieber not only became more open about his love life, but also his health. As we know, he openly admitted that he was struggling to fight depression and the mental turmoil he suffered.

Luckily now Justin Bieber has Hailey Baldwin who is always loyal to him. Paparazzi cameras even repeatedly capture the moment when Hailey tried to calm Justin who looked emotional and cried in public.

Right today, Tuesday (26/3) Justin has just made a confession through a post on Instagram. That’s where he opened up about health, music career, and his desire to immediately have a baby.

“I read a lot of messages that you wanted (I immediately released) an album. I always toured all my teenage years, until I was 20 years old, I realized that as you can see, I was not happy on the last tour. deserve it, you pay me in hopes of seeing a concert that is full of light and energy, unfortunately I can’t give it at the end of my tour, “Justin wrote.

Furthermore, Justin also said, “During this time I tried to try and find the problem, and now I am very focused on fixing it, just like you. So that I am not destroyed, so that I can maintain my marriage, and become the father I want.

“Music is very important to me, but nothing is more important than my family and health. I will soon make an album ASAP, you know I’m cool right? And I know His love is a miracle and His mercy reliable, basically whether I will make music or not, everything is destined by God, but I will believe with all my heart about it. (My grammar and signs are very bad, just pretend if you are reading a text message and not care), “he concluded.

Barack Obama Sends Greeting Card For Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez

The happy news of the engagement of Jennifer Lopez and Alex Rodriguez not only made netizens happy. Even Barack Obama gave his greeting card for them . The former President of the United States even wrote his greeting cards personally.

Alex Rodriguez uploaded this card from Obama to his Instagram account. For this former athlete, one of Obama’s sayings is very valuable. Not only congratulations, Obama also gave marriage advice.

“Michelle and I want to congratulate you on your engagement. After 26 years together, we can say that whatever challenges will come in your life, sharing with someone you love makes everything better,” Obama wrote for Alex and JLo.

Obama married Michelle who was then a senior at their workplace law firm. Dating since 1989, the two decided to get married in 1992 and support one another’s careers.

JLo and the new ARod got engaged on March 10, 2019. Alex gave a surprise in the form of a proposal ring when both of them vacationed at an exotic resort. Both have been close since 2017 and now both of their children have become close together.

“Children are very open to love each other. I love children (ARod), and he also loves my child. They also welcome each other while saying, ‘I get your bonus to play together and this is fun’,” continued JLo.

Blac Chyna Write Happy Birthday Greetings to Rob Kardashian

Some of you are certainly familiar with the name Rob Kardashian right? The youngest in the Kardashian brothers just celebrated his 32nd birthday on Sunday (3/17).

As usual, Rob Kardashian’s birthday coincides with the celebration of St. Patrick’s Day. Because that’s no wonder why Kim Kardashian and his other brothers hold a surprise party with all-green themes, just like every year.

And it turned out that there was a scene that really caught the attention of Rob’s birthday this time. The former named Blac Chyna had just written her happy birthday.

Blac ucapkan selamat ultah untuk Rob ©

This is the scene that you can find in the recent Chyna Stories Blac Instagram post. There she uploaded a plain black background and wrote, “Happy birthday Rob.”

Inevitably this posting immediately seized the attention of the public and the media. No one would have thought if Blac Chyna had improved with Rob Kardashian after having had a big fight to end in a legal case.

As we know, Rob was angry at Blac before because she had an affair with another man. Unable to hold back emotions, he finally determined to upload indecent photographs in the form of the appearance of the private parts of the plump-bodied sexy model.


Recently there was good news coming from Ham’s pair So Won and Jin Hua. According to the news, they have just announced that Ham So Won is pregnant. This was revealed through the FLAVOR OF WIFE program aired on Chosun TV. In the program, the news of Ham So Won’s pregnancy was revealed.

Previously, Ham So Won was reported to have frozen his womb to see his age which had turned 42 years old. Even so, he looked tearful when he found out he was pregnant with a child. This moment was caught when they were doing ultrasound checks.

Seeing his wife undergoing an examination, Jin Hua who became her husband was seen holding Han So Won’s hand tightly. Although 18 years different from his wife, Jin Hua seemed to love his wife very much.

Ham So Won and Jin Hua were actually married in February. Although the age range of the two partners is very far, the two couples seem to love each other. Han So Won’s age is now 10 weeks old.

Jin Hua is a former trainee who became a celebrity on Weiboo, a social media used by Chinese people. Jin Hua himself reportedly is the son of a well-known businessman in China.
The news of the pregnancy revealed revealed many reactions from netizens. Many give prayers for Han So Won’s content and many pray for the relationship between the two partners to run well and be always happy.

George Clooney Give Support To Meghan Markle And Prince Harry

Everyone knows that all this time George Clooney has been aggressively conveying his support for Meghan Markle. Knowing that his best friend was subjected to blasphemy in British media, the star of OCEAN’S ELEVEN judged if Meghan was an extraordinary woman he had always admired.

Not enough at all, now George Clooney returned to making a similar confession when he guested on Good Morning Britain. It was there that he expressed his support for the household of Meghan Markle and Prince Harry, as reported by People “I think it’s a little unfair, I see how reporters try to blame you for some ridiculous and insignificant reason.

And to me it’s a bit unfair because Meghan isn’t do anything other than living his life, “said George. He judged that the various tilted reports that tried to bring down the Duchess were deliberately made to damage his image. Though actually Meghan did nothing wrong. Furthermore, George Clooney also conveyed his judgment on the figure of Meghan.

According to him, the Duchess of Sussex was a very friendly and intelligent young woman. Not to forget, he also prayed for the best for Meghan and her husband. At the end of his interview, George Clooney had time to say, “(They are) very extraordinary couples, and love each other.”

Johnny Depp Persecuted and Got Finger Cut By Amber Heard

For a long time divorced, now Johnny Depp has filed a lawsuit against his ex-wife. This thousand character actor sent a lawsuit on March 1 to Amber Heard. Both were married but ended in divorce in 2017.

Depp sued Heard for alleged domestic violence. This PIRATES OF CARIBBEAN actor demanded compensation of 50 million dollars, aka 713.2 billion rupiah. This is Depp’s response to the false confession Amber wrote in the Washington Post in 2018.

The couple met in the project RUM DIARY (2010). Both began to become familiar as ordinary friends. But in 2013 both began close and married in 2015. But this marriage was colored by domestic violence.

Amber Heard made a hoax by accusing Depp of slapping her to bruise. Both of them went through a long trial and Depp had to pay millions of dollars in damages in 2018. Not enough to get there, Amber Heard gave a false statement to the Washington Post about being a victim of violence.

“The opinion column is centered on Ms. Amber as a victim and Mr. Depp is the perpetrator of the violence. This is very wrong and false. This false accusation has been broken with the testimony of two police officers and 87 cctv recordings that we just got,” said Depp lawyer reported by NME.

In addition to objections to the hoaxes spread by Heard, Depp’s attorney also had some surprising points. They accused Heard of attacking Depp several times. Even the cast of Princess Meera in Aquaman once threw a bottle of vodka which made Depp’s finger seriously injured.

“Amber attacked Depp by throwing a bottle of vodka very hard into Depp’s right hand. Cause his right middle finger was injured until a broken bone and had to be operated on. Heard also kicked Depp when he was in bed and several other places,” continued the attorney.

Justin Bieber Depression And Request Prayer Support From Fans

Just recently Justin Bieber has just issued a shocking confession. The singer of the song Love Yourself claimed she was in a bad mental state. Luckily Justin can be open to his family, friends and fans.

“I want to give you the latest developments, hopefully what I have been through can now be felt by you,” Justin Bieber said through his personal Instagram upload.

“Right now I’m struggling, I feel weird, maybe like” disconnect “. I tried to rise from this situation. I want to ask for your support through prayer. God is very faithful and your prayers will surely come true. Thank you for giving me support. I feel this situation is very natural, and this is the hardest period of my life. ”

Hasil gambar untuk JUSTIN BIEBER

The article was posted in the black and white photo caption he uploaded. In the photo, Justin and Kenya West are seen hugging each other and the manager, Scooter Braun. The photo was liked by more than 4 million people and was flooded with tens of thousands of comments. Even Diplo and Luis Phonsi also prayed for Justin.

Luckily Justin is surrounded by people who love him so much, call him his girlfriend Hailey Baldwin.

“Hailey is currently the foundation for Bieber. He is Justin’s belief, he always listens to the complaints and problems of Justin, even before they get married, “said a source as reported by E Online.

Justin is reportedly addicted to xanax, which is one type of sedative that can relieve anxiety for the short term.

“I used to use Xanax to cover up the shame of what I face today,” Justin concluded.

Paris Hilton Is Happier After Breaking Up From Chris Zylka

Unfortunately, a serious relationship between Paris Hilton and her fiance, Chris Zylka must end in the middle of the road. In November, they decided to break up and cancel the wedding plan.

We don’t know what happened, Chris Zylka is reportedly not the right man for Paris Hilton. Paris, who did not want to talk at length, admitted that they still wanted to be good friends even though they were no longer lovers.

Although initially sad and heartbroken, now Paris has returned to focusing on his career. The 37-year-old socialite is even happier after separating from Chris, as reported by Us Magazine.

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This was directly conveyed by one source through an interview with Us Weekly, “Actually, Paris is very happy now. She tried again to stress herself not to be satisfied quickly. She wanted to have a husband and child, but that hasn’t happened yet. She committed to doing things that’s right for him, and live life like that. ”

“He will not establish relationships with just anyone to relieve others. He prefers to live alone and remain happy,” the source added.

the source reiterated if the reason behind the breakup was solely due to incompatibility. After a long time together, Paris and Chris realized that they were indeed not suitable.

“Paris loves him very much and he (Chris) really admires him. He (Paris) sees all the goodness in him (Chris) until finally they realize that they are totally incompatible, and are on a different level,” he concluded

Kim Kardashian Triggered by Tristan Thompson Affair

Finally the chronology of the affair between Tristan Thompson and Jordyn Woods was revealed. In an interview conducted by Jada Pinkett on the Red Table Talk program, Jordyn claimed that Tristan had kissed her lips when drunk.

Although she was kissed by Tristan, Jordyn claimed she had not told Kylie Jenner and Khloe Kardashian about the kiss in order to protect their feelings. Hearing the story made by Jordyn, instead of subsiding, Khloe was even emotional and blamed Jordyn for the destruction of their relationship.

But after some time, Khloe gave further clarification regarding this issue. According to her, the person who must be responsible for all these problems is Tristan, not Jordan.

Not only Khloe was provoked by emotions due to the problems of infidelity between Tristan and Jordyn, Kim Kardashian was also the most angry person due to the problem.

“If there are people who are really angry about this problem, then Kim is the person in the top position. He was very angry and 100% gave support to Khloe. ”

“Kim is always there beside Khloe, she often hears Khloe curhatan, they often talk about this and that, including boyfriend affairs. Kim is a very supportive person and she will always give support to Khloe. The bond between them is very strong and never goes out. ”

According to the same source, Kim asked Khloe to immediately move on and not look at the past anymore. He also reminded Khloe of his responsibilities as the mother of True Thompson.

With the Affair of Kylie Jenner Issues, Travis Scott Delete His Instagram Account

The problem of the affair of Khloe-Tristan-Jordyn may have found a bright spot. But the drama in Kardashian Jenner’s family hasn’t ended! Now it’s the turn of relationship between Kylie Jenner and Travis Scott who is reportedly having a problem.

Some foreign media reported that both of them had a great fight. Because Kylie has proof of the affair committed by Stormi Webster’s father.

TYravis finally deleted its Instagram account after two days ago this speculation exploded. When this affair issue emerged he immediately dismissed the allegations.

Namunia canceled the first Astorworld concert scheduled to take place in Buffalo, New York on Thursday (28/2). He returned to California to meet Kylie and Stormi.

Until now Travis Scott’s party still denied the accusation. Travis Management confirmed his client canceled his appearance in New York because of health conditions. But there is no further information regarding the disappearance of the Travis instagram.

Do you think this super romantic couple will actually be break or no ? Although still both have not reacted directly to the public. But a big gesture was carried out by Travis. The rapper canceled his performance at the Astroworld concert which was originally to be held on Thursday (28/02) in Buffalo, New York.

Tristan Thompson Still Liking Khloe Kadarshian Photo After Breaking With Her

The ending of the love story of Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson is indeed very unfortunate. Their relationship that was romantic and full of love turned into a disaster because of the affair committed by Tristan with Jordyn Woods.

As we know, Tristan Thompson has indeed had an affair repeatedly behind Khloe Kardashian. But only this time Khloe was truly betrayed by his own closest person. As a friend of Kylie Jenner, Jordyn Woods is also close to the Kardashian family.

The news of Tristan and Jordyn’s affair quickly spread and became a hot conversation on social media. In the midst of the hectic conversation about them, now the 27-year-old basketball player is back doing things that are very steal of attention.

Apparently, Tristan Thompson has just like posting photos of Khloe Kardashian on Instagram. It was there that Khloe was posing sexy with a tight bodysuit made of semi-transparent and full of glitter.

Showing his body killer, Khloe was not only alone but was accompanied by Kourtney Kardashian and Kendall Jenner. All three showed challenging and best poses in front of the camera.

The ending of the love story of Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson is indeed very unfortunate. Their relationship that was romantic and full of love turned into a disaster because of the affair committed by Tristan with Jordyn Woods.

As we know, Tristan Thompson has indeed had an affair repeatedly behind Khloe Kardashian. But only this time Khloe was truly betrayed by his own closest person. As a friend of Kylie Jenner, Jordyn Woods is also close to the Kardashian family.

The news of Tristan and Jordyn’s affair quickly spread and became a hot conversation on social media. In the midst of the hectic conversation about them, now the 27-year-old basketball player is back doing things that are very steal of attention.

Disappointment and heartache are now being felt by Khloe Kardashian. Had uploaded a confusing post in recent times, now Khloe’s patience seems to be completely gone. Most recently, he actually wrote spicy words on Instagram.

That’s what you can find in Khloe’s Instagram Story post recently. The star Keeping Up With the Kardashians suddenly wrote down the alleged satire for Jordyn Woods and Tristan Thompson, as reported by Us Magazine.

“No matter how many snakes change their skin, he is still a snake,” Khloe wrote while adding snake-shaped emoticons. Inevitably this post managed to steal the attention of fans and followers. Many suspect that the satire was intended for Tristan and Jordyn. Do you think?

Vanessa Angel Black Out While Examination

The shocking news came back from Vanessa Angel, because she reportedly fell unconscious when carrying out inspections by the police. Vanessa Angel underwent an examination process for 12 hours. Suddenly he fell unconscious and was immediately rushed to the East Java Regional Police Bhayangkara hospital to get treatment from the medical side.

According to information obtained from Liputan6, after getting treatment from the medical side, there were two causes that caused VA to faint, the first being a psychological condition and the second an acute ulcer.

“We have received confirmation from the hospital regarding the condition of Vanessa Angel. There are two causes, one of which has a relapse, the ulcer is acute, and the second is the psychological condition that feels depressed, “said Pol. Comr. Frans Barung Mangera when met at the East Java Regional Police Headquarters.

Then what is Vanessa Angel’s current condition? This question certainly fills the minds of many people. Luckily after getting treatment from the medical team, her condition is getting better.

“At this time her condition has improved, as soon as she was found in the emergency room, she was also aware,” said Commissioner Pol Prima Heru as the Head of the East Java Regional Police Bhayangkara Hospital.

“For now, we are still waiting for the results of the doctor’s coordination regarding VA conditions.”

“For detention we will postpone seeing the condition of VA that has not yet recovered. I think this is a law enforcement that is tolerant and flexible. So we see the situation and conditions first, if we have recovered, we will continue again. “

Justin Bieber Feeling Depressed, What Happen ?

Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin were officially married at the end of December 2018 ago. When it comes to happiness, of course everyone already knows and no need to question it anymore. Both of these couples are indeed still very young but have dared to take serious steps in their relationship.

Even the intimacy of the two couples was recently revealed through an interview session conducted by Vogue magazine. Justin and Hailey managed to make everyone baper their effortless poses full of love.

According to Hailey, marriage is not just talking about romance, there is something more complex in it. Related to this, the public was again shocked by the latest news from Justin Bieber.

According to People’s alerts, Justin Bieber is currently struggling to overcome his depression. Even Justin had to come to a psychiatrist to cure his depression.

“Justin’s emotions are still raw, but the steps are right by coming to a psychiatrist. He needs counseling so he can live his life well, “said one of the People’s sources a moment ago.

“Justin has managed to deal with a number of problems, and now everyone is very optimistic about him.”

“Justin felt depressed because of his popularity, he felt there was no room for him, there was no privacy, all his movements were publicly known. He felt that all the cameras were in front of his face. All of that made him want to disappear and escape all that. I think this is a natural thing, sometimes people need privacy to live a comfortable life, “concluded the speaker.

After Missing For A Long Time, Fanbingbing Post A New Photo On Instagram

After previously tripping over a tax case in 2018 ago, Fan Bingbing was reportedly lost. There is even news that the 37-year-old artist has died.

But these rumors seem to be mere hoaxes, the article recently Fanbingbing posted a photo on his Instagram account after so long disappearing due to a tax case. In the upload, there was a caption of Happy Chinese New Year greeting.

“Happy celebrating Chinese New Year all, I pray always healthy and I love you all,” Fanbingbing wrote in the photo post.

We cannot deny it, when tripping over a tax case in 2018 ago, the name Fanbingbing was like being swallowed by the waves. His whereabouts are unknown and there is not even the latest news about him. The Intagram account also has no updates at all, both photo and video posts. Because this is also a lot of speculation that emerged that said Fanbingbing had died.

Actually some time ago the appearance of Fanbingbing at the airport has caught camera netizens, unfortunately due to poor photo quality, many doubt that the figure caught on camera is Fanbingbing.

But netizens don’t necessarily believe the photo uploaded on Instagram is a new photo. Many speculations say that the photo is an old photo and that uploading it is not Fanbingbing.

For additional information, Fanbingbing had tripped over a tax case in 2018 with total debt reaching 1.97 trillion rupiah.

Victoria Beckham Said Meghan Look Awesome

As soon as she joined the British Royal family, Meghan Markle was rated as one of the most stylish members of the Royal Family. Successfully rivals Kate Middleton, Prince Harry’s wife is admired thanks to the charm of her beauty and fashion taste.

One of Meghan Markle’s most attention-grabbing performances was when she celebrated her first Christmas party with the royal family. At that time she appeared wearing Victoria Beckham’s clothes.

As we know, last December 2018 Meghan appeared in his navy outfit starting from the headpiece, dress and long coat. She combines the OOTD with handbag and boots which are also designed by David Beckham’s wife.

A month passed since the moment of the Christmas celebration, Victoria finally opened her voice for the first time about this. Being a guest star on Live with Kelly and Ryan, the designer who had joined the Spice Girls claimed to be very flattered.

“She (Meghan) looks very beautiful. It was a sweet surprise when I woke up at Christmas morning. You know, I think she is a beautiful, strong and great woman. So I feel this is an honor,” Victoria said.

Previously, the Duchess of Sussex had indeed admitted his admiration for Victorian works. No wonder why Meghan decided to choose the design to look stunning and perfect especially at special moments like that time? 😉

Meghan Markle & Kate Middleton bullied, Kensington Palace Take Action

Lately, Meghan Markle has often been the subject of conversation because of various negative news about the drama in the Royal Family. No wonder if in the end Prince Harry’s wife had become a target of haters who did not stop writing scathing comments on social media.

Apparently, this kind of cyberbullying does not only affect Meghan Markle, but also Kate Middleton. Aware of the increasingly sloping comments, Kensington Palace finally took a decisive step.

As reported by People, Kensington Palace has just watched negative comments trying to bring down Meghan and Kate. They even spend hours to ‘clean up’ their social media accounts.

“The Kingdom always monitors comments, but it really takes a lot of time. They can indeed block a few words, but many of them are quite serious,” said one representative from Kensington Palace.

He continued, “Over the past year, there have been hundreds of thousands of comments (negative), even two or three threats of violence. We can delete and report, and block people. And the police have a certain task behind it. That is the thing we must arrange because there is no other way to control it. ”

In the official account of the United Kingdom, Kate and Meghan still get scorn from netizens. Don’t imagine what happens if these two Duchess really have their own social media accounts?

This is The Price That Kylie Needs to Pay For Her Last Birthday Party

Birthday will always been a special day that will be celebrate by all human beings  in this world. Everyone love their own birthday and always wish can celebrate their special day with the one that are important to them including Kylie Jenner. Kylie Jenner as we know are Hollywood top model that just celebrate her  21 ages on august 10 ago. Not surprisingly come from one of the most popular family in Hollywood now days, Kylie celebrate her birthday party with a super glamorous party that been attend by her family and also her close friend.

Kylie choose one of the best restaurant in west hollywood, Las Vegas as the place to celebrate her party on that day. And because of that The founder of Kylie Cosmetics need to pay a lot of money for that. As old time quotes just said “you get what you pay.”

From the source, In style, They confirm that Kylie need to pay more than USD 345.000 on her birthday ! that means a lot of money for regular people but maybe only a little for her. That price is include all the decoration , the rent place until her make up and dress.

Kylie wearing a dress design by Dundas with a magenta color. for having that dress Kylie needs to pay USD 3000.

Not satisfied only with on dress, in the middle of the event, Kylie change her dress into jumpsuit dress with a crystal accessorizes  that design by LaBourjoisie that make her need to pay around USD 8000 to get that dress. And for her shoes from Loubotin with cost USD 695 and wearing a ring by Martin Katz that been predict having a spectacular price around USD 148.000.

For the location Kylie need to pay around USD 7000 and another USD 11.000 for the decoration and also for the meal. and for the attraction she choose to invite her boyfriend  Travis Scott and also the comedian, Dave Chapelle. from the news Kylie need to pay around USD 150.000 for both of them.

And for the last, every party will bring us a memories to remember, and getting a picture is a must for us to help us remember those moment. Kylie know that things better than anyone because of that she prepared a Photo booth and a facial illustration service for her guest that night. Therefore, because of all the detail that she prepared on that day, that birthday event will getting a predicate as the most luxurious birthday party on 2018.


Channing Tatum Gentleman Behavior When Say Goodbye To Jessie J

Although at first it was closed about their actual relationship status, now Jessie J and Channing Tatum no longer hide their romance. This couple has even shown mutual support on their social media accounts.

Not only that, the paparazzi camera also captured their romantic date moments. Channing Tatum was even caught watching Jessie J’s concert from the VVIP bench. And now, it seems that their relationship is getting more intimate day by day.

Evidently, one of the paparazzi cameras has just captured the moment of their intimate kiss. That view was clearly seen when Channing appeared in front of Jessie’s house in the Los Angeles area on Tuesday (1/22).

From the photo found by E! Online, Jessie seems to be saying goodbye to her beloved lover. Picked up by a luxury limo to get back to work, he kissed one of the hot daddy who was left at his residence.

One source said, “Channing helped hercarry her suitcase and drove him to the car. When they said goodbye, he (Channing) hugged and pulled her body (Jessie). He immediately gave him a kiss and whispered something in her ear. Then he gave the camera to her when she got in the car, until Jessie left with a smile. ”

Inevitably this is a sweet sight that shows the side of the gentleman in Jenna Dewan’s ex-husband. Which woman isn’t going to melt when she has a boyfriend who is attentive and sweet like him? 😉

Director of ‘BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY’ Stumbles on Sex Abuse Cases

BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY’s success must be followed by unpleasant news that happened to Brian Singer the director. The veteran filmmaker was accused of sexually abusing several underage boys. This news was published on Wednesday (23/1) by The Atlantic media.

This accusation is the result of an investigation that has been conducted for one year. During this investigation 50 sources were collected, including men who claimed to have had sexual relations while still under the age of 18.

One witness named Eric claimed he had sex when he was 17 years old. This incident took place at Bryan Singer’s home in 1997, the relationship continued until Eric was in his 20s.

“The accusation on Bryan Singer covers a lot of spectrum. Some victims claimed to be seduced by the director while underage. While some claimed to have been raped. The victims claimed to have suffered psychological loss, depression, and symptoms of PTSD,” The Atlantic media wrote.

Subsequent accusations came from the man Bryan harassed when he was 15 years old. He claimed to have met at the Bryan mansion in Beverly Hills. Both witnesses and victims requested that their identities be protected from the public.

Now, through the legal counsel appointed by Bryan Singer, he has dismissed this charge. His attorney also stressed that his client had never been proven to have any legal records. Singer has collected a number of evidences that will break this accusation.

David Beckham And His Family Enjoy Their Holiday In Bali Indonesia


David Beckham once again show his love towards Indonesia by visiting this country again in this august. As we know the former player of Manchester United already visit Indonesia a couple of time.

Their visit happens on 2014, where he and his wife, Victoria having a holiday in Bali, one of the most famous Island that you can found in Indonesia, at that time all their activities in Dewata Island, the famous name for Bali been captured and shared into their social media account.

On Maret 2018, David Beckham once again visited Indonesia but not on vacation time. This time this masculine ex football player come to Indonesia with a mission to join the event call Football For Country and also become the ambassador for give the best appreciation for new young Indonesia player that have a talent in playing football.

This time, on august 2018 Beckham brings all his kids come to Indonesia and having fun in Bali Island. As we know Lombok, a small Island near Bali just having an earthquake during this time, but that also not make Beckham cancel their plan to visit this wonderful Island once again.

All of us can see on how they enjoy their holiday this time, because on his private Instagram, Beckham shared a lot of fun things that he and his kids do in Bali.

Also for you information, in this august Indonesia will celebrate the month of their freedom, so from his Instagram we can see alongside the road all the Indonesia National Flag already show up.

Any others things that Beckham do this time when he visit Indonesia is to try many kinds of Indonesia food that only we can find in Indonesia. He also make a video on how Indonesia people do a Satay.



Become a Bridesmaid, Demi Lovato Look Beautifull

Demi Lovato is one of the Hollywood singers and actresses who often attracts attention because of her appearance. In addition, the story of his personal life is also often a conversation.

As is known, Demi had an overdose until she had to be rushed to the hospital. After undergoing treatment, the former Disney star returned to rehabilitation.

Well, some time ago, the beautiful star had come out of rehab with a better condition. He also got the opportunity to become one of the bridesmaid at his best friend’s wedding.

On January 14, 2019, Demi Lovato uploaded a selfie photo on her personal Instagram account. In the portrait, the singer of the Stone Cold song was being a bridesmaid at her best friend’s wedding, Jenna Schubart.

The post was then decorated with a caption, ‘I became a bridesmaid in the marriage of a sister, a former caregiver, my best friend for 23 years. I love you Jenna Schubart. The perfect wedding for the perfect bride. ‘

Of course, Demi’s appearance when she became a bridesmaid also caught the attention of her fans and followers. The beautiful star has indeed looked so healthy when showing off a charming face with flawless make-up.

His hair seemed to be left untouched beautifully with a natural wave arrangement. In addition, the unique thing is, Demi wears a black bridesmaid dress with sweet brocade details. So, what do you think about Demi Lovato’s appearance?

Sam Smith Clearly Said His Dislike To Jackson

We certainly agree that Michael Jackson became a very important and influential figure in the development of world pop songs. He is also a legend in world music. His work is indeed deserved thumbs up. Michael Jackson was even referred to as the King of Pop because of the action.

However, Sam Smith has a different opinion. Not all pop music developments are listed by Michael Jackson. Even due to the controversy Tweet made by Sam Smith, he gained a lot of criticism from netizens.

At the moment with Adam Lambert, the singer who helped the QUEEN become a video cameraman when Sam Smith relaxed on the boat. When the camera was highlighted on Sam Smith’s face, he then expressed his dislike of Michael Jackson.

“I never liked Michael Jackson. But the song he made was pretty good, “Sam Smith said in the video. Some friends who were in one boat with him were suddenly shocked and said WOW.

No need to wait long for the video to reap the reaction of netizens. Various criticisms were sent to Sam Smith. Some netizens explained that the disclosure of their dislike should not be too frontal.

“Everyone can argue, that’s natural. But it is not obvious that he does not like Michael Jackson. He can say it more politely, like Michael Jackson’s song is not my favorite or other words that are more polite, “wrote one of the netizens who gave criticism.

Jake Gyllenhaal Play As Mysterio In Spiderman: Far From Home

After divulging the trailer AVENGERS: END GAME last month, Sony and Marvel released the first teaser film SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME. As already known, this film is a sequel to SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING which was released in 2017.

From several scenes displayed in the trailer, it seems that Peter Parker’s action this time will be taken after Thanos snaps his fingers to eliminate some humans on earth. That means there is a possibility that Spider-Man and the other superheroes missing at INFINITY WAR will come back again, yeah!

In the trailer itself, Peter Parker (Tom Holland) is said to be traveling to Europe with his friends. He wants to be a normal teenager in general, no-frills superhero. Therefore, Peter was reluctant to bring his Spider-Man costume in the suitcase.

After arriving in Europe, Peter is suddenly met by Nick Fury who brings a special mission for him. It didn’t take long until finally Peter faced a giant monster made of water, fire and stone.

In the middle of his summer vacation, Peter has a heavy duty. The first is to protect the citizens of the city and the second tries to hide his identity while saving the lives of his friends.

In addition to Spider-Man’s action with his new costume which was excited, the promised epic appearance of actor Jake Gyllenhaal will take part in SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME also looks promising. According to guesses, he indeed became Mysterio’s super villain figure but strangely his role there looked very different from the story in the comic.

As is known, Mysterio himself is an evil figure and became one of Spider-Man’s enemies. But in the trailer, he actually looks like one of the super heroes who helped Spidey save the city. Then, what role will Jake Gyllenhaal play later?

The beauty of Emma Stone in British Vogue Cover

Who doesn’t know Emma Stone? This beautiful actress successfully built her career in the Hollywood film industry and became one of the most talented actresses today.

A number of best-selling films also starred in him starting from LA LA LAND, THE AMAZING SPIDER-MAN, and many more. But it turns out Emma Stone is not admired just because of acting talent, but also the charm of beauty in her fashion sense.

Met on every occasion, especially the red carpet event, Emma always tries to look stunning and perfect. And now he is again a subject of conversation because of his latest photoshoot with Vogue magazine.

Emma Stone has just been chosen as the face of British Vogue’s cover for the upcoming February 2019 edition. That’s where you can see the appearance that is very different from usual.

Known as an artist who always looks natural, for this photoshoot Emma is dressed up bold with striking makeup. In his eyes were aquamarine colored eyeshadow blends combined with classic red lipstick.

Her hair is styled sleek bun so that adds to the classy impression on her appearance at that time. Not to forget, a luxurious outfit that leaves a glamorous and oriental impression also perfects its appearance.

Emma’s appearance is more natural. Andrew Garfield’s former lover looks posing on the bed by wearing a nude-colored lingerie dress. Lace details on the chest add to the impression of its own section.

Emma’s beautiful face is polished with smokey eyes, while her hair is messy so it looks sexy and challenging. If so, what do you think Emma looks like this time?

Demi Lovato: I Will Never Waste My Days Anymore

Along with the turn of the year, Demi reflects on her experience in one of his uploads on Instagram Story. “I am very grateful for the lessons I got this year. I will not waste my days, even when it was very bad,” she wrote. The overdose he experienced could not it is arguably the lowest point in life for Demi who is indeed struggling from drug dependence.

On the same occasion, Demi also addressed her gratitude to those around her, who helped her rise from adversity. “Thank you my fans, friends, family, and everyone who helped me through this year. God bless,” she added

Demi was found unconscious due to an overdose of illegal drugs at her home in the Hollywood area on July 24. She was immediately rushed to the hospital and had to be hospitalized for approximately two weeks. Not enough, Demi also has to continue treatment in a rehabilitation center.

According to one US Weekly source, the treatment received by Demi was very strict and hard. It’s no longer ordinary care. “It’s not like that (ordinary care) needed,” said the source.

The treatment actually managed to make Demi back to normal. She completed his treatment program last November.

Robert De Niro voices strong criticism of Donald Trump

It is no longer a secret if US President Donald Trump has many haters. From among artists, you can find several names such as Madonna, Mark Ruffalo, Meryl Streep, Chrissy Teigen, and many more.

Of the many names, Robert De Niro is one of the most attention-grabbing. This senior actor is absolutely undaunted to fight Donald Trump. He has repeatedly voiced his scathing criticism, as well as this time.

As reported by Us Magazine, De Niro just said that Trump is a racist person. He stated this directly to the Guardian recently.

“I’m getting older now, and I feel very disappointed in all this. When you see people like (Trump) being president, I feel, ‘Well, OK, let’s see what he does, maybe he will change.’ even worse, “he said.

He also added, “It shows me that he is truly racist. I think because he is a New Yorker, he can understand the differences in this city, but he is far worse than my shadow, really bad. This is very embarrassing. This is a disaster for this country. ”

Furthermore, De Niro admitted that he was the father of 6 children of different races. “One of my children is gay, and he is worried that he will be treated badly,” he concluded.

Six Month After Divorce, Now Channing Tatum Get Along With Jessie J

Last April, Channing Tatum and her wife, Jenna Dewan make a shocking statement to the public. This couple that known very romantic and very good together just tell about their relationship getting divorce from their Instagram.

After their divorce, both of them never seeing each other again until now. However, both of them still try to have a good relationship for the happiness of their little daughter, Everly Tatum.

Six month after getting divorce, Now Channing becoming the attention of public media. As we get from the report, This handsome actor now is being reported having a relationship with Jessie J.

This news spread out when one of the source tell that Channing Tatum is inviting to one of the concert held by Jessie J in Seattle and Salt Lake City. Not only until that, another source also tell that seeing both of them having a date.

“Their relationship is still new, look like that are having fun together,” Tell one of the source that becoming the witnesses that seeing Jessie and Channing playing a mini golf together in Seattle last Saturday.

This news spread so fast until the public try to figure out the same between Jessie and Jenna. Not only both of them is beautiful and energetic, both of them also having the killer look and darker hair color. Because of that a lot of people thing that this is the type of woman that Channing like from the look.

But until now we can not know for sure about their relationship. Both jessie and Channing never want to discuss about this rumor. Also not to long ago Channing just found out like Jenna Instagram account, It means Channing still can not move on from Jenna ?

Look like only time can tell the answer guys.



Bring Perfume In France, Jennie Blackpink Appears Natural

Jennie as a member of Blackpink is dominating the music world in South Korea. The songs on Blackpink’s new albums like Ddu du Ddu du and Forever Young were successfully ranked first in the song charts in Korea. Even when it was just released on Youtube, their videos managed to penetrate 100 million viewers!

The beauty of Blackpink’s personnel is very popular with many people. In addition, the performance of those who are energetic is also able to give an effect of enthusiasm to those who watch. Of all Blackpink members, maybe the most fashionable is Jennie.

No wonder Jennie often gets invitations to go to events held by world-famous fashion brands. Even Jennie was chosen by the Chanel brand to become a brand of Korean Chanel ambassadors. Some time ago, Jennie flew to France to do a photo shoot related to the latest perfume product from Chanel.

According to alerts from Allkpop, in the Le Eaux De Chanel event, Jennie was one of the invited guests. Even Jennie also had the opportunity to do a photoshoot with a photographer from Korea’s Cosmopolitan magazine.

In the shoot, Jennie’s beauty looked very natural. In the b-cuts photo (photos that did not pass the selection) there was a very energetic and sweet photo of Jennie carrying a Chanel perfume. Jennie took a photo shoot with green grass with a very typical European-style building.

Jennie’s plain and sweet look seemed to blend with the natural panorama which was the background for her photo shoot. Besides being talented in singing and “rapp”, it turned out that Jennie was also gifted as a model. Keep on succeeding, Jennie!

Queen Elizabeth II Feel Sad About Tsunami in Anyer, Indonesia

3 days after Tsunami in Anyer. Even so, all victims and families left behind still feel deep sadness. Even many feel traumatized by the incident.

All parties expressed their condolences. Concerns not only come from all levels of Indonesian society, but also from Queen Elizabeth II. In fact, he gave his official message to Indonesian President Joko Widodo.

“The Queen has sent this message to the President of Indonesia and all the people of Indonesia. Here is the full message,” wrote the official Royal Family account on Twitter.

Although the message is quite short and dense, it contains extraordinary meaning. The Queen could not resist her sadness to see what had happened and hit Indonesia.

“Prince Philip and I were very sad to know that many lives were lost after the devastating Tsunami hit Indonesia,” – Her Majesty the Queen.

“We express our deep condolences to all who lost their loved ones, and victims whose homes were destroyed and all affected,” he continued.

The message was not only for the victims, but all involved helped evacuate. Yes, they are an important team and provide help.

“I appreciate the courage and dedication of emergency services and volunteers who always provide support,” said Elizabeth R.

Got Bad Petition, This Is How Nikita Answer It

It seems that Nikita Mirzani has always made sensations throughout her career. This behavior often makes netizens upset. Even netizens to make petitions containing requests that Mirzani stop being an artist. When asked for information, Nikita Mirzani answered it.

“It’s just normal. People don’t like it, yes it’s up to them. I don’t take care of petitions, “said Nikita Mirzani when met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta.

Hearing a lot of news that said he did not have achievements, Nikita Mirzani then gave a statement regarding the news. He dismissed the news saying he did not have talent or achievements in the world of art.

“That person always discussed my sensations. I have a lot of shows. Many of my films are box office. Anyone discussing? It’s not like that! You know, if there are any cases, then it gets excited. If I don’t have any achievements, it’s not impossible that I’m still selling well, still exists. ”

Nikita continued that as a public figure, sensation was needed. It is legitimate as long as the sensation is not a cheap sensation and does not have to be able to lift a career.

“The sensation must be, the artist’s needs sensation. But the sensation must be good, not the cheap one, “closed Nikita.

Behati Prinsloo & Adam Levine Christmas Celebration Plans

Everyone knows if Behati Prinsloo and Adam Levine are one of the most romantic and intimate celebrity couples. Met at every opportunity, both of them always show how warm and happy their household is.

Often indulging his intimacy in public, Adam Levine and Behati Prinsloo also often upload their sweet photos on social media. No wonder if they succeeded in becoming one of the celebrity couples that became a dream of many people.

Their marriage is also increasingly happy with the presence of 2 children named Dusty Rose Levine and Gio Grace Levine. Now, they are also preparing a plan for the Christmas celebration.

As we know, Christmas will soon arrive. So, what is the plan and preparation done by Behati Prinsloo and Adam Levine? To answer your curiosity, Behati just answered her while attending the Your Mom Cares event recently.

“Adam was born and raised in LA (Los Angeles), thankfully, we will remain here and prepare everything,” said angel Victoria’s Secret in an interview with Us Weekly.

Furthermore, Behati also admitted that she and Adam would hold a Christmas party with her extended family. This has become a tradition and routine from year to year.

“Adam and I always hold Christmas parties every Christmas night, then we will spend Christmas with his grandparents (Adam), so we will also meet his mother and father. All of them live in LA, so we can easily divide the time for a second the family side, “Behati explained.

Daniel Mananta Play As “Ahok” In Movie Titled A Man Called Ahok

For 2000s generation, of course, they are know about Daniel Mananta, right? Daniel Mananta began his career as a VJ and hosted several talent shows on television.

A truly brilliant career development has made Daniel open a new business in the world of distro homeland, yes he start his fashion brand called “DAMN, I LOVE INDONESIA.”

Daniel Mananta finally ventured into the world of cinema. Daniel immediately ventured to play a role as one of the quite phenomenal political figures, so Daniel portrayed the figure of the former governor of DKI Jakarta, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama or more familiarly called Ahok.

If we do a little flashback, Ahok’s struggle in managing the city of Jakarta that has been dilapidated and filled with mafia and corruptors is not easy. Ahok even lost election due to religious issues and hoaxes.

Ahok’s journey was finally lifted into the big screen film titled “A Man Called Ahok.” The film certainly became a breath of fresh air for supporters and fans of Ahok. As we know, Ahok is currently in prison because case of religion that wrapped around him last time.

“The film that I played is not about me playing so Ahok, this is more to Pak Kim Nam,” Daniel said when met at the press screening event, XXI Epicentrum, South Jakarta.

“After taking scene and long filming process, I am increasingly convinced that this film is not only focused on the figure of Ahok, but also his father Kim Nan. The drama touches, the plot can make the audience cry. We borrow the story of Ahok’s life and then we make the family drama. “Denny Sumargo is indeed the best, really great!”.

Prince Louise Look So Cute In Christmas Greeting Card

Soon all people in the world will celebrate Christmas. In this special moment, there are many preparations made by Hollywood artists, including the British royal family. One of the artists who have exhibited Christmas decorations is Kylie Jenner.

But what is quite interesting is the British royal family, Kate Middleton and also Prince William who is busy preparing for Christmas. Every year, the British royal family will do a special photo shoot as an image that will be used on the Christmas card.

Finally Kensington Palace decided to release a Christmas card with a picture of the pair of Duke and Ducss of Cambridge. Intrigued by the photo on the Christmas card?

On the Christmas card, not only Kate Middleton and Prince William were present, but their son, Prince George, Charlotte Elizabeth Diana, and Louis Arthur Charles also helped decorate the photo.

Usually George and Charlotte get public attention, but this year it was precisely the youngest Louis who managed to attract attention. In the photo, Louis who is still a baby looks very adorable and also handsome while showing a sweet smile to the camera.

The photo was taken by a photographer named Matt Porteous. The photo shoot was carried out at Anmer Hall. Unlike the usual, in this photo all the royal members use makeup that is quite casual and not excessive so it looks very natural. What do you think, does Louis look adorable?

Call Boy – Newest Drama By Tori Matsuzaka

Recently the teaser for the film Call Boy has just been released. This film is an 18+ rating film that will be played by the famous Japanese handsome actor, Tori Matsuzaka. The film Call Boy was produced by Daisuke Miura and will soon be aired on the big screen. This film has a fairly complicated storyline and shows several scenes devoted to adults.

Call Boy was appointed from a novel entitled Shonen. This novel is a work by Ira Ishida which was published in 2001. The novel tells of a man named Ryo Morinaka (who will later be played by Tori Matsuzaka). He is a student who does part-time work at the bar. Shinya Tajima (later will be played by Yu Koyanagi). who became Morinaka’s friend brought a host bar owner to come to the bar where Morinaka worked.

Apparently the person invited by Tajima is a woman named Shizuka Mido (later to be played by Sei Matobu). Ryo Morinaka finally decided to work with Shizuka and only served members. Although initially embarrassed, Ryo can fulfill all of his client’s requests. Apart from the above artists, the film will also star Amie Tomite, Kenta Izuta, Tokuma Nishioka and several other artists whose roles have not been revealed in the film Call Boy.

Intrigued by the Call Boy movie? The film will reportedly be released on July 7, 2019.

Hey! Group Member Expelled !

Previously, Keito Okamoto had reportedly been dropped out of Sophia University some time ago. Not long ago, now he was again rumored with bad news, the article according to alerts from the Tabloid Bunshun, Keito Okamoto had been officially excluded from the Hey! Group. Say! JUMP. Keito will officially leave at the end of this month due to his behavior which is considered to be bad.

Johnny & Associates has not officially announced this news. But according to some existing tabloids, Keito was excluded from the group because of bad and inappropriate behavior that should not be done when behind the scenes.

Some time ago when he was expelled from Sophia University, he also showed bad behavior, not only that, Keito was also unable to attend studies at the university. Therefore the university decided to issue Keito.

Bad news about him continued to flow, even his picture that was sleeping with a woman had also circulated on the internet. According to reports circulating, Keito often drank and drunk and often visited cabaret clubs.

According to news reported by Bunshin, Keito will only be released from the group but will continue to join Johnny & Associates. According to the news reported by the same source, Keito seems to be starting a solo career, but many consider Keito’s popularity to be not high so it is very unlikely he can compete with other competitors if he wants to go solo.

Priyanka Chopra Finally Married With Nick Jonas

It is undeniable, Nick Jonas’s decision to marry Priyanka Chopra was very fast. Almost all publics have the same opinion regarding Jonas’ marriage to Chopra. Many have questioned the reason behind the marriage that seems too fast.

Speculation after speculation continues to emerge. One of them is the insistence of the Chopra family, considering Chopra’s age has reached 36 years. But the rumor was denied by Nick Jonas. He said that his marriage to Chopra was without coercion from any party.

“My parents and Chopra’s parents were married shortly. They met, then had a short relationship, then decided to get married. My parents got married after three months of meeting, Chopra’s parents after 10 days of acquaintance,” Nick said as quoted by Hello Magz.

Nick Jonas also said that his decision to marry Chopra was a very right decision. According to him the figure of Chopra is the most appropriate woman to accompany his life.

Although not very familiar with Indian wedding traditions, Nick was happy to be able to marry Priyanka using the tradition believed by Priyanka Chopra. According to Nick, there are many interesting things from the marriage tradition in India.

“The meaning that is in the tradition of marriage in India is very much. I can see every detail. I am increasingly in love with Indian culture,” said Nick.

The marriage process of Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra runs with great emotion with the Punjabi Hindu tradition adopted by the Chopra family.

Joo Sang Wook’s and Lee Min Jung Latest Drama

SBS has just released a teaser for their latest drama named as FATE AND FURY. The latest drama was played by Joo ang Wook and Lee Min Jung. This drama will tell about Cinderella’s life, but is wrapped in a modern nuance.

In the latest video teaser, viewers can see a picture of the relationship that Goo Hae Ra (Lee Min Jung) and Tae In Joon (Joo Sang Wook) are undergoing.

In the teaser video, the audience can see the chemistry between the two players. The atmosphere presented is quite melancholy. It seems that there will be surprises that will load the audience heartbroken.

In the drama, Goo Hae Ra has a sad life. He wants to change his destiny by having a relationship with Tae In Joon. Whereas his lover also loves Goo Hae Ra very much.

After his meeting with Tae In Joon, Goo Hae Ra’s life changed dramatically. This can be seen from the luxurious life he lived in, very different when he had not met with Tae In Joon.

Goo Hae Ra is described as a beautiful and intelligent woman, but her financial condition is in turmoil. Initially he tried to approach Tae In Joon who was the company’s heir, but over time, it seems that Goo Hae Ra really fell in love with Tae In Joon.

This drama will be aired on December 1. You can see the teaser video on Youtube.


Know More About Sam Smith

One of the most popular singers today is Sam Smith. His real name is Samuel Frederick Smith. This singer was born on May 19, 1992. Sam Smith’s name became famous after being involved in the Latch song from Disclosure. The song broke the top of the song chart in the UK and finished 11th.

Smith was born in London. Sam Smith is the son of FredericK Smith and Kate Cassidy. Her parents are a pretty well-known broker. Sam Smith is an alumni of the Youth Music Theater, England. Sam Smith has also been involved in projecks Oh! Carol in 2007.

Before becoming a singer, Sam Smith was a member of a jazz band. For years studying singing and writing song lyrics, he finally decided to go to school at S. Mary’s Catholic School, Stortford Bishop. At present the name of the school has changed to the Bishops Stortford Musical Theater Society.

In 2013, his career increased. The song he brought with Naughty Boy under the title La La La won the top spot in the UK music chart in 2013. In December of the same year, Sam Smitgh was awarded the BRIT Critic’s Choice Award and BBC’s Sound 2014.

Until now, Sam Smith has released a lot of albums and videos on Youtube always managed to get a fantastic number of views.

New Photobook From Kasumi Arimura Called “CLEAR”

Kasumi Arimura is a very famous Japanese artist. She has even starred in many feature films in Japan. Kasumi Arimura was born on February 13, 1993 in Itami City, Hyogo Prefecture, Japan.

Not only starring in box office films, Kasumi Arimura also became a model. Not long ago Kasumi Arimura just took a photo session for her latest photobook entitled “Clear”.

Kasumi Arimura’s photo in her latest photobook is a photograph of a photographer named Kotori Kawashima. The photos taken by Kasumi Arimura are located in Australia.

Not only the photos in the photobook, in the photobook were also the results of interviews conducted by Kasumi Arimura. In the interview, Kasumi Arimura told the story of her career, starting from her debut, a turning point at the age of 20, school friends, to her dreams in the future.

Kasumi Arimura also expressed his feelings to his fans through this photobook saying:

“I have nothing special to do, but I hope fans can enjoy this photobook casually. I also feel very happy that you can accept my thoughts. ”

Let’s look at some of the photos in the photobook. In photos circulating on the internet, we can see how beautiful Kasumi Arimura is with her adorable outfit that is so adorable!



Ed Sheeran Will Held Concert In Indonesia Next Year

Perfect song singer, Ed Sheeran will actually hold a concert in Indonesia on November 9, 2017, unfortunately due to a number of obstacles, the concert show must undergo a schedule resignation.

Ed Sheeran has also submitted a schedule resignation and plans for the concert to be held in 2018, but due to the lack of space, the concert must once again be postponed.

After a long time of not hearing the news, PK Entertainment as the promoter of the Ed Sheeran concert gave the latest news saying that the Ed Sheeran concert titled Divide World Tour will be held on May 3, 2019 at the Bung Karno Main Stadium, Jakarta.

Election on May 3, 2019 is not without reason, according to Peter Harjani as CEO of PK Entertainment, the selection of the date is considered very appropriate, because January to April is election day, while May 5 has entered the month of Ramadan.

“The selection of this schedule has been discussed with other management. The election will be held in April, May 5, it will be Ramadan, so we think May 3 is the most appropriate.”

The initial plan for this concert will be held at ICE BSD City, Tangerang. But after discussion, finally the Bung Karno Stadium was believed to be the most appropriate place.

“The concert that was held by Ed Sheeran has always been on a large scale, so the place chosen must also be able to accommodate a lot of spectators. We also want Divine World Tour to look magnificent and memorable. GBK is a very iconic and magnificent place in Jakarta, so we think this is the right choice. “

Paris Hilton’s outpouring after breaking up with Zylka

The news is quite surprising heard from the figure of Paris Hilton. How not, the artist with blonde hair has just reportedly ended the relationship with Chris Zylka, who was actually engaged to him.

No one knows for sure what really happened between these two partners. Paris Hilton with Zylka has been in a relationship since 2017 and has prepared a plan to get married soon. But fate said differently, their relationship had to run aground in the middle of the road.

According to news circulating, Paris Hilton said that the figure of Zylka was not the right male figure for him. Even though it has ended the relationship, both of them claim that they are still good friends.

As time went on, finally Paris Hilton raised her voice regarding her decision to end the relationship with Zylka. When attending The Talk on Wednesday 28/11, Paris Hilton then revealed the contents of her heart.

“Right now I want to enjoy my own time. When we fall in love, we usually give love excessively and inappropriately. This makes my life full of shock.”

“I’m very obsessed with the Disney story, where there is a lot of romance with a happy ending. But I realize that my relationship with Chris is not the right relationship.”

“In the future, I will get married and have children. For now, I will focus on my career first,” concluded Paris Hilton.

Vicky Fulfills Police Calls And Sure Angel Lelga Becomes a Suspect

The case of divorce and raids carried out by Vicky Prasetyo is getting hotter. At present the case has been brought to justice, even the two parties have launched reports and demanded each other.

Recently Vicky Prasetyo has fulfilled the police call to be examined. Their case is currently under investigation by the police.

“First, I want to emphasize that Vicky will be assisted by several lawyers from me, Andre, and also Dinda. We really care about the case that happened to Vicky. Vicky has come to the office to do an examination. Earlier the investigator had raised this case from the investigation process into an investigation. This means that Angel Lelga is likely to become a suspect, then we’ll see how. Earlier we saw Vicky testify, “said Razman Nasution as Vicky’s attorney.

All evidence was also confiscated by the investigator. Vicky also feels that this must be done so that Angel feels deterrent.

“Mrs. Kani had confiscated all evidence such as bed linen, clothes, and so on. Vicky’s document has also been given and will be opened later. This case will be a lesson for women who like to play with men. ”

Even though they have been brought to justice, there are still many who doubt the authenticity of this case. Many people consider this to be a mere setting and aim to increase prestige in the world of homeland infotainment.

Fan BingBing Dissapear From Screen, What’s Happen ?

Maybe many have asked where has Fan BingBing been? Because he has disappeared for more than a year. Though Fan BingBing is usually always present at the Venice Festival to Busan, but now his figure just disappears.

Fans and movie fans then questioned the whereabouts of Fan BingBing. The artist was last seen on July 1. At that time he was found visiting a children’s home.

Even when fans and media try to extract information through their social media accounts, there is no satisfying answer. Her Weibo account itself was last active on July 23.

A lot of speculation has emerged regarding the disappearance of FanBingBing from the screen. Though he is an artist with very fantastic income. Many speculations say the artist has a tax problem with the local government.

He also reportedly made a fake contract where he compiled two employment contracts in one project. Surely one of them is made at a lower cost than the original payment.

This effort he did to trick the Chinese government. Even the Chinese government has conducted an investigation regarding the case. When interrogated, BingBing denied all the allegations shown to him. It is not clear whether he is currently on vacation or making a new work, or perhaps he has been detained by the police?

Even more strangely, the representatives and staff also refused to comment. This is increasingly making the public curious, plus he is currently undergoing a new film project titled 355. That way, this proves that BingBing Fan has ascertained out of the film project.

Miki – Leaving ABK48 Is A Wrong Decision

In the world of Japanese idols, especially AKB48, graduation of members or members has become commonplace. Many of them actually pass themselves off because of personal desires. Some of them can live happily, but not a few who have deteriorated their lives since leaving the idol group. One who regretted his decision to quit the idol group was Miki Nishino.

Miki Nishino herself was one of the members who joined AKB48 in 2012. He entered as the 14th generation and lived his life as an idol for approximately five years. Miki Nishino decided to graduate in 2017 and continue her career with Twin Planet Entertainment. Unfortunately, the decision he made was the wrong decision. Because he had to live hard after leaving the AKB48 group.

Just imagine, it is difficult for her to go through life, he currently has to work at a BBQ restaurant with an income of 1000 yen per hour. Unlike when he joined AKB48, she could perform at Budokan and even Tokyo Dome. Now she only works as a BBQ restaurant waiter and shakes hands with fans for free.

Actually Miki Nishino is not a top ranking member, she only ranked 61 in the 61st Senbatsu election. Even so, she could collect as much as 210,000 yen per month, much better than working at a BBQ restaurant. In fact, she also complained about the bathtub in the place where he lived.

“The bathtub in my house can’t heat water automatically, everything has to be manual and it’s very annoying and troublesome!”

Despite living a hard life, Miki enjoys sher work at a BBQ restaurant. That is life, we will never know what will happen in the future.

Japanese Artist Who Love Taking Photo With Sakura Blossom

The exposure of cherry blossoms in Japan certainly attracts the attention of many people, even Japanese people themselves are very happy with this moment. How not, the beauty of cherry blossoms is indeed successful in hypnotizing the eyes of anyone who saw it. In Japan itself, when cherry blossoms bloom, Japanese people will usually celebrate by coming to the park with out or closest friends.

There is so many tourist from outside of Japan intentionally come to Japan when cherry blossoms bloom, even many who take prawedding photos at this moment. Some of the most visited locations when these flowers bloom are Ueno Park, Kamo River in Kyoto, Sumida River and various other places. Here are some famous artists in Japan who participated in enlivening the cherry blossom festival by uploading their photos in the background of blooming cherry blossoms.

Number one is Oku Manami. This artist is wearing a thick black sweater and a photo with a very sexy sideways style. The beauty of the cherry blossoms that bloom behind it also adds to the beauty of the photos taken by Oku Manami.

The second one is Nozomi. This artist also enlivened the blossoming of cherry blossoms. Nozomi took photos with her friends with a panorama of cherry blossoms behind her.

The third one is Yuna Taira. This young artist also enlivened the cherry blossom flower festival. With bright red lipstick and beautiful cherry blossoms to be the perfect combination to radiate the beauty that is on him.

Cherry blossoms themselves are a symbol of happiness and hope for Japanese people, so it’s only natural that they love cherry blossoms. Besides being able to enjoy cherry blossoms, you can also try various kinds of culinary with the main ingredients of cherry blossoms, are you interested in trying it?

Hailey Use Bieber Name In Her Instagram

After previously being silent related to his marriage to Justin Bieber, Justin Bieber recently claimed to have married Hailey Baldwin. This was admitted by Justin when he was eating with a fans in one restaurant.

relationship between Justin and Hailey increasingly looked happy. Even Paparazzi often captures photos when they are on a date or when Justin cries when he is with Hailey.

Unfortunately, both parties are still reluctant to provide official information related to the news of the marriage that is being warmly discussed by the public.

But this time there was a surprising news that shocked the public, the article because Hailey’s personal Instagram account was found to change the name that initially Hailey Baldwin became Hailey Bieber.

This certainly invites excitement. As we know, Bieber is the last name of Justin so many think that they are indeed really married.

This immediately reaps a lot of reactions from fans and followers on Instagram. The fans were surprised by this, but not a few were relieved that they both finally married.

Many congratulations were expressed by the fans for both of them. The fans also can’t wait to see the couple’s wedding photos, complete with her wedding ring. Well, hopefully this news is true, so the fans and the public don’t keep putting a big question mark on the news of their marriages.

Fact About Chelsea Islan

Already know the talented Indonesian artist, Chelsea Islan? If not, you have come to the right place. Because in this article we will discuss all about this one artist. Curious?

Chelsea Islan is an Indonesian-American artist. His face is very distinctive and has its own charisma when playing acting. Although still relatively young, Chelsea Islan has starred in many feature films. This proves that the quality of Chelsea Islan in acting deserves a thumbs up.

It turns out that behind his skill in acting, Chelsea Islan has a serious woman! In fact, he was also labeled as someone who could not joke. But that does not mean that Chelsea is fierce, he is still friendly and happy when he hears funny jokes that tickle.

In addition, Chelsea Islan is an artist who has many hidden talents. Besides being good at acting, Chelsea is also good at singing. Try it, you listen to Chelsea who are singing a Somebody To Be loved song that became the movie soundtrack of Merry Riana: The Dream of a Million Dollar that he played.

This girl with the Virgo zodiac was also fond of the world of art and also the social world. Chelsea often shows its interest in the social world through concrete actions in the field by joining the Love Pink organization that routinely visits breast cancer sufferers. Wow, it’s beautiful, it turns out that Chelsea is also caring about others, it’s worth emulating.

Do you know about Chelsea Islan when you were in school? Apparently he is active in various theater activities! No wonder he is very talented at playing role arts, it turns out it’s been a hobby for a long time.

Although happy to play acting, but Chelsea Islan does not like soap operas. Although initially Chelsea only played for feature films and hated soap operas, but eventually Chelsea took part in a comedy soap opera. According to Chelsea, the sitcom is different from ordinary soap operas because it can provide entertainment that tickles the stomach to the audience.

Profile: Kate Middleton

Catherine Elizabeth Middleton is a woman born on January 9, 1982 in Reading, Berkshire, England. Catherine Elizabeth Middleton is more familiarly called by the name Kate Middleton. Kate is the child of the couple Carole Elizabeth Middleton and Michael Francis Middleton. Kate is the eldest of three siblings, her sisters Philippa Charlotte who was born in 1983 and James William who was born in 1987.

Kate Middleton began to be known by the public due to her relationship with Prince William. The two couples were reunited in 2001 when they studied at the University of St. Andrews. The two couples carried out their super luxurious wedding on April 29, 2011. The party is the most luxurious party in the world.

On September 14, 2012, the French Closer magazine published a photo from Kate’s Kate. The topless photo was taken when Kate vacationed with Prince William at Château d’Autet. As a result of the inappropriate maritime, Prince William finally sent a legal action to the Closer party.

Here are the awards that have been won by Elizabeth “Kate” Middleton Catherina:
1. Kate won the Most Promising Newcomer award – The Daily Telegraph – 2006
2. Kate ranks 8th in the list of Top Ten Icons – Tatler – 2007
3. Kate won Richard Blackwells Fabulous Fashion Independent – 2007
4. Kate won the best costume award – People – 2007
5. Kate won the beauty icon award – – 2008
6. Kate won the best international costume award – Vanity Fair – 2008
7. Kate won the best lostum award – People Magazine – 2010
8. Kate won Top Fashion Buzzword – Global Language Monitor – 2011

Pennapa Naebchid – The Figure Behind the Phenomenal Wik Wik Song

Perhaps the most phenomenal song at this time is the Wik Wik Wik song, which was sung by a Thai singer named Pennapa Naebchid. But behind the popularity of the song, the public considered the song too vulgar.

The song that has the original viral title “Moan” is indeed very well known, even outside Thailand. But who would have thought there were tears falling behind the song.

How not, Penapa Naebchid received a lot of scathing criticism from the public, both from the Thai public to outside Thailand.

The song was actually sung by two people, namely Sittichai Vibhavadee and also Pennapa Naebchid. They both realized that the song they were singing was indeed risky of controversy. This is because such a thing is still considered taboo in Thailand.

“Bringing the song in public is not easy, we are very embarrassed when we sing it,” said Pennapa Naebchid as reported by

Actually, what is the meaning behind the Wik song?

The song actually tells about a man who had a relationship with a woman, but in the end the woman married another man. But the highlight is the expressions and scenes that seem to show the woman is wanting to make love with her husband, the scene is accompanied by the sound of wik wik wik and ah ah ah. This voice further reinforces the impression that they want to make out.

Here are the lyrics of the song:

“Wik … Wik … Wik … Wik … Wik …
Ahh … Ahh … Ahh … Ahh … ”

Apart from the good or not the meaning of the song, Wik Wik Wik song is indeed quite entertaining because it has a quite funny and fun rhythm.

The Most Beautiful K-Pop Idol According to South Korean Journalists

It is undeniable, to be a member of Korean idols is not easy, there are many stages that must be passed by those who want to become idols there. Of the many idol beautiful women in South Korea, maybe there are only a few who are considered the most beautiful by South Korean journalists. Who do you think is included in the list of the most beautiful K-Pop idols?

First place is Jung So Min. He is an artist who appears charming in front of the camera. According to journalists and reporters from the YTN news station, they consider the beauty of Jung So Min to be compared to a beautiful deer in a fairyland. Deer is a creature that is considered graceful and enchanting, it is only natural that Jung So Min’s beauty is compared to deer, moreover deer in fairy tales are described as very beautiful and also friendly.

In second place there. He is a member of girlband Twice. Sana himself often gets praise from fans and also the public because the visuals shown in front of the camera are very fascinating. Even journalists and reporters on many television stations in Korea praise Sana’s beauty!

In third place, Irene is a member of a girl group called Red Velvet. As with Sana, Irene also often gets praise for her beauty. In addition, the visualization of Irene in front of the camera is considered very charming by many television reporters in Korea.

In fourth place is Bae Suzy. It’s no secret anymore, Bae Suzy is already famous for her beauty. Even the fans also come from many countries in various parts of the world. Her beauty can even make anyone who sees her fall in love, including reporters and journalists in Korea.

In the fifth place is Song Hye Kyo. Similar to Bae Suzy, Song He Kyo has also been famous in the world. He even entered as one of the most beautiful women in Korea. Not only good at singing, he is also good at acting. There are already many titles of the films played by Song Hye Kyo

Sacha Stevenson Feel Dizzy After Hearing Fadli Zon Speech

Sacha Stevenson is a Youtuber who has the blood of “Caucasians”. This one Youtuber is also very famous for her enthusiasm in making content on his Youtube channel.

Sacha is also very happy to criticize or discuss the incorrect pronunciation of English. This time the one who was criticized was Fadli Zon.

Who don’t know the Deputy General Chair of the Gerindra Party? But this time the one that needed to be highlighted was the way the pronunciation of English was difficult and frivolous. Even Sacha asked for a higher salary if asked to translate English spoken by Fadli Zon.

“Fadli Zon is a politician in Indonesia, if he is told to listen he says it’s okay, but if told to translate, sorry, going up my salary first before asking me to do it,” Sacha said on the video she uploaded on her YouTube channel.

Some of the words discussed by Sacha are Tolerancy (which is supposed to be tolerance), the use of verbs to other incorrect pronunciation.

“I sent the audio to friends who study in the political science department, they just got confused and bothered to hear it.”

“It’s like that, he wants to walk 100km / hour, but the tire is only 1.”

Well it seems that Fadli Zon must improve to see the many ridiculous behaviors he did as a people’s representative. Intrigued by the video? Just stop by Sacha’s Youtube channel.

Luna Maya Is Crying When Talk About Her Relationship With Barack

After undergoing a relationship for five years, Luna Maya finally had to break up with Reino Barack. Since the start of their relationship, Luna Maya and Reino Barack have often covered their romance. When questioned by the media crew, the two partners also often avoided.

Not long ago Luna Maya was invited as a guest in Boy William’s #NebengBoy broadcast. As we know, Boy William’s Youtube channel indeed often invites many artists to be invited to chat or talk lightly.

During the chat session, Luna Maya claimed that her relationship had to end because she did not get the blessing from her parents.

“Nothing really happened. From the beginning, the relationship was difficult because of family problems. Parents don’t accept this relationship. “From the beginning, I told Barack that the relationship would not be easy, so there would be predictions that things would be hard, this would happen,” said Luna Maya.

“Actually there is nothing wrong, the only thing that is wrong is in the confession. But the name of a parent would want the best for his child right? That’s not wrong, I respect their thoughts. It’s just still sad. ”

Although Luna Maya already knew from the start she would end up quite bitter, but she chose to keep trying to undergo the relationship. When the chat session goes on, it looks Luna Maya shed tears. It seems that Luna Maya still can’t forget her ex-lover.

“Well, we want to try first, if indeed there is a good way, but if it ultimately fails, it will be used as learning,” said Luna Maya.

Ireland Baldwin Denied Rumours About Hailey And Justin Marriage

Not long ago there was indeed horrendous news present from Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin. They were both caught by a camera entering the registry office. Many speculations say the two couples have been married secretly.

Shortly after the news circulated, Hailey Baldwin’s uncle Alec Baldwin confirmed that Hailey and Justin were secretly married. Even though Hailey never denied this news via Twitter, but this post is now unable to be found again (deleted).

Not long ago, this time it was Ireland Baldwin’s turn to be the cousin of Hailey Baldwin who gave confirmation regarding the news. Through Entertainment Tonight, the daughter of Alec said she was not sure if Hailey had secretly married Justin.

“I think they just want to go through this relationship slowly,” Ireland Baldwin said, trying to refute the news.

Not only that, Ireland also clarified Justin and Hailey. He said that Justin and Hailey were inseparable soulmates.

“They have been together for a long time, then they broke up, but in the end they came back together. They are true soulmates. ”

Ireland also explained that Hailey was very happy to be back with Justin. Ireland said that Hailey often smiled when telling stories about Justin.

“They really become great partners. They also give attention to each other. I think they can be happy families later. “

How to Address Meghan and Prince Harry Baby ? – Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle is reportedly waiting for their baby that being predicted to be born on the next year spring. This report is coming directly from the Kensington Kingdom on the last Monday.

So if talk about the kingdom hierarchy, their baby will be on the seventh position, precisely below his father. Unfortunately, when this child was born their will not be address as the prince or princess. Nevertheless, Their baby will be get another title to be address. From the source that we get, if their baby is a boy, he will get the title of Earl of Dumbarton. Meanwhile, if the girl was born later, she will be address as Lady Mountbatten-Windsor.

This happen because back on 1917, Harry Great-Grandfather,which is King George V having a limited title for all of Royal Family members. Moreover that same source are sure that the child from Prince Harry and Meghan is being predicted are way to far for becoming HRH (His Royal Highness or Her Royal Highness) or be Prince or Princess.

Urutan ke-7 Takhta, Anak Harry dan Meghan Tak Akan Sandang Gelar Pangeran atau Putri

“The grandchildren of the sons of the Royal Family in the direct male line (only for the eldest son of the son of Prince Wales, Charles) should be the one  get and enjoy all the features of their style and title for their children,” Declaration of King George V on that time.

Because of that declaration, it means the special title can only fall to the Prince William as the first son of Prince Charles. But Absolutely Prince Harry baby will move the the position of Prince Andrew become the eight, Princess Beatrice becoming the ninth and Princess Eugenie becoming the tenth.

Only one way can be done if Prince Harry and Megan want their child having the title of Prince and Princess which is by the help of The Queen Elizabeth II. Only the Queen can change that with declaring a patent letter for their baby.

So let see on how this will be going on.


Another Royal Wedding Coming ! – England just celebrate another Royal Wedding, the Wedding between the Eugenie Princess and her fiancee, Jack Brooksbank just being held on this Friday on 11.oo local time. This couple is officially becoming husband and wife after being in relationship for  more than 6 year.

This beautiful moment always becoming the center attention all over the world. Royal Wedding is one of the biggest wedding ceremony England and this world have. Every time Royal Wedding is being held anything like the cake, the decoration, the fashion and also the guest becoming the attention of the world. Also for this time, Eugenie Princess is making a strict rules like can not have a decoration things make by plastic and also having a rules on what can and can not wear by the guest.

Now we will show you guys some beautiful moment capture on The Royal Wedding between Eugeine Princess and Jack Brooksbank.

Putri Eugenie Mengenakan Tiara dari Queen Mother

In this picture we can see how beautiful Eugeine Princess wearing a crown by Queen Mother.

Putri Eugenie dan Sang Ayah Sampai di Lokasi Royal Wedding

This is capture before the entering the ST. George’s, look like the Princess and her father, Andrew Prince say hello to their guest.

Pengeran Andrew Mengantarkan Anaknya Menuju Altar

This is one of the happiest and sadness moment on father life when send his daughter through the aisle.

Momen Eugenie dan Jack Mengucapkan Janji Suci

The moment where two people will become one that bond by the sacred promise between both of them

Gaun Indah Putri Eugenie Perlihatkan Bekas Luka di Tubuhnya

As we know that Eugenie herself got a big scar on her back when she was just 12 years old, But she is not shy showing that to the public on her big wedding day by wearing a beautiful dress that show her back make by Peter Pilotto and Christopher De Vos.

Momen Ciuman Pertama di Royal Wedding yang Paling Ditunggu

And here it is, the most waiting moment on the wedding, The first kiss !

Happy for Both of you, Sending love and regards from other side of the world Prince and Princess

Selena Gomez Threatened to be Depression for the Rest of her Life – Not a long ago Selena Gomez is reportedly being rushed to the hospital. Ex Justien Bieber Girlfriend need to get an intensive care because of the unstable emotion that she have. Selena is called suffering from emotional disorders such as anxiety and depression. Because of that, the star of Monte Carlo need to get a treatment at a mental health facility.

Hearing this thing happen to Selena, a lot of fans try to figure out what actually cause the depression get by this beautiful 26 years old  singer. A lot of speculation comes out and the most popular one is the rumored of her ex, Justin and his new girlfriend Hailey Baldwin is getting married.

Selena Gomez Saat Berkumpul Bersama Para Teman untuk Kegiatan Amal

From the report that we get, one of Selena close friend also tell that Selena getting depression is because of that of that rumored is true. Her depression is the combination of several things that can break her mental health. And because of that reason Selena is choosing to be vacuum from social media for a while. Her feeling and sensitivities can be influence by all the negative things and haters things that she can see on social media.

Beside from that, hearing a married rumor come from the man that she falling deep in love before should be so difficult for Selena to handle it. But also they confess that it is not the only thing make Selena mental health becoming this worst, there are some several aspect outside from that thing.

Selena Gomez Tebar Kebahagiaan Lewat Kegiatan Amal

As we know that before vacuum from social media, Selena is a kind person that very charming and cheerful. We can see how happy she is when she is together with her close friend and also when she is doing some charity event outside.

Let all of us hoping the best for Selena to get better and heal from her depression so she can becoming our star again, Stay Strong Selena !

Dakota Johnson Pregnant ? – As we know beautiful actress Dakota Johnson and Chris Martin already being in a relationship such on long time. And from the update news that we get, both of them already being reportedly getting engaged not to long ago.

Because of that thing, now more speculative news comes out about their relationship. Not Too long ago, there are a news that stated Dakota is having a baby with Chris ! This news spread out after this couple held a celebration party with full a beautiful balloon around Chris house.

On that party we can see so many their close friend like Melanie Griffith, Don Johnson, Sean Penn, Jeremy Allen White and Julia Roberts look attend and having fun in that party. After the place is full by the guest, a hundred of blue balloon is releasing to the sky. Public be speculative if this celebration is a party that they use to confess the gender of their baby.

But look like that Dakota do not want to make this rumors spread more wide than this. This beautiful actress that well known after her act as Anastasia Steele on the sequel Fifty Shades of Grey just denied the news of her pregnancy.

Denied that speculation, Dakota already give the clarification that the party they make and celebrate about is for celebrate her birthday that will be come on the next October 4th. However, What more surprising is she do not denied that she will become a mother in the mean time.

But it not like she will be having a baby soon, But rather she will become the Godmother of her best friend child, Addison Timlin. Addison also already confess that thing on her personal Instagram account on that celebration day.

Congrats for both of Dakota and Addison !


Taylor Swift Choosing Democrats ! – Taylor Swift as far as we know is one of the superstar that do not want to talk about politics on her country. Even already getting so many critics on why she never want to confess her politic choose, The ex country singer that now already become the pop singer just keep silent about this thing. However, This time look like Taylor Swift want to change that.

On her new Instagram posting just now, Taylor Swift confess her chosen senate on the election that will be held on this November in United States. Taylor Swift that come from Tennessee talk about two candidates that she want to become the senate on her birth town. Moreover, The singer of Look What You Made Me Do also inviting all her fans to vote their own favorite candidate.

On choosing the senate, The value that Taylor Swift concern the most is about Human Rights. So she tell that she will give her voice to the want that do not do discrimination on the ethnic, gender and LGBTQ.

” I am writing this post about the upcoming midterm election on November 6th. i will be voting in the state of Tennessee. In the past i have been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinion, But due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now. I always have and always will cast my vote based on the human rights. I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systematic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent. I cannot vote for some one who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL American no matter their skin color, gender and who they love.” write Taylor Swift.

So based on that Taylor Swift write that she will choose Phil Bredessen that is the candidate from democrats. ” I will vote for Phil Bredesen as the Senate and Jim Copper as the House of Representative,” Tell her.

Let hope that our world will be free from all kind of discrimination as what Taylor Swift and most of us want it for. – As one of the most influence celebrity family in this world, we will have no doubt about the dollar have by The Beckhams. Yes Victoria Beckham and David Beckham already being a couple that always being the center of attention by the public on this decade.

Succeed on every business that they being in, The Beckhams already save a lot from their hard work until now. So it is not surprising that they own so many luxury house. Now they just decide to sell one of luxury mansion that located on Beverly Hills, California. The price will be the shocking one absolutely if coming from this family.

From the report we can get, the luxury mansion own by Beckham will be sell with the price around $33 million ! Yes it is an fantastic price offer by Beckham for becoming the new owner of the place the stay for the past eleven years. As we know this couple bought this mansion on the last 2007 . One that time Beckham by that house with the price around $22 million when Beckham joined LA Galaxy and playing in United States.

Image result for beckham family

But do not worry, as people like to say, every thing has their own price. So do this one, with the price you willing to pay you can get a mansion with 6 bedroom, 9 bathroom, swimming pool, private library and many others.

They decide to sell this house because after David retire from playing football, now this couple mostly spend their time in London, so it make sense why they want to sell this one. Unfortunately until this news being updated, There is no one know about the identity of the one who is lucky enough to having The Beckhams ex mansion.

Let hope this family will always be one of the inspiring family that can the role model for all family in this world.




After Her Pregnancy Leave Over. Kate Showing Her New Hairstyle – Kate Middleton just have her pregnancy leave over this week and will be active again on her duty in England kingdom. As we know that the 36 years old already been vacuum from every duty that she have in the kingdom because she just having the third child of Louis Prince on last April.

So in Tuesday, The mother of three children is being reported go to a garden in Paddington, London, for spending the time with the junior high school student. From the news we get, Kate go to there for teaching the kids about the wild plants.

What make that moment become more interesting is because of the appearance that come from the Kate Middleton itself. It because that in that time Kate is having her new hairstyle. Usually The Kate that we know usually have a long hair, but look like she just cut her hair shorter and make it more layer. Because of that, Her new style of hair is succeed on making her look more fresh and young.

And to complete her new hairstyle. Kate choose to having a casual look that look perfectly fit with outdoor activities. She choose to have a green olive sweater and a motive blouse combine with the same tone of jacket. By wearing jeans and high boots, Kate make her appearance so beautiful on that day.

Image result for kate middleton new haircut

After the picture of her shown to the public. a lot of praise come from the public for her directly. The picture by the way is share by media social account own by Kensington Kingdom.

“She look extremely Beautiful,” comment one of the user Twitter. ” Her hairstyle make her looks more beauty and fresh,” Tell the others. ” She is prettier now after the leave.” comment by the other one. ” Kate got a natural beauty that being show from inside herself,” other one.

Kate just start her duty after her leave on last April. But on the leave time, She also attend some event that needed her to be attend. From Royal Wedding, Tropping the Colour, Also the Polo event not a long ago.

So lucky for Prince Louis For having Her !

Fail to Keep Kim Save, Her Bodyguard Being Charged for $6 Million – Robbery with a gun case that happen to Kim Kardashian in Paris, France, on the last 2016 still going on. Not only leave a physic scar to Kanye West wife and make her trauma, now the insurance company also charged the bodyguard that guard Kim on that time with the fantastic amount of money.

From the report we get, ex bodyguard Kim, Pascal Duvier being charged by the insurance company after failed to protect Kim from that accident. The owner of AIG insurance company charger Pascal also with his working place, PROTECTSECURITY, with the amount of $6 million as the claim of the lose for the diamond that become being rob on that accident.

On their charge , Pascal Duvier is reported leave Kim alone in the hotel and prefer to follow Kourtney and Kendall to the nearest club in there. From the report we get, this charge is based on the malfunction of security around the hotel make by the bodyguard, in where suppose to be a man safe the front door.

Because of that thing, The owner of AIG claim that this robbery can happen. Not only Charge the Bodyguard, AIG also look down on the hotel security that in that time one of the hotel man also being kidnapped and ask him to bring them to Kim room and open the door for the robbery.

Image result for kim being robbery

On his first interview after this thing happen, Pascal confess to he feel guilty and always think “IF” he is with Kim on that night. ” I do not like to waste my time to think about ” if ” or “what will happen”. Tell him. ” There are a lot of bad and good things happen in life. Life is all about how we react on what we choose to do in our life, you can not choose only to change a certain things. Every choose you make, make things happen.”

After that incident, Kim and Kanye being report change their entire security team and system. Once of the things they do is to fire Pascal.

Hope every one can get a lesson from this. And for the robbery, please stop it, make peace in life bro.

A Pink Nails Painted on the Finger of Dwayne Johnson ? – What do you think when you are hearing the name of Dwayne Johnson ? The image of beast and hard should be the one pop up to our mind when we are thinking about him. Moreover when we remember that the 46 years old guy before he becoming a  Hollywood actor was a WWE boxer.

But who in the world can believe that behind his big muscle body, The man who called as The Rock apparently can use something feminine and does not suit him. Moreover the actor of Jumanji : Welcome to the Jungle is not shy having a pink nail painted on his hand !

This thing can be seen on his new upload at his private Instagram. On his upload, the actor of Hobbs and Shaw sharing a cute moment in where showing his relationship with his daughter. The moment show the scene in where His daughter is paint his father hand finger with a pink color.

Terkenal Sangar dan Berbadan Kekar, Dwayne Johnson Ternyata Doyan Pakai Kutek Warna Pink

In that scene Dwayne look force accepted what his daughter do to him. From the caption, the actor of Jungle Cruise on the first only want to say bye to his daughter before go to work. However, his 2 years old daughter suddenly want to give her father a nail painted before her father can go to work.

Looking at this cute moment, a lot of fans even consider Dwayne as the ideal father. Moreover some of them also throw a joke in where that Dwayne look more “MAN’ with his pink nail painted on his finger.

“Super Daddy,” Comment by one of the fans. ” You are the ideal of a Father, Dude,” Tell the other. “You are still a man although using a nail painted from your daughter,” form the other one. “The Rock is a real man that love his Family more than anything,” Comment by another one

Dwyane Johnson, Super Daddy for you.



Who Want Dakota Johnson Phone Number ? – Movie lover around the world should be ever heard the name of Dakota Johnson. Chris Martin girlfriend’s is already succeed bring her name well known in the world after her act as Anastasia Steele on Trilogy  “Fifty Shades of Grey’.

Not a long ago, Dakota Johnson once again having a public attention towards her after she suddenly give her phone number to the public ! Who in the world can decline such opportunity to get a phone number from a beautiful star like Dakota Johnson ? From the report we get, this beautiful actress also giving out her private email address when she stand in the stage on Global Citizen Festival on New York last month.

“I want to help you guys, women or all young girl in this world, tell me and share your story,” Tell Dakota on the stage. ” this is my phone, and here is my number. I want all of you call me and telling me your story by phone and also i want you all to send me an email to [email protected] and tell me exactly what you guys already being through out.

Not only that, This beautiful actress also confirm that she will be open to all the woman in this world that contact her, Moreover, she say that different language can not be a border between them.

Image result for dakota johnson

“If you can not speak my languages, it is okay, we have a team will handle about that. And if you are some one try to hurt and threaten me, you also can calm because i will have my team come for you,” tell Dakota.

28 years old girl tell that she will record all the story given by the people and make their voice can be heard all around the world. “together we will find a world that all of us will be the same,” Dakota.

From the news that we get, if we try to call that number, we can hear Dakota voice saying” This is Dakota Johnson, leave me a message after the tone and this one will be recorded and your story will be share to the world with equality. thanks.”

Hopefully that Dakota act can bring this world becoming a better world for all that life inside.


Kris Jenner is Being Kidnap ! – Mom from the Kardashian Family, Kris Jenner becoming a  victim of kidnapping. This new already being confirm by her from a video that she upload on her Instagram account. How can a kidnapping victim can upload a video ? And what more unbelievable is the one who kidnapping her is two young children !

Okay everybody can be calm now, in here there kidnapping is not like any of us think about. Kris Jenner being kidnap by two popular young children which is the twin Stauffer, Mila and Emma that well known on social media.

This think happen when this two young cute and adorable come to Kris Jenner house. They are dressing like a princess from a kingdom, and look so cute. with a handbag on their hand, They come for the purpose of Trick and Treat.

As we know Trick and Treat is a western culture in where this think will be done by all people in there when Halloween time. Done every year by every people in there with Trick as being cheated and treat as a candy. So in other word for you not getting trick you need to treat them a candy or anything else that sweet.

So Mila and Emma come for the first time to Kris House, looking at her big house, both Stauffer hoping that get something big. And for sure, when they coming to that house, they receive a big chocolate. That make them greedy and try to visit Kris house for second time with another costume. and for the second time they get a big lollipop from Kris.

After the second time both Stauffer still want more from this house, but they are out of costume, so they decided to visit that house just by showing their real person. And when the door open, Kris can recognize both of them. ” Oh both of you are little Mila and Emma right ? Get this one”  tell Kris with also giving them a big bowl of sweet things, while carrying two puppies with her.

But what happen is Mila not want that candy but seh prefer to get her puppy. “No, i want one of your puppy!” Scream Mila while getting the puppy from Kris hand and run away. Because of that Kris try to call the police and tell them that 2 young girl just kidnap her puppy and now run to the North West.

Hearing the word North West make the police confuse because as they know that North West is the name of Kris grandchild. So the police ask Kris ” What is this two young girl do to your grandchild ?” ask the police. ” Not my grandchild, But North West direction!”

Actually, this video is make as the video promotion for the upcoming Halloween that will be held by Stauffer family called Mila and Emma’s halloween Pumpkin Patch. From this event Stauffer family will invite all the children to come and celebrate Halloween without need to confuse about having a costume or not, just be yourself and you will get treat !

This event will be held a month full from 1 until 31 October on Culver City California. So interesting right ?


Naomi Campbell Comment on Kendall Jenner Career – Now Kendall Jenner already becoming the most highest paid model 2018 from Forbes version. Her income can reach the number of  $22 million in the last year although that we know that Kendall is very selective on taking the job. For this year also, she missed all the chain on New York Fashion Week and only do some show in Milan and Paris.

But not only that the fantastic income that she got become the talk on media and public. Her controversial comment for modelling world also become something hot to be talk about. On her interview with LOVE Magazine, She admit that she is not a type of model that willing to take to much job on Fashion week show. She told that she need to be selective because she have another job outside from modelling alone.

Her comment invite so many reaction from another model. Start from the amateur until the legendary super model, Naomi Campbell. This senior model showing her reaction towards what Kendall say about modelling when she was invited to one of the talk show with Andy Cohen as the presenter.

The host ask her directly about this things when the show in live. “Kendall Jenner now is the highest model that ever paid, however she admit that she is being selective on her job and will never do like 30 fashion show on one season, your opinion ?” Ask Andy to Naomi.

Naomi Campbell beri tanggapan sinis atas karir Kendall. (youtube)


With her uncomfortable and not so good expression, The supermodel that being well known on 1990 just giving a simple answer. “NEXT!” tell Naomi clear and  assertive. It look like that Naomi does not like being involve in the drama make by the Kardashian – Jenner Family.

But Kendall already dismiss the interview with that magazine. From her source, That interview already being “seasoning” by them. She also admit that for becoming what she is now, she already work so hard, learn so much and will always have a dedication and love toward modelling world.



Rinady Yunardi Crystal Glasses in Ariana Grande New Album – As we know that in the mean time Ariana Grande just launched her new album Sweetener. The single ‘ God is A Woman ‘ as her main songs also launched their music video.

As we can see in her new MV, Ariana Grande is willing to cover her body with paint with pastel color with different color from lavender until pink. As we can see, Ariana Grande looks very sexy, unique and also very elegant with her new glasses that looks very cool.

And from the source that we can get, we found out that crystal glasses that wear by Ariana Grande in that MV is make by Indonesia Designer which is Rinaldy Yunardi, That also are known as one of the best Designer in Indonesia and also the world.

At last Rinaldy Yunardi from his instagram account @rinaldyyunardi also post the picture of that glasses . the glasses is make from metal , with the dark glass for both of the lens. And the highlight of course is the crystal that cover the side of this glasses.

This is not the first time Rinaldy getting the pleasure in where his masterpiece is wear by international actress. Before, singer and also celebrity such as Mariah Carey, Kylie Jenner, Until Madonna is known also love that wear his masterpiece also.

So with his masterpiece now is wore by Ariana Grande, we can say that Rinaldy Yunardy once again show to the world that he is one of the best designer that we will ever see.

Always found out the newest news about Hollywood only at


Is It a House or Shopping Mall ? – Becoming one of the most paid actor on Hollywood absolutely make Chis Hemsworth becoming one of the most rich man on this time. Because of that, it make sense that the main character on the Thor movie for MCU Franchise do a lot of invest on property aspect.

Not to long ago, Media found out that Chris just build a new mansion in Australia since last year. Husband of Elsa Pataky confirm that this mansion is build precisely as their Dream home. But unfortunately, His desire on building this mansion make his neighborhood feel disturbing.

This super elite mansion was build on top of Seven Mile hill that located on Broken head, Byron Bay, New South Wales. It is been predict that Chris and Elsa need to spend around $8 million for building their kingdom. From the news we get, This mansion will be consist of six bedroom, a big swimming pool, sauna place, fitness center, a luxury spa place and media center place.

Chris Hemsworth Bangun Rumah Super Mewah, Warga Sekitar Mengaku Resah

Since the framework of this mansion was build, some people that live in there already afraid that this building will destroy the beauty of local place in there. This mansion was build in rectangle shape with the wall that build so high. Seeing from this mansion big, make some people consider this luxury mansion as the bunker, shopping mall, a prison, hospital until an airport !

Local man that already live in there almost 38 years, Darren Birch tell that the incoming of Hollywood star to their neighborhood can destroyed the nature in there. this place supposed to be so calm and quiet in the past, you can find a peace when coming home, but it is not happen again now.

There are a report say that this building was buy around $7 million on the past 2014 by this couple. Actually before they buy it, this house shape is having a Bali shape in where most of the building is so open and make by wood.

Let see on how will be this mansion become after the construction finish.

Who Say They Break Up ? Liam and Miley Just Having Their Date – There is been a negative rumored lately that come out from Miley Cyrus and Liam Hemsworth relationship. Moreover, both of them is being reported already break up and called it to the end for their relationship and cancel their plan on getting married.

This rumored is like going to be true when Miley delete all his picture and video on her private instagram. There is a lot of people and media believe that the love relationship between this two is really over by now.

However, rumored is always just a rumored. Breaking all the speculation that come out into their relationship, Liam Hemsworth prove his commitment towards their relationship and make sure that everything is going well between them. Both of them look very enjoy and being in loved with their partner that been shown by them lately.

At least, that just happen when Liam hemsworth from his private instagram account show off his picture that show his togetherness with Miley Cyrus when they are on a date. Both of them look very happy together.

[Bintang] Miley Cyrus - Liam Hemsworth

Both of them also being accompany by their beloved dogs. Also on that chance, Liam also write a simple caption ” A walk with my ladies ”

Absolutely this picture can answer all the curiosity from both of their fans related to their breaking rumored. This is not the first time both of them showing their togetherness moment amid rumors of their breaking up.

[Bintang] Miley Cyrus - Liam Hemswoth

last time they this rumored comes out, Liam also post a cute video on his story that show their moment in the car, in where Miley is having fun with her dance and got a suprise when Liam shout out to surprise her.

Let hope for the best on their relationship guys !


Demi Lovato After Overdoses – Two months after the accident that happen to Demi Lovato that found out overdoses on using drugs on her home that almost cause her life, She need to get an intensive care on a hospital. She been care in that hospital for two weeks and after that now she already been in the middle of rehabilitation center place.

Since that accident, Demi not yet shown her figure to the public until now. She just wrote some statement on her Instagram account. Look like until now Demi is choose to be far away from the media and also from The entertain world in Hollywood. Demi also cancel all the tour that already being plan in the early year. She thinks that is the best choice that can she do in the mean time. As we know after come out from the hospital, Demi directly go to a Rehabilitation center in Chicago.

But as we know that paparazzi  has their job to do and to found out a news about this star. Just now her picture are coming through the internet. Demi looks wearing a green jacket and a cap, She looks having a conversation with a girl that are walking with her dog in that area. Demi look fit and her face look better now. On her hands looks like she having a cup of coffee. A beautiful smile come out from her beautiful face.

Also there are a report say that her ex, Wilmer Valderrama are there staying with her and accompany her on her hard time. Demi alone will be having this rehabilitation until 4-5  months next.

Lets hope that Demi can be healthy soon and come back also bring the happiness from her figure and her creation to all of us.


Barbados Ambassador : Rihanna ! – The first time Rihanna coming into the music world is on 2005 with the single Pon De Replay. After 13 year having a career on music world, Rihanna now also widened her wings by plunge into the fashion world.

Rihanna now already have a lot of business start from the clothing, cosmetic until the undewear. Rihanna also been active lately on social and humanitarian activities. And now she also spread her wings in movie world after being cast on some movie, The latest one should be Ocean’s 8 that she play with Sandra Bullock and Cate Blanchett.

Now after all she done on hollywood, she get another prestige things on her life. Rihanna is appointed by their country for becoming their Ambassador ! Yes lately Barbados government pointed Rihanna as the ambassador to promote the home country education, tourism, and also other invesment in their country.

The singer that have a real name Robyn Rihanna Fenty with the stage name Rihanna is choosen by their country because of all the things that she do until now. It is an amazing job do by Rihanna not only on the creative field but also in business tell the Prime Minister of the country that located on Caribbean island.

[Bintang] Rihanna

“Rihanna have a deep love towards her country and it shown by the humanitarian activities that she been involved especially on the health and education field. She also ever show her patriotism by appreciate Barbados as her home ,” Tell Mia Amor Mottley.

As the ambassador in the culture field for Barbados, Rihanna got an important mission which is using her power as the world class influencer for getting a prosperity for her home land. Before, Rihanna already done a lot of humanitarian activities all around the world.

” I am very proud on being chosen to get a special and honor position on my home land, Every single person in Barbados will do their best as same as me doing my job and responsibility on giving the best to my country,” Rihanna.



A Cat Can Cause Beyonce for Imprisoned – A shocking news come from the pop world Diva, Beyonce Knowles. Not a long ago, Ex Destiny’s Child, Beyonce is  being prosecuted to be imprisoned cause accused killing the cat from her ex drummer band.

From the news we get, ex drummer that include on Beyonce tour, Kimberly Thompson is planning to sue Jay-Z wife. Moreover Kimberly already filed a request to detain Beyonce.

Kimberly claim that Beyonce already kill his cat and also spying on her activities via phone. Moreover Kimberly also claim that Beyonce having an access to his finance. Unfortunately, Kimberly reluctant to tell more about her accused regarding for this matter. Nevertheless, until now Kimberly is sure that the one do this things to her is Beyonce.

Beyonce Terancam Dipenjara Gara-Gara Kucing

Kimberly Thompson alone is known that she ever working as a team as the drummer with Beyonce on the past 7 year and just ended her contract not a long ago. Until the news spread, Beyonce representative not yet giving any clarification about the weird accused that been pointed towards the Diva.

Image result for Kimberly Thompson

On the other hand, Beyonce alone still preoccupied with a series of On The Run II Tour that schedules that she held together with her beloved husband Jay-Z that  being schedules will take time until the last of october.

From 38 concert that already being held until august, This couple is recorded already earn around USD 150 million. This number will surely increasing in the last 10 concert.

Interesting to see will this news will have an effect for their concert or not ? And also the most important one is, does or does not this news is real ?

And the Winner of America’s Got Talent 2018 is ….. – Last night United States already have the winner of their America’s Got Talent 2018  show. One finalist that come out becoming the ninth champion for America’s Got Talent is already being pointed.

The final AGT 2018 that being held in Dolby Theater, United States, Wednesday (19/09/2018) local time and being live by NBC, Shin Lim, Michael Katterer, Vicki Barbolak, Samuel J. Comroe, Glennis Grace, Daniel Emmet, Brian Raja Joseph, Zurcaroch and Duo Trancend is the ten finalist that been doing their best over so many week for coming to this final.

KISS the legendary Band Rock succeed on opening this show with their spectacular performance. The first finalist which is Glennis Grace show outstanding performance when having a duo with Bebe Rexha.

Courtney bring the stage on FIRE when having a collaboration with The Struts by bringing Janis Joplin hits Piece of My Heart. After that, Daniel Emmet doing a duo with the Opera legend, Placido Domingo. the comedian Vicki and David Spade tear the Dolby Theater roof off using their jokes.

In this final, Simon Cowell wish coming true when Garth Books write a song for Michael katterer, and for that perfomance succeed in making Cowell crying like a baby. ” You are incredible, ” say Simon.

Shin Lim the magician with the help from Tyra Banks and American Ninja Warrior Host, Matt Iseman and Akbar Gbajabiamila showing a real magic to us.

Brian and Lindsey Stirling not just giving us their music tonight, but also add by same beautiful acrobatic move from them.

And last but not the least, The Golden buzzer man by Tyra, Zurcaroh show an impresive beautiful choreograph but to danger to be watch.

After all the finalist do their best on that night show, Tyra is ready on giving the world know about the polling result for AGT 2018 season. Unfortunately for Duo Transcend, Glennis Grace, Daniel Emmet, Vicki Barbolak and Courtney Hadwin , they should come out first. So there are five remaining finalist on the stage, the next one that need to come out is Michael Katterer that been shocking the whole theater and also the judges become Michael is known as the favorite finalist.

Last four, the next one need to come out is Samuel and then Brian for the third position. Only two left in the stage which is the magician and the acrobatic man. So who is the winner of AGT 2018 ? Tyra banks shouted out the name of SHIN LIM ! The magician succeed on becoming the winner of AGT 2018.



Picture From House that Cost USD 2.5 Million to have it – Who in the world does not know with Taylor Swift, One of the most popular woman pop singer in the world ? As we know Taylor Swift already become one of the most paid star between all hollywood star. From the rumors we get, Taylor Swift get around USD 300 Million only for this year 2018 !

Because of that, becoming such a billionaire, It make sense that Taylor Swift have a lot of  expensive property. One of those property can be seen from her home in Beverly Hills, California. From the rumors we get just now, Taylor Swift willing to sell that house  with the fantastic price around USD 2.5 million !

That house she buy with the price around USD 1 million at 2012. Two floor house that size 274 m2, having a swimming pool inside and build so beautifully with the deck of the wood. This beautiful house consist of 4 bedroom and 5 bathroom.

The air circulation in this house also work very well and also in these house we can find a wine cellar that having an automatic weather control. That wine cellar can be fill by around 1000 bottle of wine. Moreover, the kitchen in this house is very fascinating that can become the dream kitchen that love by all mother in the world.

So for all of you that are very curious on how this house lookalike and for you that are willing to pay USD 2.5 million for an ex pop singer woman star house, This we provide a picture for you

Swimming pool




Living Room


Wine Cellar


Want to have it  ? 😀





Fan BingBing Being Reportedly Missing Since July – Fan BingBing, actress that come from China become trending topic in Indonesia now. Fan BingBing is being reportedly missing and no one know about her condition until now. There is a rumor in where BingBing already missing since July 2018. from the rumored also stated that Fan BingBing is arrested by her government.

Moreover there are some of brand that use BingBing service as their ambassador already confirm that they already cancel their contract with this actress. The last time Fan BingBing show up in the media is when she visiting a children hospital, 1 July 2018 ago.

Image result for fan bingbing

So actually where does Fan BingBing gone ?

As we know Fan BingBing is one of the most popular actress in China that have so many fans like her. As a superstar at her country, she already been in at least 50 movie inside and outside her country. She also ever being cast with Penelope Cruz, Jessica Chastian and Lupita Nyong’o in 355  movie. They also being reportedly together attend in a special event at Cannes, France, Mei 2018 ago.

There are some speculation comes out about she has been missing. Some of them guessing her missing is about she not paying for her tax. On the last Mei 2018 the retired presenter television China is claim that Fan BingBing is not paying the tax. There are a rumored that comes out that Fan BingBing only pay around USD 1.6 million from USD 7.8 million she suppose to pay.

Also there are a rumored in where she is being involving in corruption and illegal rent and for now is waiting the result from the government about this problem.

Related image

But until now all of that things just speculative things that comes out after Fan BingBing reportedly missing, none of them is proving with the truth yet.



Justin And Bailey Married Secretly ?

It seems that the relationships that Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin lived have entered a more serious level. This has actually been seen when they just returned, where Justin was immediately engaged to Hailey shortly after they returned.

Justin is also not ashamed to say he wants to be Hailey’s husband. He even prepared all the needs to be used for their marriage. According to news circulating, the two couples will get married next year. But lately, the latest gossip has emerged which says they are married secretly.

There is even the latest news saying Hailey and Justin were found coming to the Marriage License Courthouse, which is a court similar to civil registration in Indonesia. What’s happen?

The one who first reported this was TMZ. Through photos circulating, Justin and Hailey were seen walking into the civil registry building in New York on Thursday 09/13/2018.

According to the expressions of several sources, Justin and Hailey looked very emotional that day. Even Justin could say “I can’t wait to marry you soon baby.”

According to other eyewitnesses, Justin and Hailey had met directly with the judge. Most likely they are married secretly and will only celebrate next year.

Mail Online is currently looking for the truth about this news. If what is reported by TMZ is true, this means that Justin and Hailey will immediately carry out their marriage before the end of this year.

Jessica Iskandar Ready to Marry Even though It’s Just Dating 3 Months

The relationship between Jessica Iskandar and Richard Kyle is relatively short, which is only three months. Even so, Jessica Iskandar claimed she was ready if later Richard Kyle invited her to get married. As we know, Jessica Iskandar and Richard Kyle often upload intimate photos with their children.

“When asked whether it’s ready or not, I’m ready. Already praying with God, yesterday I walked with Richard, it’s already open my heart. If given a mate then it is made easier, especially if you can accept my condition with El, why not? “Jessica Iskandar said when interviewed in the Tendean area, South Jakarta.

On the occasion of the interview, Jessica Iskandar also shared stories about her video with Richard while on vacation to Mentawai Island.

“Oh, the video is right when we are on vacation to Mentawai. “Actually, it’s gone a long time ago, if it’s not wrong in June, but it’s only been post now,” Jessica explained.

Jessica Iskandar also plans to vacation with her family and Richard abroad. It’s just that they still haven’t decided where to go and still determine the right date.

In addition, Jessica also hopes that the relationship she is currently living is the right relationship so that she can continue to the marriage level. We just pray for the best friend for Jessica Iskandar and her child.

Olla Ramlan Starred A New Horror Movie Called SAKRAL

After long disappearing from the Indonesian screen, Olla Ramlan returned. In fact, her presence immediately decorated the widescreen in Indonesia where she starred in a horror film called SAKRAL. Previously many doubted the existence of Olla Ramlan, but with the presence of this film, of course, public doubts were all answered clearly.

“Well, if you want to be honest, playing drama series has also been a long time ago, usually just being a host, carrying out household events. Then, just be a host or guest star, “said Olla when met at XXI Metropole during the release of the SAKRAL film.

Surprisingly, the article no one thought Olla Ramlan’s name would be present to adorn the widescreen again. Olla also claimed to have had difficulty while running the shooting process. But over time, she also enjoyed every process.

“Well, there is no problem with shooting this movie. The shooting here is only 20 days. At first, it was difficult, but after a long time, it was normal. The problem is the first horror movie, so it still has to be used to it first. ”

In the SAKRAL film, Olla Ramlan must compete with Teuku Zacky. Both seemed to have no difficulty when carrying out their duties, this was because the two of them had previously undergone the same film project.

For those of you who want to watch this movie, just come to your favorite cinema. This one horror movie is guaranteed to make you shiver in fear!

Nabila JKT48 Returned Playing Horror Movie

Nabila is a former JKT48 personnel. Her name is soaring after joining to JKT48. The girl whose real name is Ratna Ayu Azalia is now focusing on acting. Nabila herself has actually played in three films, this time she will again adorn the big screen called Mata Batin 2.

When interviewed on a shooting location in the Kota Tua, Nabila then recounted her excitement and experience while undergoing the shooting process of Mata Batin 2.

Actually, Nabila has played in a horror film called Wewe. But her acting in the film gained a lot of criticism from connoisseurs and film critics. But that didn’t make her desperate. Evidently, she returned to playing in one of the horror films entitled Mata Batin 2.

When undergoing the shooting process on the third day, Nabila claimed she felt excited about the actions she was going to play. In the film, Nabila plays Nadia, an orphan who lives in an orphanage.

In Mata Batin 2, Nabila plays an introvert role, this is certainly very different from Nabila’s original extroverted nature.

“The characters that I play are introverted, really different from the original. “I am an extrovert, so it will make a quiet character feel so strange,” said Nabila.

In this latest film, Nabila also feels more challenged because she has to explore the role. She must try to be as if she could see a spirit. This is a special excitement for Nabila.

Later Nabila will compete with Sophia Latjuba and Jessica Milla. What are we waiting for by Nabila’s acting, is it disappointing like before or will we be amazed because of her beautiful acting?

Mac Miller OD ? – Once again international music is having a dark time. An American Rapper Mac Miller that also Ariana Grande Ex in being reported that been found die at his home in California, Los Angeles, United States on Friday (07/09/2018).

As being report by, saturday (08/09/2018), there is a lot of rumored that state Mac Miller that also known the one that become duo with Ariana Grande is die because of overdoses to drugs. Mac Miller alone already confess that he already in the state of drug abuse.

Rapper that having a real name Malcolm James McCormick is die when he just 26 years old now. Mac Miller is known by worldwide after in 2011 he release his own single and become the top in music chart in United States at that time.

Mac Miller release his very first album , Swimming on this early year and planning on having an event tour in this year. Mac Miller become more famous after the fact that he choose to have a break with Ariana Grande on this early year too.

Not only both of them ever having a relationship since 2012, Mac Miller also ever having a collaboration with his ex-girlfriend  on several songs, with the most popular one “The Way”.

Mac Miller before he die, already facing the law in the past month. In where he is being caught because driving a car in the influence of alcohol that cause him crash into the street walker.

Now once again Hollywood artist in found died because of drugs, lets pray and hope him get the best place in there, Chao Adios Ma Friend.



Indra The Titans Finally Get Married Today !

Happy news came from Indra The Titans. Today, Indra finally marry a women named Seruni. Both of them celebrating this moment in Bandung. Only family and best friend invited to join the party.

Back in time, Indra already post his picture with Seruni is social media. He also post the prawedding photo in his own Instagram. There is so many bouquets in their wedding ceremony. The bouquets came from their family and best friends.

In this ceremony, his parents pray for their happiness. Not only their parents, their best friend and other musicians also praying for their prosperity. One of them is NOAH.

“I pray for you, hope your wedding will be the best wedding, it’s what we want,” said Indra mother.

Indra father also pray for the wedding. In that ceremony, Indra father and mother wearing a traditional suit with white colour.

If we see the prawedding photo, their photo look so natural. Many people say that their prawedding photo look so simple buat very sweet. Indra bring a guitar and they look so cute wearing same shirt colour.

Their concept for prawedding photo including home and music themes. They don’t want to much colour in their prawedding photo. Let’s pray for their wedding, happy wedding Indra and Seruni !

After Devorced, Anna Faris And Chris Pratt Still Walk Together For Their Kid

We all know that Chris Patt and Anna Faris already divorced. But there is still have a relation between them. Even divorced, they still walk and meet sometimes for the sake of their kid, Jack.

Jurrasic World and Overboard actor, Chris met Anna in Santa Monica, California in Monday 27/8. This reunion coincide with Jack sixth birthday. Jack celebrating his birthday on 25 August last week.

In that time, Chris and Anna wearing a casual shirt. Anna wearing a ripped jeans with black shirt and boots, Chris wearing short jeans wearing grey shirt and hat. They holding Jack together. Jack, their son wearing red long shirt with sunglasses. They look like a wonderfull family even already devorced.

We can see their face full of smile. Jack also felt so happy when walk together with his parent. Even broke up, his parent became a close friends only for Jack. There is no hate in their heart. Maybe if you don’t know about the divorce, you will think they are still family.

Now Chris has been dating with Katherine Schwarzenegger. Their relationship going public and they have been caugh doing a romantic picnic in California.

Anna also dating with Michael Barret, a cinematographer film.  Anna and Chris commited to devorce after 8 years after the marriage.

Jessica Iskandar And Richard Kyle Relationship Going Public !

Jessica Iskandar and Richard Kyle relationship now being a hot gossip in media. Back in time, they having a closed relationship. But now, they unhesitatingly show their relationship in public. They also post an romantic photo on their own Instagram account.

Jessica and Richard already been in relationship for 4 month. They often caught on camera go on vacation with El Barack Alexander, Jessica Iskandar little son.

Last week, Jessica Iskandar posted a photo in her Instagram. In that photo, we can see Jessica and Richard go on vacation in Mentawai Island. Jessica also said that she want to undergo a serious relationship.

Her family also support her decision about her boyfriend, Richard Kyle. There is a rumour that said Jessica and Richard will go to Europe for holiday with family and her son. But there is no prove about this rumour.

In Jessica Instagram account, Jessca also posted a romantic photo in the beach with sunset background. It’s look so cool and romantic. They look like a perfect couple. Jessica also have a close relation with Richard family. Maybe next time they will go on vacation with their family together.

When they spend their time in Mentawai Island, they also take a picture with El Barack. If we see the photo, they really like a family, right ?

Kimberly Ryder And Edward Akbar Officially Married

Marriage contract between Kimberly Rider and Edward Akbar which was held in Masjid Al Ihsan running smoothly. This event start in 09.45 WIB and goes according to plan.

This thing already confirmed by Tamara Blezynski and Natasha Ryder as Kimberly Ryder little sister.

“Yes, the marriage contract event between my sister and Edward Akbar run smoothly. There is so many touching moment in the event. So many people crying including me and our family. I hope they can be a wonderfull family” said Tamara when met at Masjid Al Ihsan, Gunung Kebayoran Baru, South Jakarta. ( Sunday, 26/8/2018 ).

We can see that Natasha face is full of happiness seeing her sister has been taken by Edward Akbar. Natasha also give a memorable message to her sister.

“A wonderfull wedding so far also a wonderfull future for my sister and her husband. May God bless your wedding. God Bless Kim and Edward !,” said Natasha with full of joy.

As we know, Edward Akbar also come to Kimberly graduation day with Kim family last time. They spend so much time together and this is the new journey to them. Wish their wedding can run smoothly and awarded a child. Happy wedding Kim and Edward ! Wish you a wonderfull wedding !


There Is A Reason Behind Via Vallen Lip Sync At Asian Games 2018

The opening ceremony of Asian Games 2018 last time is success. Lot of country and netizen tell that the opening is bigger and luxurious than the opening of World Cup in Russia. In the opening ceremony, there is so many event that showed to us. One of the most popular singer in Indonesia, Via Vallen have the opportunity to sing in the ceremony. But there is one thing who can’t be forgotten, that is when Via Vallen lip sync when singing.

But there is a reason behind the lip sync and it’s logic, seriously. Let’s see what is the reason behind that.

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“Organizer said that i must do that. Yes, there’s a reason ! Why i must lip sync ? You know, the organizer need to prevent any possibility of doing a mistake when singing. So they said all the singer must do lip sync to prevent that thing. As we know, in the ceremony also have the firework who made a noisy sound, the sound of the firework can go through the mic, it will be so annoing to some people. Even Tulus who sing Indonesia Raya also do lip sync. We bring the name of Indonesia when performing on stage, so we need to prevent any mistake, even small mistake can make our country shame,” said Via Vallen.

“About the bad comment from netizen, i don’t care about them. But i just want to say sorry if my fans and many people feel dissapointed about my perform yesterday, but there is a rumour that said they are buzzer, someone pay them to said that thing to me.”

Brooklyn Beckham Having a New Girl Friend, What Does Chloe Moretz Say ? – A month ago citizen is having a shock news when the relationship between Brooklyn Beckham and Chloe Moretz is over suddenly. Always look so close and romantic every time they are being together, There is no one in the world ever think about them decide to having a break.

More suprisingly, Brooklyn Beckham is being caught by the paparazzi is having a kiss with another beautiful girl on his favorite tattoo studio. Both of them do not aware about paparazzi are getting their picture on that moment. That moment also become the prove that the relationship between Chloe Moretz and Brooklyn Beckham is already over.

There is a rumored that Lexi Wood, a beautiful model that are caught having a kiss with Brooklyn Beckham is the reason why Brooklyn and Chloe is over. But that picture is being captured after Brooklyn and Chloe already over. It means that Brooklyn Beckham is already found his new girlfriend.

And what is Chloe reaction after finding this picture ? Absolutely that thing make her feel uncomfortable after seeing it.

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“Heart Broken is a putting us in a difficult situation. it would be more difficult if every time there is a news every one will tag on me on my social media, That it the reason why i know 90% about the news nowdays,” Say Chloe.

Not only that, She also say that ” I am not a kind of person that like to showing my relationship in the public, So i do not like to see everyone kissing on my phone screen.”

Now Chloe is been rumored having a relationship with Dylan O Brien. Let see will this relationship can be real in the mean time.



Kendall Jenner and Ben Simmons are Caught Having a Romantic Holiday on Mexico – From the first time Kendall and Ben Simmons are rumored having a special relationship, both of them never want to admit and talk about it since the first time. Always stay away from public and media, This couple is like keeping their relationship so secretly.

But since both of them never want to admit their relationship, they are always become the target of media to be watch. there are so many moments is where media can capture a moment in where both of them a having fun together. And for this time Both of them are being caught spend a time together again.

But this time is not like a simple date or having a shopping together, They are being caught is having a holiday together in Mexico. That is the moment that being captured by the media in one the luxury place own American producer, Joe Francis.

Both of them is caught trying to have their own time. As we know on this holiday both of them are not alone, they are with their friends also. But both of them choose to be together by relaxing on the sofa near the swimming pool.

They look likes enjoy the moment they are being together alone, Looks there are a lot of smile on their face that sign they are really comfortable being alone and do not want it to be end. Kendall always stare of Ben face on that moment.

There is a cute moment in where Kendall try to kick on ben face using her legs and Ben is trying hard to get away from her.

Absolutely it can become a sweet moment that can captured by the paparazi, Maybe there is know a scene where both of them having a kiss or a hug, but Their act just now can be the prove that both of them a comfortable being together on this moment.



Emma Stone Confess That Getting Married and Having Baby is Her Priority Now – In her early 30, Emma Stone start to thinking about getting married and having her own baby. As we know Emma Stone is one of the most popular actress that already been in movie still she is young. All of his all day is fill by working on hollywood. But now the star and also the executive producer by Maniac serial movie tell her life story to Jennifer Lawrence on Elle USA in September edition. Evidently Emma and J Law is been a friend for such a long time guys.

“My perspective about kids is changing along with the change on my age. On my teen i never thinking for having baby and take care of them. There is a moment in where i am thinking that i am fine being single and do not to getting married and having a baby,” Tells Emma to Jennifer.

“But When i get Older, I feel like getting married is a process of life that we need to face it and suddenly because of that  i feel that really want to have a kid now,” tell Emma with her chuckle smile.

Emma realize that in the moment she will be on her 30. Maybe that number is not very old, but also clearly that not a very young one. So for now her main ambition is to fullfill her personal desire rather than the professional one.

Emma Stone ever having a date with Andrew garfield, Her partner on Amazing Spiderman. But unfortunely they call it an end on October 2015 after been in a relationship almost 4 year. Now Emma has been rumored having a relationship with Dave McCary, a television writer. They has been in a relationship almost a year but they are a few news for them cause Emma alone do not active on social media.

Both Emma and Jennifer Lawrence do not have a social media account, because of that it is hard for their fans to know about their presence life. When Emma been asked why she does not having a social media account, she reply by telling that she thinks that social media does not give her any positive impact, so why she need to having it.

Let us pray and hope that Emma Stone can get all she want in the future.


What Happen to Sam Smith After The Accident About “Jackson” ?

Mengaku Tak Suka Michael Jackson, Sam Smith Banjir Hujatan – Sam Smith just get so many criticism from public after  his opinion about Michael Jackson. This thing happen when the singer of “Lay Me Down” say that he is not  a big fan for King of Pop when he and Adam Lambert having a holiday together in the past weekend.

It is came from the video that accidentally post by Adam that showing the conversation between them into his instagram account in 9 august. When finding that the video he post is causing a chaos, Adam already delete the video. Unfortunately, That video already spread too wide on social media.

On that short video, both of that musician looks enjoy their holiday on the ship with hearing the song by Michael Jackson “Human Nature”. from the video we can hear that Sam Smith say ” I do not like Michael Jackson, but this is a nice song.”

when this video is retweet by one of twitter user from their twitter account, The big fans of Michael Jackson showing their feelings by criticized on Sam. Moreover, some of them  also swear a lot about the video.

“Only a stupid people do not like King of Pop,” say one of the fans. “I do not like Sam Smith and his songs is a trash,” say another fans. “This is the end for you after what you say about Jackson,” treat from the other one.

Not only getting a criticize  from their fans, Sam also getting the same comment from Stephanie Mills one of the famous music writer. Even Stephanie from her personal instagram account quip Sam. A 61 year old Steph also say that only when Sam can get over anything and any record that make by Michael jackson, Only on that point Sam can talk anything he likes about Michael.

But until now there is no any clarification from both Adam and Sam about that video. But one thing for sure, until now Sam Smith still getting so many criticism from the fans of Michael jackson on his social media account.





Justin Bieber & Hailey Baldwin Caught Crying in New York Side Street – There is a story that the reporter share to us about Justin Bieber and Hailey Baldwin this weekend. The Reporter claim that accidentally he found out Justin and Hailey are having a fun riding a bicycle In New York city on tuesday morning, But suddenly both of them go down from their bicycle and sit in the sideways of New York street. And the next thing that happen is where Hailey look likes try to make Justin calm down by cheering him. Justin look likes he is crying and cover his face with his two hands.

Hailey try to calm down her fiancee by softly touch his back and try to comfort him, At last it seems Justin look like stop crying. but after Justin stop crying, it is look likes Hailey become the one that crying, And another romantic scene happen in where Justin with all his feelings try to touch Hailey face that look like holding the tears come out from her eye.

Until now there is no one know why both of them acting like that. An hour after that accident, Hailey post the picture with Justin on her insta story and act like nothing happen between them.

She shared a black and white picture in where show both of them is kissing with the word “My Love’ in upper side of the picture.

From their closed family, The reporter get a news on how both of them are more than ready to move their relationship into the next level which is married, Every one are so happy because of that news.

Let see will this relationship will end with the happy one or the bad one.



Present You The One and Only Zac Efron on Teen Choice Awards 2018 – When people heard the name of Zac Efron, Mostly all of them will agreed that he is one of the mos handsome man this earth ever have. A ex superstar on High School Musical already known that he has the gift in his face since he were young. Until now there are so many women that are already bewitched by Zac Efron appearance.

But there is a moment where everyone confused about this handsome actor decision which is when he do a dreadlocks on his hair. There are so many people tell that Zac is not suitable with that kind of hair.

Luckily this is not going to long, because as we can see on Teen Choice Awards we can see that Zac already change his hairstyle. Surely this Baywatch actor showing his handsome face with his short hair and his casual shirt on that day.

And also in that event he is going to get an award as a winner, not only one time he goes up to the stage to receive the awards, but Zac in total got 3 awards in Teen Choice Awards 2018.

Start from the best actor from Drama categories, the best collaboration, the best film, The most handsome man until the best kissing scene got by Zac on that night. Mostly all of the nominee come from his action in the film The Greatest Showman. So finnaly on that night Zac come home with three Trophy which is the best actor drama , the best collaboration and also the best film

Zac represent all other The Greatest Showman kru to be on stage to receive that Trophy. And he show his gratitude to all his fans by saying thanks again and again.

So how Hlovers, prefer Zac with shorthair or  the messy one ?